Communities and Social Media

Social media has influenced and revolutionised food industry through virtual food communities

Abstract Social media communities are influencing the food industry through virtual food communities. Virtual food communities are prevalent on various social media platforms where food enthusiasts with different hobbies and interests come together to build a strong community. The argument that this paper presents is that virtual food communities have influenced and revolutionized food industry. There has been a rapid growth in consumption communities formed around products, brands, and services Read more […]

Identity and Online Advocacy

Social Media Influencers and Identity Formation

Social Media Influencers and Identity Formation PDF Version HereDownload How individuals identify themselves and choose to identify themselves in online communities and networks have been largely impacted by the identity cues they pick up from influencers. Influencers on social media convey certain ideas, lifestyles and behaviours which advocate and inspire certain ideas and influences individuals to portray similar behaviours. Social media allows individuals to seek out appropriate communities, Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Exploring the construction of identity in health and wellness Instagram influcers

Instagram has allowed people to construct their identity in ways to send their target audience desired messages. For some people this is just sharing images of their lives with family and friends to show they are happy and out living life. For other, their identity and self-presentation is carefully constructed to be marketable. Health and wellness influencers wield a great deal of power online by promoting a healthy lifestyle to their online communities through their online self-presentation. However, Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

How social media such as Twitter and Discord can help individuals with mental illness and build communities online

Abstract Social media plays a huge role in people’s daily life. It has a huge potential of bringing individuals together and can create a specific community such as mental health, where people can talk about their problems and be in a community with the similar problems. There are a few reasons why social media can be a benefit for people who are suffering with mental health. One of the reasons are smooth social interactions. People who have difficulty interacting face to face can feel much Read more […]

Communities and Social Media


Tags : #Facebook #conference #facebookasmarketingtool #debate #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #businessmarketing #digitalmarketing #digitaladvertisement Abstract Social media such as facebook believed to be the the platform that can increase customer interaction and participation and also the alternative to traditional way of promoting business. The purpose of this conference paper is to elaborate the main point why social media such as facebook as effective way of marketing tool to promote Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Twitch.TV, Empowering Fan Communities

Twitch over the last decade has risen to prominence throughout the internet specifically in the gaming community. This article focusses primarily on the research of Taylor (2018) and Lin et al. (2019) which outline ‘Twitch’s’ ( features as a platform and how they impact their audience. Using this research as a base a comparison between ‘Twitch’ and previous entertainment medias is used to argue that streaming platforms such as ‘Twitch’ have changed the relationship between creators and fan communities empowering them by, requiring creators to interact with their community to succeed, integrating fan communities into content production, and enabling fan communities to have a greater influence over the content they receive.

Communities and Social Media

Because peer to peer support groups on social media offer anonymity and the choice to selectively disclose information, the benefits of accessibility and overcoming distance and time barriers outweigh the risks of potential negative attitudes and misinformation.

Ortiz_15025438_A1_Conference_Paper_SP1_2021Download Introduction Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter allow users to create peer to peer support groups which can cater to diverse communities, such as people with severe mental illnesses or chronic diseases and their carers, parent support groups and early career teachers. In the context of peer to peer support, social media platforms allow users to connect over large geographical distances at times that are convenient for them Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

How social media is facilitating hyper-personal communication and how this can be damaging to physical skills and relationships, yet also the mental wellbeing of individuals.

Hyper-personal communication refers to communication instigated by the internet, allowing people to connect in an extremely personal and even intimate manner. It explores the idea that individuals begin to idealize these online relationships, especially as they develop a confidence from interacting from the safety of behind a screen. However, this form of communication is having a dramatic negative impact, especially on our younger generations, with hyper-personal relationships and anonymity facilitating Read more […]

Online Networks and Social Change

The Fourth Wave: How Social Media has Revolutionised Feminism

By Lauren Anderson ABSTRACT The evolution of Web 2.0 has drastically revolutionised the ways in which society functions, having an irreversible impact on the practices of modern activism (Storer & Rodriguez, 2020). Consequently, Feminism has undergone a shift that heavily features the use of social media and digital technologies, with this ‘fourth wave’ being explicitly defined by this use of the internet and online networks in Feminist activism (Schuster, 2013; Jackson, 2018; Pruchniewska, Read more […]

Online Networks and Social Change

The Influence of Slacktivism on Feminist Movements

Social technology has led to the establishment of post-modern and sociological communities online, allowing a group of diverse individuals to share interests and perspectives on social standings. Through the continuous innovation of social technology, users online are now able to participate in online activity from anywhere at any time through platforms such as Twitter. This encourages individuals to take part in and advocate in social and political affairs without having to leave their homes. Traditionally, Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

“How Social Media Has Become a Place for People to Uphold Civil Rights and Equality”

WenHuiGoh19876999_Conference-Paper.docxDownload Abstract Social media has changed the level of engagement and participation of the importance of upholding civil rights and equality in people’s mind. It is really encouraging that the technology of the digital world has provoked people’s interest about unfair social issues and people nowadays are highly engaged in enhancing the social environment through online interaction. As the freedom of speech is being emphasized in this generation, Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Social Media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, have led to the decline of Mental Well-being

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to investigate and explain how social media can have negative impacts on the mental well-being of users. This paper will argue that online social media communities are inauthentic and yet are replacing real communities which is consequently causing mental health to suffer. The evidence to support this position is that the illusion of sociality prompted by platforms are in actuality inauthentic; that platforms encourage false self-promotion; and that online Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Social Media and Online Health Communities: Changes in psychological states and the fight against depression.

Download Abstract: The importance of social media and online communities in people’s life has risen significantly over the last decades. Social media platforms and communities are among the most used services on the internet with 3.9 billion of users worldwide. This paper will discuss on the facts that social media platforms and online communities are supporting and helping people with depressive disorders by providing a safe space to address and express their mental issues and also making Read more […]

Online Networks and Social Change

The Development and Consumption of Social Media has Changed the ways we Receive and Consume Breaking News.

  Conference-Paper-2Download Abstract Traditional media is struggling to keep up with the rapid development of new media that provides opportunities for users to participate rather than being passive. The paper reviews how the development of new media and the consumption of social media has changed the way users receive and consume breaking news. As newspapers face the question of how to keep alive, the relentless growth of digital media is increasingly outdating them which subsequently Read more […]

Identity and Online Advocacy

Unrealistic Body Image and Facial Appearance on Social Media

Conference Paper PDF FullDownload Abstract This paper is about how social media is promoting unrealistic body image and facial appearance on its platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. A person’s identity on social media is radically different from their personal identity outside the virtual community. In this case, unrealistic body and facial appearance are promoted on social media platforms through the virtual identity of the user and not the personal one. Unrealistic body image Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Amateurism VS Professionalism: Who will prevail in the digital era?

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to highlight and explore the aspects from the rise of amateurism on the social media platforms.  Web 2.0 has lowered the barriers towards content creation and with the aspects of participatory culture has brought forward the formation of communities online where people can exchange ideas and tips.  In the contemporary world, anyone can have access to the tools for the content creation and tutorials available across social media.  As a result, amateur Read more […]

Online Networks and Social Change

Social Networking and its Influence on Arab Spring to Create Social Change

Abstract Social networking did not cause the revolution but the affordances of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube most certainly facilitated the uprisings of Arab Spring, leading to moderate concessions such as the removal of unpopular leaders. Arab Spring was a connection of uprisings across Arab nations due to poor living standards, the movements were able to gain awareness and support via the use of social networking sites which broadcasted the protests. Clicktivism and hashtag activism played Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

How social media explicitly promote users’ creativity in different dimensions.

To download and view the paper offline follow the link below: 19278773_ConferencePaperDownload ———————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract In this paper, the notion of creativity and innovation is discussed with social media’s particular reference in multiple ways. The essay begins with brief introductions that allow the reader to get information regarding how social media explicitly promote Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Social Media Provides a Third Place for LGBT Youth

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine how and why LGBTQIA+ youth use online platforms to create communities. It argues that social media platforms, such as Tik Tok and YouTube facilitate communication and connection between teens so they are able to find support when they are unable to through other means (families, friends etc.). Without the platforms, LGBTQIA+ may not be able to express their identities or be provided with education about their sexualities from likeminded communities. Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Christian Young Adults on Facebook

Amber’s Conference Paper PDFDownload Abstract: This essay will investigate how Facebook has given Christian Young Adults aged between 18-26 years old, a space to express and re-define their identity as well as how it has been evolving across the social media platform to embrace the idea of a “third place” for these youth. This is shown by looking into how the young adults find their identity and why do they need to have an online identity. This is done Read more […]