Identity in Communities and Networks

Cyberhate, Stereotypes, and Social Media: Exploring Instagram’s Role in Reinforcing Harmful Gender Identity Norms

Many early Web 2.0 scholars held high hopes for Instagram. Unlike the rigid perceptions of gender reinforced through traditional media, social network sites (SNS) were heralded as a space where harmful gender norms could be challenged, dismantled, and eradicated. However, cultural and institutional filters embedded within Instagram communities are having quite the opposite effect, instead reinforcing and reproducing existing hegemonic gender stereotypes, inhibiting the formation of group and individual identities that fall outside of existing gender norms, mirroring offline inequalities, and slowing the progress of fourth wave feminism. Read more [...]
Communities and Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is just the virtualized jungle.

like us on Facebook & Twitter click to download PDF versionDownload Abstract This paper is aimed to analyse the influence of web 2.0 social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter… on the users both mentally and financially. There are huge number of new online social communities established by web 2.0 technology, the owners and developers of them usually launch original social media platforms for free to entice the maximum users at the beginning stage, however the Read more [...]
Communities and Web 2.0

Web 2.0 and Feminism: Is social media making us complacent?

Introduction Although the rise of Web 2.0 platforms such as social media and blogging sites has allowed feminists to globally communicate, connect and broaden their community, it has not affected any real change for the women who need it. It has helped feminism evolve into a movement that is easily accessible online, yet this ‘Internet age’ of feminism is not as adept at achieving these equalities through action. Social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram, blog websites, and other Read more [...]
Communities and Web 2.0

Instagram and AFL: The changing nature of fan-player interaction

Instagram is one of the most accessed social media platforms with around 1 billion active users worldwide (Statista, 2019) where people can connect with others. Social media is an important tool that has significantly changed over the years with more individuals connecting with others in today’s society. The idea of Instagram comes from ways people share photos or videos content via the social media app. Although there are risks of using Instagram for example, the security issues of how unauthorized Read more [...]
Identity in Communities and Networks

You no longer need to go to Europe to “find yourself”: Youth and forming identity using social media communities

Downloadable PDF of this paper hereDownload ABSTRACT The rise and popularity of social media platforms has become a significant part of young adults’ social and emotional development. These social media networks (SNS) provide adolescents with new opportunities to perform, practice, and explore diverse individual identity expressions online. All while forming influential and supportive connections within these virtual communities. This paper defines a social media Read more [...]
Social Networks

How do small creative businesses benefit from making use of social networks?

Abstract Although there are concerns that premeditated and calculated authenticity on social media can cause creative small business to lose their connection with community, self-branding can also strengthen community ties and brand loyalty with customers. This paper seeks to explore how creative businesses are able to succeed by utilising social networks and marketing techniques to make their businesses more publicly visible. These include the use of virtual studios Read more [...]
Social Networks

Twitter terrorism

Abstract summary Experts suggest Twitter is not a typical social network, with its topological characteristics making it more akin to a broadcast medium – comprising of a unique playing field of mass media, evangelists, and grassroots contributors (Cha, Benevenuto, Haddadi, & Gummadi, 2012). Dissecting Twitter’s affordances of anonymity, identity, and spreadability through differential association theory, statistics, and academic reports on digital community and identity, we explore how Read more [...]
Communities and Web 2.0 Social Networks

Kmart Themed Instagram Accounts and the Online Communities they Inspire.

Kmart Themed Instagram Accounts and the Online Communities they Inspire. Kmart-Themed-Instagram-Accounts-and-the-Online-Communities-they-Inspire-PDFDownload Abstract: This conference paper is about Kmart themed Instagram accounts and the online communities that are created and supported by Kmart fans and Kmart Australia. This conference paper explains how the online communities evolved and why they are considered communities. This conference paper also touches on the benefits the online communities Read more [...]
Social Networks

The value of social networks to engage and inform global citizens during an epidemic

Abstract This paper discusses the growing role of social media (SM) platforms to inform and connect communities during epidemics in the digital age, compared to a time when online networks were not as available or utilised by the huge volume of global citizens and Government agencies who use them today. While acknowledging valid concerns around the ease with which misinformation may be spread on SM, important uses of SM platforms are examined in relation to their ability to assist with disease Read more [...]