YouTube, YouConnect, YouStay: The Motivation of User to Contribute to the Online Content

by Ally Chua Student, Curtin University Abstract This paper will discuss YouTube as a Web2.0 application that allows communities to form through communication and motivates the community members to stay in the space to enrich the online contents. The elements of the Web 2.0 like user-generated-content, collective consumption, accessibility, free culture make the user to … Continue reading YouTube, YouConnect, YouStay: The Motivation of User to Contribute to the Online Content

Activism on social media as a public sphere.

Social Network Social media as a public space in the 21st century. Abstract. Social media have progressively became extensive and enormous. Nonetheless, the written works on political issues and the internet has not completely clutched just how much the global computer network have crucially and radically changed the aspect of organisational interaction, ranging from an … Continue reading Activism on social media as a public sphere.

Dungeons & Dragons: From tabletop to desktop

Abstract Tabletop role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons have made the shift in recent years from a purely offline gaming system to functioning online, albeit with minor adjustments to format. As a game system that relies upon the players investing themselves in a fictional world that they will flesh out with their own created … Continue reading Dungeons & Dragons: From tabletop to desktop

Behavioral impact of youth on social media.

Abstract In recent years, social media have become a major part of our lives and it has impacted our ways of socializing both in the real world as well as the online communities that are present. With advancement in Web 2.0 and the growing popularity of social networking sites amongst teens, users are conformed in … Continue reading Behavioral impact of youth on social media.

Does Social Media encouraging women’s participation in politics in Mauritius?

Abstract   This paper consists of how social media are encouraging women to participate in politics nowadays in a country like Mauritius. The first point that will be analysed is what the author Bihel argued on how women has adopted the concept of participatory culture online in order to build a community which will enable … Continue reading Does Social Media encouraging women’s participation in politics in Mauritius?

Instagram and It’s Internal Communities

Abstract This paper argues that there are several communities that are able to communicate and collaborate online, using the social media network, Instagram. These communities include fashion, beauty and fitness. The paper includes an article by Syrdal and Briggs (2018), describing how Instagram visual-based interface increases the engagement and communication on that particular platform. Also, … Continue reading Instagram and It’s Internal Communities

Inclusivity of the Modern Gaming Community and the Reinvention of Online Gaming Identity through Streaming Platforms

 Abstract This paper explores the online gaming community and the facilitation of this community in the modern era through the growth of the Twitch video streaming platform. Also examined within this paper is the new way in which self-identity is formed within these gaming communities without taking into account the skill factor of the players … Continue reading Inclusivity of the Modern Gaming Community and the Reinvention of Online Gaming Identity through Streaming Platforms

Online Media Platforms and Social Networking allow for Deceptive Communication to Occur Online with Ease

  Online Media Platforms and Social Networking allow for Deceptive Communication to Occur Online with Ease Abstract This paper explores the connection between social networking platforms and the arise of deceptive communication in cyberspace as social media and technology become more interweaved into everyday routines.  The purpose of this paper is to assess how online … Continue reading Online Media Platforms and Social Networking allow for Deceptive Communication to Occur Online with Ease

The Social Media Obsessed Generation Changing the US Gun Debate for the Better

Catherine Paull  Abstract This paper explores how the surviving victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) High School mass shooting have created a strong community and used social media to advocate for tighter gun control. They have formed the Never Again movement that has already gained widespread support, and organized two national events (National Walkout … Continue reading The Social Media Obsessed Generation Changing the US Gun Debate for the Better

Facebook is ruining our real identity

Abstract This paper explores several articles that report on result from research conducted on how Facebook is ruining our real identity. The articles show how Facebook is ruining our identity in different forms. The article of Mehdizadeh (2010) demonstrates how the target for some now in their use of Facebook ends up being the way … Continue reading Facebook is ruining our real identity