Although the rise of Web 2.0 platforms such as social media and blogging sites has allowed feminists to globally communicate, connect and broaden their community, it has not affected any real change for the women who need it. It has helped feminism evolve into a movement that is easily accessible online, yet this ‘Internet age’ of feminism is not as adept at achieving these equalities through action. Social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram, blog websites, and other interactive forums like Goodreads, have broken through previous barriers the feminist movement has faced by allowing feminists all across the world to connect and educate one another, creating a world-wide feminist community. Whilst the discussion surrounding current issues of gender inequality is louder than ever, the action put into changing it seems to have slowed right down.
How has the concept of community changed?
A common definition of community can be defined as a “spatially compact set of people with a high frequency of interaction, interconnections, and a sense of solidarity” (Gruzd, Wellman and Takhteyev, 2011), and when applied to those who interact via social media, platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are not considered a community. In the Internet age, the concept of community has shifted and changed as the relationships individuals within a certain community have can now transcend location, time and socio-economic status. There are still many people who are ambivalent about online interactions, believing social media sites to be the blame for damaging the solidarity of communities (Cohen, 2015), as opposed to being a beneficial facilitator that actually strengthens and even creates communities.
Despite the negative feedback that social media can often get, the connectedness it provides allowing personal and intimate relationships to emerge and prosper sees these platforms as falling under the umbrella of what defines a community.
A brief history of Feminism:
The Feminist movement is one that spans across centuries, with women being treated as the second class or inferior gender for a long time. In order to understand the timeline of the movement, it has been broken up into different time frames known as waves. First wave feminism spans from 1848 to 1920, and is not the beginning of feminist thought, but is marked by the first ongoing political movement that effected change in the Western world (Grady, 2018). The feminists of this time were known as the suffragettes, and engaged in protest, debate, lectures and any other means that would eventuate in equal rights for women, the main aim being to gain women the right to vote (Grady, 2018). In 1902, Australia granted women the right to vote, being noted as the second country to do so (Heath, 2019), America not granting women this right until 1920 (Grady, 2018).
Second wave feminism began in 1963 up until the 1980s, and can in large part be accredited to the release of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique in 1963, which stirred the anger of thousands of women who were tired of being seen as the inferior sex. The fight against gender inequality during this time was expressed predominantly through organised rallies and protests that would ensure these women were heard and that changes were made. What these women were fighting to achieve was the ability to have a credit card in their own name as well as taking out a mortgage, raising awareness about marital rape and domestic violence and abuse, and creating shelters and safe places for abused women to seek refuge (Grady, 2018).
Third wave feminism began roughly around 1991, yet faces a lot of debate about exactly what it is and whether or not it has ended or still continues (Grady, 2018). Despite this, it can most commonly be seen as originally aiming to combat sexual harassment in the workplace, and getting more women into positions of power and leadership roles (Grady, 2018). Beginning in the early 90s and continuing through the turn of the century, a lot of third wave feminism was more about image and had no specific goal, and thus does not have any legislation or social change attributed to it as first and second wave does (Grady, 2018). The introduction of the Internet and of new technologies was beginning to emerge, so perhaps the beginnings of ‘digital feminism’ can be seen as crossing over with third wave feminism, having an impact.
How the Web 2.0 and the Internet has connected Feminists
Whilst participating in online feminist communities through Web 2.0 platforms has not directly affected any obvious change for women in Western societies, the communicative reach and connectedness it fosters is unprecedented and unparalleled. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter enable feminists from all over the world to interact with one another and unite in their support of the same cause. Blogs, websites in which the author creates different posts and can be text, audio or video in nature (What is a wiki or blog, n.d.), have become an excellent way for feminists to remain educated and knowledgeable on global issues experienced by women in different countries and of different cultures.
For many women the online feminist community, however they may participate in it, offers a safe place that allows them to both talk about the inequalities they face in their everyday life as well as seek advice, comfort and support from women they have often never met yet who they bond with over their experiences. A study that was conducted at the Qatar Computing Research Institute (Magno and Weber, n.d.) revealed that women who live in countries with high levels of societal gender inequalities are more likely to have a strong presence online (Powell, 2018). The 24/7 nature of the online world and the ease of use of these Web 2.0 platforms enables women to focus on and share many of the smaller ways they battle gender inequalities in their everyday lives (Jackson, 2018).
The Sydney Feminists is a not for profit organisation that is run entirely online by a group of volunteers, and the organisation’s main objective is to raise awareness about the different discriminative issues women face in Australia and around the world (About The Sydney Feminists, 2018). To do this, they run a blog using blog-publishing service Blogger, in order to post a variety or articles written by volunteer writers on issues surrounding gender inequality. What this blog does is allow women from different backgrounds and with different life experiences to collate these articles into one place, so that women can remain educated on the way women experience inequality across the world.
Apart from providing an easily accessible place to share their experiences, Web 2.0 allows women to bond and connect in positive ways that still foster and focus on their feminist beliefs. It is important for people, in particular women, to engage in positive conversation and activities in order to feel close and to bond with someone (Pirie, 2019), and some of the benefits these positive interactions and relationships produce include “social trust, less stress, better health and more social support” (van der Horst and Coffé, 2011). Our Shared Shelf is an online feminist book club that was created and still run by popular actress and ambassador for UN Women, Emma Watson. The book club is set up through the popular reading site Goodreads, and every two months Watson selects a feminist book for participants to read and engage in discussion and thought on the page’s forum. The group currently has 23,0031 registered members, and aims to introduce women to feminist literature written by female authors from a variety of different cultures, ethnicities and lifestyles (Hudson, Ballif-Spanvill, Cline and Fincher, n.d.).
There is no denying that Web 2.0 platforms have provided an easy and highly accessible way for women and feminists to share their ideas and experiences, connect with many women across the world, and deepen their understanding of gender inequality outside their city or country. However, awareness and connection are not the same as action and change, which can be seen as the main contrast between feminism in a digital world, and feminism during a time that predates the Internet.
Compare and contrast: Feminism then and now
The difference between the feminist movement during the first and second wave to the third wave and the present day is predominantly action. As previously stated, Web 2.0 platforms provides no shortage of awareness and education, but it is the actual changing of circumstances for women that seems to be where it falls short. Whilst engaging with women of different backgrounds and from different circumstances is easily possible with the use of the Internet, this was often not the case during first and second wave feminism as women were restricted to their local area (Wallace, 2014). However, this did not stop women from effecting change.
First and second wave feminism was actively engaged in through the organisation of different protests and rallies in different cities or states (Grady, 2018). What this did was apply pressure to Governments and important political figures so that big legal and societal changes would be made. The right for women to vote was the biggest and most important outcome of first wave feminism (Grady, 2018), and the second wave feminist period being most known for allowing women the right to make their own decisions about pregnancy whilst remaining unrestricted by the Government (Turner-Graham, 2009). These two waves of feminism achieved these changes by protesting and fighting with these outcomes as their goals, and continued to harbour for change until they got it.
Feminism in the online world, however, can be seen as more reactionary and expressive of opinions, meaning that when something occurs and is shown in the media, those who consider themselves feminists take to social media. Women are willing to engage in opinion and debate on issues as they occur, yet there is not that specific goal-focused mentality of first and second wave feminism. These platforms allow women to engage with the media and publically share their thoughts on gender inequality issues of the zeitgeist, and whilst this may not be the most effective or coordinated way to start the process of necessary change, it is an easy way to bring attention to an issue. Although attention is not action, it can sometimes be enough to put pressure on those in positions of power and authority, and influence the outcome of certain events. A recent example of this kind of public attention bringing light to inequalities against women is the #MeToo movement.
Although the ‘MeToo’ movement started in 2006, it gained traction in 2017 when American actress Alyssa Milano tweeted her followers, asking them to reply to her tweet saying ‘me too’ if they have ever experienced sexual harassment or assault (Pflum, 2018). This resulted in thousands of replies to the tweet, other celebrities also replying and sharing their stories. The hashtag #MeToo began circulating the Internet on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, with many women sharing stories of assault and abuse for the first time, and uniting them, with film producer Harvey Weinstein being accused by dozens of female celebrities of sexual assault, harassment and rape cases being the most controversial result of the #MeToo movement. Without the presence of social media used in such a case, such a trial against Weinstein may have never occurred, and women may not have had the confidence to speak up against him. Although feminists today are not constantly fighting in an organised way to achieve certain equalities, they do have the ability to influence these injustices, as Web 2.0 allows them to publically and globally engage.
In conclusion
Web 2.0 platforms such as social media sites, blogs and other interactive forums have allowed the feminist community to not only broaden globally, but to strengthen as they have the ability to easily and constantly communicate with one another. Whilst this can only be a positive for women, it is different to that of feminism in previous years as it can make feminists complacent and satisfied with engaging with one another and educating one another, and the urgency for action to get results is not often there. It has made the movement easily accessible by a vast majority of women who wish to be a part of the movement, yet overall, Web 2.0 may be seen as something that has increased the conversation around feminism, but brought a halt to the auctioning of the movement.
Gruzd, A., Wellman, B. & Takhteyev, Y. (2011). Imagining Twitter as an Imagined Community. American Behavioral Scientist, 55(10), 1294-1318.
Grady, C. (2018, 20 March). The waves of feminism, and why people keep fighting over them, explained. Vox
Cohen, S., 2015. The Day Women Went on Strike. TIME, [online] Available at: <>.
Hampton, K. and Wellman, B., 2018. Lost and Saved . . . Again: The Moral Panic about the Loss of Community Takes Hold of Social Media. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, [online] 47(6), pp.643-651. Available at: <> .
Magno, G. and Weber, I., n.d. International Gender Differences And Gaps In Online Social Networks. [ebook] Qatar: Qatar Computing Research Institute. Available at: <> .
Powell, C., 2018. How Social Media Has Reshaped Feminism. [Blog] Council on Foreign Relations, Available at: <> [Accessed 5 April 2020].
Pflum, M., 2018. A Year Ago, Alyssa Milano Started A Conversation About #Metoo. These Women Replied.. [online] NBC News. Available at: <>.
Jackson, S., 2018. Young feminists, feminism and digital media. Feminism & Psychology, 28(1), pp.32-49. n.d. What Is A Wiki Or Blog-. [online] Available at: <>. 2018. About The Sydney Feminists. [online] Available at: <> .
Wallace, K., 2014. How Technology Helps Feminism And Poses Challenges – CNN. [online] CNN. Available at: <>.
Pirie, K., 2019. The Importance of Friendship, According to Psychologists. Good House Keeping, [online] Available at: <>.
Hudson, V., Ballif-Spanvill, B., Cline, E. and Fincher, L., n.d. Our Shared Shelf. [online] Goodreads. Available at: <>.
van der Horst, M. and Coffé, H., 2011. How Friendship Network Characteristics Influence Subjective Well-Being. Social Indicators Research, 107(3), pp.509-529.
Heath, N. (2019). Australia In Colour: The fight for women’s suffrage. SBS. Retrieved 23 April 2020, from
Turner-Graham, E. (2009). The Women’s Movement. Museums Victoria Collections. Retrieved 25 April 2020, from
18 replies on “Web 2.0 and Feminism: Is social media making us complacent?”
Hi Georgia,
It’s an interesting argument that you make. There are some big issues to consider in your paper. Your observation that “awareness and connection are not the same as action and change” (para. 10) is powerful.
I think global movements like #MeToo and #WomensMarch are have an important role to play in highlighting and educating people around feminist issues. As you discuss in your paper, these movements also create communities where people can gather and share their experiences and ideas. However, I agree that these global hashtag movements may be responsible for increased complacency and a lack of real action. For me, they are the platform that creates awareness and connects people across the world. From there, that global support needs to be filtered into more local, specific and meaningful actions.
I found an interesting video of Tarana Burke talking about the origins of #MeToo and the huge growth that the movement experienced (Snyder & Lopez, 2017). Burke talks about the importance of having the structures and resources in place to support and take action on the ground. I note that in the US, the #MeToo movement played a key role in amending legislation that deals with how sexual misconduct allegations are handled in Congress (Sabur, 2018), demonstrating that real action can be achieved off the back of such movements, but that those actions are more likely to be successful if they are clear and focused.
I’m wondering how you think the feminist movement could transform the large amounts of awareness and the increased sense of community that Web 2.0 and social media creates into action that generates change? There are so many big issues that need to be addressed around the world, and the relevance of those issues is different for each country. Do you think that global feminism is better placed to educate and raise awareness? And that meaningful action is more likely to come at a more local level?
Thanks again for such an interesting read!
Sabur, R. ( 2018, December 13). ‘MeToo’ victory in US Congress as politicians change sexual harassment rules. The Telegraph.
Synder, C. & Lopez, L. (2017, December 13). Tarana Burke on why she created the #MeToo movement — and where it’s headed [Video file].
Hi Anna,
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. It is an interesting topic, because I almost feel like we have never been more aware of gender inequality what with social media, and yet we don’t seem to be having as many changes as there once was. My opinion anyway.
Interesting point about taking things back to a local level, that seems to be what was done during first and second wave feminism in regards to local protests and mobilising women of a local area, perhaps that is key?
I think #MeToo got some results because it had focused goals. I think that is important. While there are different organisations and communities that do focus on certain goals, I think awareness has become what online feminism is all about, and whilst education and knowledge are powerful tools, it can’t stop there otherwise nothing will change.
Hey Georgia!
First of all – GREAT introduction. Really succinct and perfect. I’m jealous. It hooked me right in and definitely helped me identify and think of situations that I’ve witnessed. Your topic is thought-provoking.
I liked that you pointed out that there are supportive, safe feminist communities online, and then backed it up with scholarly evidence and examples. It was a good way of supporting your arguments! I also enjoyed how you talked about how online communities can have such a positive result offline. I touched on this as well in my paper, so it’s good to see someone else making that link!
It would have been interesting to explore more real life case studies of online feminist communities not making any physical action. I see this in my life with a girl who is so supportive online of everyone, but then tells others she doesn’t like the friends she supports. Do you have any?
Great work.
Hi Anne-Marie,
Wow, thank you so much for such kind words! I am glad you enjoyed reading it. I look forward to reading your paper, I have read a few and noticed similarities with my own paper even though they are on entirely different topics, and that has been very insightful.
It was difficult to know where to stop with what I researched, there was so much I could have included but I had to cull which was hard haha.
I feel like with that, social media does open up a place for people to act a certain way so they are viewed as being a certain kind of person and then their ‘offline’ lives or behaviours this contradicts that
Hi Georgia
I really liked your paper. Isn’t the saying that there are more Peters on boards in Australia than there are women? There are so many factors involved in the pay disparity between men and women – women are less likely to ask for a promotion, women consistently underrate their performance whereas men consistently overrate their performance when compared with their manager’s estimation.
I think what you have articulated about online communities is so important in terms of giving individual women a voice and a way of increasing their confidence and competency in writing and speaking to an audience. Thank you for reminding me of this.
I wondered if you had any thoughts on the filter bubble and participation in online feminist communities and whether this acts to reduce their influence?
Hi Nicola,
I am glad you enjoyed my paper, thanks for taking the time to read it.
You are completely right with all that! I feel women are more grateful to be considered at all where as men are better at realising when they are doing well and often demand more because of this.
I think the filter bubble definitely would have an effect on where these communities reach. I am actually a writing and team manager for The Sydney Feminists (organisation I mentioned in my paper), and I know when I am writing something for them and am googling articles on feminism and gender inequality, it changes the sort of advertisements I get on all my socials. One the one hand it helps the people who are interested in feminism to actually access it and participate in it, but on the other hand it can be restrictive and those who are interested are not exposed. Often times these can be the people who need to be exposed to ongoing gender inequalities the most.
Thanks for your insight!
Georgia! I see what you mean by our papers and similar premises but in completely different contexts. Thanks for explaining Feminism the way you have in your opening paragraphs. I like the way you provided a brief explanation of each wave and what these waves entailed. Very informative and well written. I really loved the final line of your conclusion. This is a harsh truth which I probably watered down in my paper. I could do more research and write another essay on that aspect of Web 2.0 alone. I initially had skipped past your paper, thinking I wouldn’t be able to make much of a contribution if I read your paper, knowing so little about your subject, but as youd commented on my paper, I became curious to see another perspective which was closely aligned and as I said, but in a completely different context. I see the parallels between both and this is not a perspective I could’ve appreciated before I read your paper so thank you for enlightening me!
Hi Bruno,
Thanks for taking the time to read! I am glad you found it interesting (as I did your paper), and I think that worked out perfectly you were able to read my paper after reading my comment on yours, and were on the look out for the similarities of two totally different topics. I hope you learnt something new, or at the very least experienced a new way of looking at an important issue that perhaps wasn’t something you would have noticed before. Thanks again!
Hi Georgia,
I enjoyed your well-written and respectfully simplified insight on the history of feminism and its transition into the digital age.
Whilst I understand and agree with your complacency theory regarding Web-based feminism, I also think it is important to view third-wave feminism as something more than image with no specific goal as your quote suggests. Even in the second-wave of feminism, women of colour were often left out of the key arguments – whilst the majority of women were fighting for the right to work outside of the home and access to abortion, women of colour were having to work outside of the home due to poverty and were sometimes facing sterilisation in some states of the US.
Third-wave celebrates intersectional feminism, embracing women of all ethnicities, sexualities, identity, and capabilities. I think the Internet has particularly helped pioneer the recent trans movements that have greatly impacted this new wave of feminism. An example being online discussion following comments made from Rose McGowan (who is considered a feminist role model) about trans women not truly being a part of the female community, has then resulted in McGowan publicly apologising and acknowledging her shift in opinion on the developing idea of feminism.
In saying this, I wonder if this complacency is coming down to the pre-existing privilege of some communities, or even just some women (and even men!) not grasping the importance of such social movements in contemporary times?
Hi Lachlan,
Thanks so much for your feedback! I completely agree with you, digital age feminism is absolutely not without its benefits, I think my paper just sort of evolved into taking the stance it did and I just went with it as I feel it perhaps is an unpopular opinion and I wanted it to be different.
I myself am a writer and manager for The Sydney Feminists, the group I mentioned in my paper, and what I have from the articles I have written and read is amazing. Knowledge is power, and the knowledge on the gender inequality situation in other countries Web 2.0 allows is entirely unparalleled ad valuable.
Living in a first world country and having a lot of societal benefits myself, I know the inequalities I experience are very small compared to other women in other situations i.e. trans women, women of colour as you mentioned. This is a paper written by a Western women of privilege, and the same paper written by a women in another country where women marginalised heavily could be pointing out that Web 2.0 is the best thing that has happened to feminism. Context comes into it massively.
I definitely agree that this wave of feminism is the age of feminism for all women and celebrates those who have struggled in the previous waves, I believe that whole heartedly, but I think I just wanted to do something different and look at it from a perspective perhaps not often thought of, and would spark debate, I couldn’t help myself haha.
Thanks so much, your insight was great!
Dear Georgia,
Many thanks for this interesting essay.
One thing I look to when trying to understand a political, religious or social movement of any stripe is the foundational texts of the movement. It seems to me A Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft might reasonably be considered a core document for First Wave feminism, and, as you cite, Friedman’s The Feminine Mystique as a foundational document for Second Wave feminism. Perhaps something by Andrea Dworkin for the Third Wave. I wonder what might be considered the core texts for this new age of digital feminism? Excuse my ignorance, but I’m not aware of any seminal text connected to this particular moment in feminist history. And if there are no seminal texts, and instead there is a convoluted heap of Twitter feeds, Facebook and blog posts, and hashtags, what will this mean for the transmission of digital feminist ideas moving forward? If there are no baseline texts to build from or organise around, how might this affect the success of digital feminism moving forward?
Hi Duncan,
No ignorance at all, I do think you are onto something! I agree there was a gospel-like feel to The Feminine Mystique and what it sparked, oppressed people do heavily latch onto something that speaks to them, words definitely have the power to drive people towards demanding change.
An interesting way to look at third wave or digital feminism, could be that is first and second wave feminism the driving “text”? Is history itself, the past (how far we have come) and the future (how far we need to go) the inspiration for the third-wavers? Are we struggling to get the ball rolling in regards to action because we are so educated on gender inequality all across the globe now, that it’s hard to know where to begin? A mountain we are struggling to start climbing? Or is Web 2.0 developing at such a fast rate we are struggling to keep up?
Lots of ways to look at it, the questions I asked myself as I wrote this paper, it made it hard to make my paper concise but you can’t include everything haha.
Thanks again!
Hello Georgia,
Thanks for this post. It really provided an insight into feminism over time and how web 2.0 technologies have increased people’s awareness as well as feminist’s complacency.
It is interesting that although there appears to be less real action than there was in the first two waves, some changes brought about by increasing awareness (and pressure) from viral hashtags like #MeToo might not have occured without so many speaking up on these issues, hence making the hashtag more spreadable. After all, how would people have known these things occured all the time and were a big problem if only a few people ever spoke up and raised the issue? Web 2.0 technologies have certainly given many feminists the ability to speak up in ways they might not have before.
In a similar sense that feminist online communities have been able to use Web 2.0 technologies to speak up on issues that impact women, people with autism have been using online discussion forums to speak out against societal ideas and assumptions that have caused them to be mistreated, misunderstood and discriminated against.
In my paper, online autism communities challenge the ideas and assumptions society has about them through self-representation and self-presentation. While online feminist communities challenge the ideas and assumptions society holds about women through self-representation (experiences and opinions), do you think they also challenge ideas and assumptions about feminism? Or reinforce them?
Thank you once again for your post. It was very informative.
Hi Bithiah,
Thanks for your kind words. I read your paper on autism and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and can totally understand the parallels you draw between our papers.
I agree that action has come out of social media in regards to feminism, there is not doubt social media has its benefits and has done things that were previously not possible, that is why I felt it prudent to still discuss the MeToo movement and what it achieved because it is totally unprecedented.
Great question! I think Web 2.0 allows people to see women and feminists advocating for gender equality in a way that presents the facts and seeks to educate others, reaching people in their daily lives. I think during first and second wave feminism (particularly second), women who were feminists were labelled as angry man-haters, a stigma that still stands (to a degree) today, however, we are able to communicate our beliefs and hopes in a way that is less confrontational than protests, in a more peaceful way which does challenge that stereotype and can force people to take us seriously and to listen.
Hi Georgia,
Thanks for a great paper – what an interesting read. I’d only just finished reading Stephanie’s paper called “Communities without borders: feminism fuelled by social media”. If you haven’t yet read it, you definitely should check it out!
Here are some of my thoughts/questions –
1. “Despite the negative feedback that social media can often get, the connectedness it provides allowing personal and intimate relationships to emerge and prosper sees these platforms as falling under the umbrella of what defines a community.”
– Do you think deep connections can be formed through social media? Or do you think connectedness and feeling a sense of community has limitations within the constraints of the digital world?
2. “In 1902, Australia granted women the right to vote, being noted as the second country to do so (Heath, 2019), America not granting women this right until 1920 (Grady, 2018).”
– It still baffles me how recent this all happened. Go Australia! Do you know who were the first country? I just googled, and it seems to have been New Zealand, although I saw that Finland were the first in Europe. Very interesting! Was this the same information you came across?
3. “Third wave feminism began roughly around 1991, yet faces a lot of debate about exactly what it is and whether or not it has ended or still continues (Grady, 2018).”
– This is very interesting. It definitely could be argued that we are still in the stages of third wave feminism. What do you think? Do you think we are still in the midst of it? If so, when do you think the third wave feminism will come to halt, just as the first and second did?
4. “For many women the online feminist community, however they may participate in it, offers a safe place that allows them to both talk about the inequalities they face in their everyday life as well as seek advice, comfort and support from women they have often never met yet who they bond with over their experiences.”
– Where do you think that most of the online feminist communities connect? Do you think it’s across multiple social media sites or are there certain places in particular?
5. “Our Shared Shelf is an online feminist book club that was created and still run by popular actress and ambassador for UN Women, Emma Watson. The book club is set up through the popular reading site Goodreads, and every two months Watson selects a feminist book for participants to read and engage in discussion and thought on the page’s forum.”
– What an amazing idea! I knew that Emma Watson was an ambassador, but I had no idea about this. I’ll definitely be checking the book club out!
6. Women are willing to engage in opinion and debate on issues as they occur, yet there is not that specific goal-focused mentality of first and second wave feminism. These platforms allow women to engage with the media and publicly share their thoughts on gender inequality issues of the zeitgeist, and whilst this may not be the most effective or coordinated way to start the process of necessary change, it is an easy way to bring attention to an issue.
– I found your argument here very interesting. Are you saying that you think that feminism before Web 2.0/the internet was more affective and meaningful?
Thanks again for an amazingly thought-provoking paper – I thoroughly enjoyed reading and look forward to hearing your further thoughts!
Hi Emily,
Wow, this was great! You’re asking all the right questions here, I feel totally in my element haha!
1. I do think social media can foster shallow connections, for sure. However, from experience, being part of different groups/forums/discussions based on feminist interests, I do believe that when a marginalised or disadvantaged group are engaging over a common cause on social media in what they consider to be a supportive and safe space, connections can become much deeper. I have seen women share things via social media groups with women they have never met or seen, things that perhaps no one in their offline life knows about them, and that sort of sharing connects people.
2. I know right! Definitely not long enough ago! And yes you are correct, New Zealand was the first!
3. Great question! I very much think we are still in the third wave of feminism. It started during a time of great change, in so many ways, just before the turn of the century and when computers and the Internet were becoming the norm. It is a wave that has a youth who has grown up with so many changes, and I think it is a wave that will continue on but will look very different from start to finish and will adapt as the people in it do. Hope that makes sense!
4. I think there is a touch of feminist communication on all platforms. I believe blogs and Facebook are the most interactive on a personal level, as blogs are often personal, and Facebook groups that are private and do have that sort of control of who can participate and can kick people out if it gets nasty, is super important when talking about sensitive issues
5. Definitely recommend you do, it’s fabulous! The books chosen are written by women from different backgrounds, religions and ethnicities which is amazing!
6. That’s a hard questions! I myself am a writer/team manager for The Sydney Feminists (mentioned in the paper), so I am totally in support of the unparalleled educational and connectedness that Web 2.0 allows, and it is so easy to feel a part of it all with Web 2.0. However, there is defining changes in the previous two waves and not really in the third, which I think just had me wanting to play devil’s advocate a little bit, and if I am being honest, writing this paper had me challenging some of my own thoughts on feminism in the digital age and how I myself engage in feminism.
Thanks so much, that was so great, I enjoyed answering those questions so much!
Hi Georgia,
Oh not a problem at all – I really enjoyed reading everything you covered in your paper! I’m so glad you enjoyed my questions.
1. Ah yes I completely agree with you here. Whilst it’s difficult to form deeper connections online, when people from marginalised groups are joined together they can be a force to be reckoned with! I have read many Facebook posts from a group I’m apart of with women starting the post off with ‘No one knows this but..’ – I think this kind of sharing can be very healing for people which is fantastic.
2. Yes it’s seriously so crazy!
3. That definitely makes sense. I also agree that we are still in the third wave of feminism, especially as there hasn’t been a significant ‘outcome’, as such. I also agree that this will be a wave that will continue, especially due to our ever evolving technological world.
4. Yes I agree. Blogs are a great opportunity for people to show themselves however they want to and can post whatever they want to post. And Facebook, particularly Facebook groups, as they allow the opportunity for a private space and also have the capabilities for admins to kick disrespectful people out of the group. I think the common attribute of the two (blogging and Facebook) is that the owners have more control over the content and more opportunity to censor what is being posted.
5. Oh I love that so much. I’m definitely going to look into it – so good!
6. That is so cool! Yes, I definitely think there are positives to the feminist movement through Web 2.0. I felt the same, after reading yours and Stephanie’s papers on feminism, I was challenged as well. There are many things I did not already know which motivates me to delve deeper into something I also feel very passionate about.
Thanks so much for your response to my questions.
All the best,
Hi Georgia,
Great job on your paper!
It is great that so many online platforms have become a space for feminists to connect, build a strong community, and seek action on issues that matter to them as a collective. I found the example of Goodreads and Our Shared Shelf very intriguing, especially seeing as it was run by Emma Watson. I think is great that Goodreads has created a space that allows females to connect through something they love and enjoy while also being aware of current issues facing females around the world.
It also got me thinking about how many other celebrities use their social platforms for good. However it also reminded me at times social media is used to pit women against each other, especially if they are a public figure. It seems that they are always criticized for what causes they chose to support and the ones that they don’t. People find past comments, posts, or photos and change the context and start claiming that they’re not a good feminist, without knowing what they do behind the scenes. But in saying that, I still think that the internet still provides a great space for females to spread awareness of current issues and band together to make a change.
Great work!