Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are well-known over the world; they have brought the world and the community closer by allowing people to communicate and connect in real-time. Every day, these social media platforms strive to enhance their systems to make life simpler for their users. It increased work prospects, brought loved ones closer together, and enhanced human contact to new heights (Vanderkaay, 2010). However, most users are unaware of the drawbacks Read more [...]
The purpose of this paper is to help readers to understand the influence the social media app Tiktok now has on what’s trending in the fashion community. I will be arguing that in order for fashion companies targeted at Gen Z women to be relevant, they must have somewhat of a Tiktok presence relating to the stream of communities and social media. I will be discussing the works of Wellman and Abidin amongst others to support my argument as well as discussing concepts such as the networked Read more [...]
Health and Fitness Influencers on TikTok are Spreading Misinformation to Young and Impressionable Audiences within their Community
This paper discusses how the emergence of health and fitness influencers on the social media platform TikTok have negatively contributed to the spread of misinformation within online communities. Although this is not a new issue within the world of social media, it does however pose as a pressing issue as unsubstantiated claims and misleading content Read more [...]
This paper is about how online influencers are a liability to society. Online influencers are defined as the new celebrities and idols of society, they are admired, followed, loved by millions. In this case, we discuss who really are the influencers, how were they initiated and how they became marketing weapons used by the industry for one sole purpose the exposition of their products to the audience online. This Read more [...]
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects Instagram has on mental health issues such as anxiety, social comparison and self-esteem when influencers falsely present themselves on social media. Focusing on the stream of online social networks and identity, we discover how the role of social media The increasing use of Instagram has resulted in a growing number of mental health issues, impacting healthy relationships, eating disorders, social interaction and emotional and Read more [...]
Fashion influencers and their authentic online identities
With the rise of online marketing and electronic word of mouth Instagram fashion influencers have become a vital part of advertising campaigns for fashion brands. Using authentic and trustworthy fashion influencers to promote brands to consumers has proven effective when it comes to marketing and often leads to increased sales. Fashion influencers build communities of followers by portraying an authentic online self Read more [...]
The digital realm has given us an unlimited space and opportunities to share our interests and communicate with others who share the same interest, those who takes the lead to create contents for the wide audience are called “Internet influencer”. These influencers have their own communities, where content consumers and fans can communicate with each other, share their interests and express their support for the influencers. In 2016, a brand-new internet celebrity phenomenon called Read more [...]
This paper explores the effect Instagram has had on the modern-day teenager, and how their identities are being influenced by its features. Whilst Instagram’s original purpose was always to share and promote people, teenagers have used the apps interactive features to compare their own sense of self with that of their peers. Features such as photo sharing, filter options and the like button have each created their own means for influence on the teenage population. Photo Read more [...]
Social media platforms have rapidly altered the portability, expansiveness, and fundamental nature of digital spaces. Communities within such platforms are notably susceptible to the activities of social media influencers (SMIs). This paper explores the effects SMIs have on online communities, and how they facilitate the development of authentic relationships within such. Feelings of sincerity and authenticity are generated through practices such as vlogging, attention labour engagement, Read more [...]