Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are well-known over the world; they have brought the world and the community closer by allowing people to communicate and connect in real-time. Every day, these social media platforms strive to enhance their systems to make life simpler for their users. It increased work prospects, brought loved ones closer together, and enhanced human contact to new heights (Vanderkaay, 2010). However, most users are unaware of the drawbacks Read more [...]
Abstract: In recent years Instagram has had an increasing presence in areas of politics and policy change which can be seen through movements such as #MeToo as well as the establishment of young female activists including Grace Tame and Greta Thunberg. Theorists including Palmer and Jung, have outlined how these movements and individuals have used Instagram and other social media for their own benefit, using it to further their agenda successfully. These movements and activists have Read more [...]

Maintaining levels of fitness during the COVID-19 pandemic became a worldwide problem as many gyms were forced to close. Failing to maintain fitness was a cause of many health-related problems, including mental health issues. One way to overcome the problem was fitness centres moving their classes and other programs online, but there were no guidelines or rules for doing so. This paper investigates the way in which some fitness centres used social media platforms to alleviate the problem of falling participation levels in the fitness industry. This paper examines numerous scholarly texts that looked at the third place and how that is increasingly including online spaces; texts that investigated the social aspects of both YouTube and Facebook as virtual third places; and texts that evaluated the motivations for engaging in fitness activities through online communities. These studies suggest that fitness programs can be moved online, providing all the right criteria are met, such as: social interaction and a sense of belonging, access to infrastructure, digital knowledge, and a sense of community. Without all of these factors, using social media platforms as online third places for people to engage in fitness programs, is likely to fail. Read more [...]
The objective of this paper is to analyse the importance of Facebook, as a commonly used social networking site and its relevancy as a medium for introverts to voice out, interact, socialise and collaborate within the online society and WebSphere. In point of fact, an individual has the golden opportunity to adopt any online persona or identity they desire to portray in the online realm; that is anyone could portray themselves as someone totally different from who they are in their Read more [...]