Identity in Communities and Networks

Cyberhate, Stereotypes, and Social Media: Exploring Instagram’s Role in Reinforcing Harmful Gender Identity Norms

Many early Web 2.0 scholars held high hopes for Instagram. Unlike the rigid perceptions of gender reinforced through traditional media, social network sites (SNS) were heralded as a space where harmful gender norms could be challenged, dismantled, and eradicated. However, cultural and institutional filters embedded within Instagram communities are having quite the opposite effect, instead reinforcing and reproducing existing hegemonic gender stereotypes, inhibiting the formation of group and individual identities that fall outside of existing gender norms, mirroring offline inequalities, and slowing the progress of fourth wave feminism. Read more [...]
Identity in Communities and Networks

Performative identities in online health and fitness communities are key to meeting fitness goals

Performative identities in online health and fitness communities are key to meeting fitness goalsDownload Individuals who are active participants in online health and fitness communities experience greater success in meeting their health and fitness goals when they portray a performative identity of a fit and healthy individual on social networking sites. Firstly, this paper will discuss the role of community in influencing individual members to achieve their health and fitness goals. It will Read more [...]
Identity in Communities and Networks Uncategorized

Identity and An Assumption of Trust in Online Auction Sites

ABSTRACT This paper will argue there is an assumption of trust in online communities such as eBay and that deception by members threatens to damage that trust. Trust is essential for building strong relationships and establishing credibility. An authentic identity helps establish that credibility. Deception threatens the stability of online auction sites, their members and their reputations. This can then have a negative effect on future sales and transactions with others. The studies that Read more [...]
Identity in Communities and Networks Social Networks

Visuals, Influencers, and Envy

The rise of social media networks has changed how we communicate, and visual communication has seemingly become important because it is more attractive and engaging. Social network platforms that are visually based are beneficial for people seeking to build their own brand as visual communication is effective in reaching large groups of people. Instagram has become more accessible and is now seen as a beneficial tool in the rise of beauty and fashion influencers. Particular features of Instagram Read more [...]
Identity in Communities and Networks

Virtue Signalling via Social Media and the rise of Veganism.

Social Network Sites allow users to create powerful online identities by portraying their strong moral codes by virtue signaling their activism to causes and movements such as veganism, which has grown in popularity exponentially with the uptake of Social Media. Abstract This paper will discuss the performance of online identity and how people can demonstrate their moral and ethical codes with a few keystrokes while not actually having to necessarily demonstrate their commitment to them in Read more [...]
Identity in Communities and Networks

How pseudonymity in online communities has the effect of being a double-edged sword

Introduction The World Wide Web came into being initially as a read-only space where there was very little collaboration, communication or participation by ordinary users and online communities did not exist. But it was a matter of time before change came. Significant change came about as a result of the emergence of the transformational Web 2.0 technologies. Cyberspace became a vibrant space that encouraged community participation in content creation, sharing, collaboration and communication Read more [...]
Identity in Communities and Networks

Genuine or Constructed? The Authenticity of Zoella’s Identity Within The Context Of Her YouTube Community

Once the internet heralded in Web 2.0 and the focus became on connecting people with “the architecture of participation” (Arya & Mishra, 2012, p. 28), online communities began to form as individuals networked with each other. Within these communities, leaders emerged, and then these leaders become the nucleus from which new communities formed. These leaders often take the form of online personalities, and the influence they have over their communities of fans is substantial. This leads to Read more [...]
Identity in Communities and Networks

Young women, Instagram and creating identity

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to understand how young women create their identities in relation to others in online environments. I will argue that young women shape their identities in regard to the sociological influences created by others, peers and audiences alike, through the performing of their identity and the impression that they control and monitor of these displays of identity. I will discuss this using Goffman’s work on performance identity and impression management in relation Read more [...]
Identity in Communities and Networks

You no longer need to go to Europe to “find yourself”: Youth and forming identity using social media communities

Downloadable PDF of this paper hereDownload ABSTRACT The rise and popularity of social media platforms has become a significant part of young adults’ social and emotional development. These social media networks (SNS) provide adolescents with new opportunities to perform, practice, and explore diverse individual identity expressions online. All while forming influential and supportive connections within these virtual communities. This paper defines a social media Read more [...]
Identity in Communities and Networks

Wokeness: Performing an identity on Twitter


Online activism is an important part of modern-day activism. However, many people in activist circles on Twitter perform wokeness to gain social currency. By looking at the Black Lives Matter and fourth-wave feminist movements, as well as the 2018 plastic straw debates, I look at how Twitter users fall into the trap of focusing on the performative aspects of activism to gain social currency or relevance.

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