Identity in Communities and Networks

Wokeness: Performing an identity on Twitter


Online activism is an important part of modern-day activism. However, many people in activist circles on Twitter perform wokeness to gain social currency. By looking at the Black Lives Matter and fourth-wave feminist movements, as well as the 2018 plastic straw debates, I look at how Twitter users fall into the trap of focusing on the performative aspects of activism to gain social currency or relevance.

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Communities and Web 2.0

Digital Activism in Online Communities and the Spread of Misinformation on Twitter

Abstract Digital activism is a prevalent form of political action which takes many forms of practice online. With an online presence on popular social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, digital activism has encouraged online communities and members of the younger demographics to be involved in expressing political opinion and rallying for social change. While the Internet provides endless amounts of information and credible sources to support boundless political topics, the spread Read more [...]
Social Networks

Twitter terrorism

Abstract summary Experts suggest Twitter is not a typical social network, with its topological characteristics making it more akin to a broadcast medium – comprising of a unique playing field of mass media, evangelists, and grassroots contributors (Cha, Benevenuto, Haddadi, & Gummadi, 2012). Dissecting Twitter’s affordances of anonymity, identity, and spreadability through differential association theory, statistics, and academic reports on digital community and identity, we explore how Read more [...]
Communities and Web 2.0

Communities without borders: Feminism fuelled by social media

Download PDF for offline readingDownload Abstract Social media has changed feminist communication and activism strategies from small, local movements to vast, global campaigns.  The use of filters on social media has allowed communities of strangers to form so they may carry out global and multilingual feminist campaigns. The use of social media by such campaigns has the added effect of empowering young women and girls while giving them online safe spaces to practice speaking out. Introduction The Read more [...]