The Social Capital of SMIs in the Consumerist Realm

Abstract:             Social Media Influencers (SMIs) play a growing and important role within the consumerist realm. The wealth of SMIs social capital lies in the number of followers they have who are loyal patrons to the SMIs brand. Companies have realised they need to take advantage of the power of SMIs’ social capital to successfully … Continue reading The Social Capital of SMIs in the Consumerist Realm

Did you hear? Word-of-mouth advertising is more effective than traditional advertising

Did you hear? Word-of-mouth advertising is more effective than traditional advertising Shannon Wells Curtin University Abstract This conference paper explores the relationship between social media influencers and their followers, and how they become a community. It explores how followers are more prone to trust a social media influencers opinion on products or places because of … Continue reading Did you hear? Word-of-mouth advertising is more effective than traditional advertising

What impact do Instagram influencers have on the community?

  The effect of social capital on Instagram  influencers audiences Nicola Roque Curtin University   Abstract This paper will discuss the strong ties that are formed in the involved communities of social media influencers, using the social media platform Instagram as an example. One Instagram influencer who has a large Instagram following is Tammy Hembrow; … Continue reading What impact do Instagram influencers have on the community?

Indigenous Australians and social networking: Post-colonial challenges and innovative digital practice

Author:  Bec Allen Bec Allen’s work has predominantly been with Indigenous Australian young people in the development of Kimberley-based film and photography projects. Bec is currently studying her Master of Internet Communications online from the remote town of Kununurra, the home of the Miriuwung and Gajerrong people. Her paper presents some of the challenges that Indigenous … Continue reading Indigenous Australians and social networking: Post-colonial challenges and innovative digital practice

Contentious Conversations:  Race, Religion and Participation Within the New Media Landscape

James Manson. May 2018. Abstract The ubiquity of the internet and subsequent convergence of technology and culture, combined with the functionality of social media has allowed for new media technologies to be utilised by indigenous and marginalised communities as an effective mode of communication that crosses several cultural, geographic and political lines. Social media has … Continue reading Contentious Conversations:  Race, Religion and Participation Within the New Media Landscape

Competitive FPS communities; An analysis of the types of communication that occurs in the third place and the emergence of esports in mainstream society

Abstract Communities play an important role in acknowledging different groups of people who have similar interests. Within these communities, candidates facilitate different methods of communication with applications, evident through the progression in new emergent technologies. This paper first explores the concept of ‘third place’. It then reviews the concept of online games, delving into the … Continue reading Competitive FPS communities; An analysis of the types of communication that occurs in the third place and the emergence of esports in mainstream society

Identity, Pseudonymity, and Social Media Networks

Abstract This paper explores the topic of identity in communities and social networks, specifically, how pseudonyms are used by social media users to control what is revealed about their identity (and to whom), for political dissent, to explore identity, and for freedom of expression. Examining published research by Hogan (2013), Marwick and boyd (2011), Papacharissi … Continue reading Identity, Pseudonymity, and Social Media Networks

Get to know our DCNIX Presenters

Omar Abuyabor Ananya Alagh Rebecca Allen has worked across the fields of media education, arts management and community development for over a decade. Her work has predominantly been with Indigenous Australian young people in the development of Kimberley-based film and photography projects. Bec is currently studying her Master of Internet Communications from the remote town … Continue reading Get to know our DCNIX Presenters