Online Networks and Social Change

Online Network Overuse and the Effects on Society and Individuals

Abstract: Web 2.0 and the introduction of social networks has dramatically transformed the way we function as a part of society. This paper aims to discuss the implications of when we become too reliant on these online networks leading to overuse, and the impact this can have on users as individuals as well as society as a whole. The paper refers to the Covid-19 pandemic as this was a time where we relied heavily on social networks as a society. We can therefore examine the effects the pandemic Read more […]

Identity and Online Advocacy

Is social media an effective tool for young adults to expose their authentic self to present themselves?

Social Media, Communities and Networks Download ABSTRACT This paper will argue on whether a person can be authentic and anonymous at the same time. Social media is a platform where each individual connected needs to provide all their ethnic self on their profile. In this paper, it will be shown how important it is for a person to get access to the details that is provided on social media. In the same vein, it will demonstrate how one gets confident to provide details and it will therefore Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Selling community and togetherness: Authenticity, identity, and revenue in influencer-led culture

PDF Copy – Tim Creevey – Conference Paper – DCNC21Download Abstract This conference paper will be addressing the authenticity of online identities and communities that have been established through social media networks by influencers. I will be arguing that paid influencers and influencer culture challenge the authenticity of online communities, as social media platforms provide users with the opportunity to develop a sense of community, but the virtual community has been established to create Read more […]