Creative Identities in Creative Online Communities by Tikvah Jesse Vismer

Creative Identities in Creative Online Communities by Tikvah Jesse Vismer Abstract The following paper argues that social media has not weakened creative identity in the creative communities online. This paper uses a number of journal articles, the book Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon, as well … Continue reading Creative Identities in Creative Online Communities by Tikvah Jesse Vismer

Growing Up In The Social Network

Abstract: This paper explores the role that online communities and the social network play in the development and implementing of identity from adolescents through to young adults. This is done primarily through the analysis of the various features and benefits of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Blogger as well contributing factors to identity development … Continue reading Growing Up In The Social Network


Abstract A cultural transformation of society over the years besides a modern convergence of media platforms has increased the network in many communities, mainly in the political environment. According to the principles of convergence culture of Jenkins (2006), which means a new way of collaboration between users and media, this paper examines how the use … Continue reading SOCIAL MEDIA AND POLITICAL PROTEST: SOCIAL MOVEMENTS DUE TO WEB 2.0

Privacy and Censorship in Chinese Web Communities

Abstract             This paper explores the privacy and censorship issues among web communities in China. This paper looks at the different social media platforms banned in China such as Facebook, Twitter and Google and their Chinese controlled replacements including WeChat and Weibo. This paper will introduce the reasons for the Chinese government to invade the … Continue reading Privacy and Censorship in Chinese Web Communities

Conflict, Authenticity and Deception: The Impact of Trolls on Communities and Networks

Abstract This paper will discuss how identities within technologically mediated communication channels have drastically impacted communication between online community members. This communication failure has resulted in conflicts within online communication sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. This paper discusses the lack in social capital which will eventuate in conflict and friction within an … Continue reading Conflict, Authenticity and Deception: The Impact of Trolls on Communities and Networks

Beauty Influencers and Their Changing Identities

Abstract This paper explores how within the beauty community, specifically looking at the YouTube and Instagram community of influencers that have amassed millions of followers, beauty influencers are shaped by the community as they make changes to their identities based on the platforms they are on. The platforms explored are Instagram and Twitter, discussing the … Continue reading Beauty Influencers and Their Changing Identities

Can Networked Participation Deliver Political Transformation? An Indigenous Australian Activist Context

Abstract Enthusiasm for the politically transformative potential of networked participation is echoed throughout Internet studies. In many accounts, participation in digital networks is configured as a central democratising force: if networked platforms afford an opportunity for the previously voiceless to speak, the flattening of old hierarchies, it goes, must follow. However, critics are increasingly questioning … Continue reading Can Networked Participation Deliver Political Transformation? An Indigenous Australian Activist Context

Millennials raising their voices on important global issues through social network sites (SNS).

Abstract Social networking sites (SNS) within the past decade has revolutionised the world we live in. This conference paper highlights the most recent findings on the positive aspects of Social Networking Sites and how social networking has generated a positive impact on equal opportunities and social justice within Western culture. Online movements have encouraged users … Continue reading Millennials raising their voices on important global issues through social network sites (SNS).

The Symbiotic Relationship Of Online Gaming and Community Building

Written by Callum Duffy, Curtin University   Abstract: This paper largely focuses on the relationship between Online Gaming and the various Communities formed because of it. Specifically analysing communities found by using ‘Overwatch’ as a prime example, the main argument presented is that various communities focused on a single, core aspect unifying them all are … Continue reading The Symbiotic Relationship Of Online Gaming and Community Building

Fortnite: The Viral Success of Socially Competitive Online Multiplayer Games and their Communities

Abstract This paper aims to investigate the power social capital holds in cross-platform online gaming communities, and argues that socially completive multiplayer games are more popular because of their development of social capital. Fortnite: Battle Royale, although a relatively new game, is a prime example of how the cross-platform communities have resulted in the viral … Continue reading Fortnite: The Viral Success of Socially Competitive Online Multiplayer Games and their Communities