Instagram is one of the most accessed social media platforms with around 1 billion active users worldwide (Statista, 2019) where people can connect with others. Social media is an important tool that has significantly changed over the years with more individuals connecting with others in today’s society. The idea of Instagram comes from ways people share photos or videos content via the social media app. Although there are risks of using Instagram for example, the security issues of how unauthorized users have access to individual’s accounts can access the platform (Doffman, 2019). There is a significant risk of privacy concerns with users data interfered by hackers and scammers. This paper will explore how a social media platform like Instagram has changed and is currently used by AFL players to connect with their fans.
The paper will discuss the engagement of Instagram where online communities connect with each another and an emphasis on how technology encourages varies types of communication. There will a focus on the effect current technology has on the way everyone connects through a platform such as Instagram. In recent times, the internet has fast become an important means to ensure people in the community can use social media platforms such as Instagram.
Instagram provides a useful Web 2.0 platform for online communities to interact, engage and follow others using this form of technology. Technology is an important tool in the way we society communicate with each other.
Social network Instagram and communities
Social network Instagram originally started in 2010 and has since transformed over the years with more people becoming interested in using the platform. These platforms such as Instagram give individuals a sense of connection to others on the World Wide Web. The way we interact with others through social media is becoming more accessible in the world today. Instagram has influenced the way we communicate with others in our daily life. However, Instagram has evolved with more people using the platform than ever before. For example, online social media networks are available users to access and this has changed the way individuals communicate with online communities. Social networks are used for people to voice their opinion on various topics in society. There is now more social awareness of a platform like Instagram to connect people from different backgrounds or experiences of using social media online.
There are many ways for people to utilize the platform to increase their brand and social media presence to connect with users online. This allows individuals who use the platform Instagram the ability to show followers a different side to their personality (Hampton, 2016). Instagram is a visual online sharing platform for people to share photos and videos with their many followers to form a community. The popularity of Instagram has grown with the number of users who have created accounts to connect and share content with family, friends, colleagues and fans. For example, Instagram is an innovative way for everyone to interact with others through technology. It is important to have a connection with the community through social media. Instagram meets the requirements for people to engage and interact with many people on the internet.
Social media branding is adapting to your target audience with the sort of content posted on Instagram (Gao & Feng, 2016). For example, branding is a common way to provide relevant information swiftly through social media to encourage audiences to connect with users online. Privacy on social media platforms will always be an issue with who has access to user’s information (Koohang, Paliszkiewicz & Goluchowski, 2018). These issues include how many people use the platforms, is your data protected online and will user’s information be secure from untrustworthy people on the internet. Some limitations include whether some players have a private or public profile for fans in society to follow. However, social networks are a powerful way to expand your brand with the ability to create more followers with simple hashtags included in the content-posted online (Highfield & Leaver, 2015).
Communities play an integral role with the internet now used more by people to communicate through social media networks. This form of communication helps people to not only connect with many others online but also allows individuals to feel part of an online community. While there can be challenges to ensure users online can interact with people on the internet (Hampton, 2016). Although since in rising of social networks communities are now becoming more connected than ever before due to more people at home using the internet. A key element of communities becoming part of a virtual community online through digital technology is the ability to connect and interact with more people on a wider social network.
AFL player’s interaction with fans and players
The majority of AFL players tend to use Instagram to interact with the community. These methods include players the ability to use social media as a platform to give an insight into the life of an AFL footballer. Social media platforms like Instagram play an important part in how they interact with fans from different clubs and players from other teams in the competition (Vale & Fernandes, 2016). Online platforms have improved the way both fans and players engage and interact. For example, it allows all players and fans to bond over similar interests and the game of football. Fan engagement is critical to the way players tend to interact with supporters online through social media networks. Social media has definitely changed how AFL stars interact using online platforms and influences who they connect with online (Gill, 2018). The interaction between fans and players has slightly changed the ties of both groups in the community. A certain group of players who communicate with other players in the competition, their teammates or the fans in contemporary society. Some players choose to have a public Instagram account and other players in the AFL choose to have their account private. The ties between players
Some players and fans use technology all the time to engage on a variety of topics through social media. In today’s community, social media platforms used by some players influence whether fans choose to interact online. Communication plays a massive role in connecting through social media networks in our daily life.
Online communities, the internet and Instagram
It can be argued online communities are a central part of a virtual community while interacting with others on the internet. The term “community” has an emphasis on the internet and is significant in understanding how individuals are part of the online community. This type of communication affects both online and offline communities to have a sense of identity (Kendall, 2011). For example, AFL players who interact with fans and players share a similar passion and love of the game. The internet, online communities have a lot in common enabling individuals to link together with others regularly. The ability to build a social network online with others such as AFL players and fans is important. Online communities can connect and reach a wider group of people to connect through social networks. For example, some players post content online to keep fans updated on the game or other topics of interest. The internet allows individuals to link to others using social media platforms like Instagram. Although the internet is fast changing how people in society communicate through popular platforms (Gernsbacher, 2014). While Instagram has expanded in recent times due to the fact lots of people are using the platform these days. Instagram provides users to be part of an online community and the main role is to ensure individuals are engaged with the content available. Instagram is an easy and convenient online communicator to provide users with a way to inform people of interesting content posted on the platform.
Although the evaluation to analyze whether current AFL players and fans interact with each other using social media has changed and strengthened the way people connect online. There will be further scope to focus on determining if AFL players will continue to connect with fans in future. With technology updating all the time it will be important to explore whether the use of social media is increasing with traffic online. There will be further evaluation of how useful social media is for everyone to connect, interact and engage and the impact platforms such as Instagram have for online communities. While branding and privacy are both significant tools when using social media further evaluation will be explored by researching its importance. Further evaluating the strategies used for the type of brand users message send to followers. More discussion on the privacy issues surrounding users who have social media accounts. All of the topics to be researched further while explaining how effective social media can be if used appropriately.
Social media today is a useful way for everyone to share and post photos, videos with other people online. Instagram allows individuals to have a connection with others who use the platform. Although communication is an integral part of people’s daily life. Technology is one of the main ways we are encouraged to engage and interact with users online through social media platforms. Online collaboration is commonly determined by the technology used for communicating online with other people.
A useful way to ensure users are connected to others in real-time via the internet. It is important to be transparent with audiences to ensure they are engaged with content being posted on platforms where there are many followers. Online communities can reach more people these days through the various platforms available for users. The internet is a great way to link people who have a shared interest through social media network Instagram. Although AFL players and fans these days tend to have a connection through the sport and this is important to the wellbeing of some people in our society. Instagram is used daily for people to connect with by most individuals who have similar interest to what is posted online currently use Instagram daily. Everyone in the community now uses social media and it forms the way we feel part of an online network. However, there will be risks of connecting with AFL players on social media by ensuring their data is protected. There is an emphasis on players and fans engaging with communities online and through social media. A focus on how effective the communication of using technology to connect with others is important. Instagram as a platform has become a part of our daily routine to connect with more people on the internet.
Although some platforms have changed with technology, updating regularly to ensure society is using most up to date devices. All platforms have evolved due to more people using social media. The importance of social media platforms is AFL players and fans can use a network to connect outside of playing games. The use of Instagram is an interesting way to engage with players and other fans by using social media. It is critical for fans and players to be engaged through the Instagram platform with online communities. The effect of online communities is significant in understanding who we are as a society and what our role is when online interacting with others. However, there are limitations of ensuring everyone who uses social media is aware of privacy on platforms like Instagram. A further limitation might include where the platform encourages communication with players and fans away from the day to day of being involved with the club. Other limitations might be whether some AFL players want to connect or interact with fans. There will be further research into the methods used to communicate and whether these are effective for everyone who uses the platform. Further research into how AFL players use the platform to engage their audience and whether fans are interested in the content to comment on the posts.
Gao, Q & Feng, C. (2016). Branding with social media: User gratifications,
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Gernsbacher, M. A. (2014). Internet-Based Communication. Discourse
Processes. 51, (5-6). 359-373
Gill, R. (2018). The influence of Media Platforms on Sport Reputation; An
Australian Football League Case Study. Journal of Sports Media. 13, 123-151.
Hampton, K.N. (2016). Persistent and Pervasive Community: New
Communication Technologies and the Future of Community. American Behavioral Scientist. 60, (1), 101-124.
Highfield, T. & Leaver, T. (2015). A methodology for mapping Instagram
hashtags. 20, (1-5). 1-14.
Kendall, L. (2011). Community and the Internet. In M. Consalvo & C. Ess (Eds). The
Handbook of Internet Studies. 309-325. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Wiley.
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concerns: trusting beliefs and risk beliefs. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 118 (6). 1209-1228.
Statista. (2019, March). Instagram – Statistics and Facts. Retrieved
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12 replies on “Instagram and AFL: The changing nature of fan-player interaction”
Hi Kaye
I was interested in your post as I’m a keen follower of AFL (go the Power!). I’ve been following Australian Rules football since about 1988 when my Dad took me to my first SANFL game so I’ve seen a lot of changes in the way the game is played and the way people support the game as well as the way the Internet has become part of our lives.
Instagram is indeed a powerful tool for connecting with people from different backgrounds. The AFL loves to celebrate the traditional owners of our country and our multiculturalism with campaigns including their Multicultural & Indigenous Rounds that they have had. I’ve shared some links to their commercials below:
AFL Community. (2014, July 14). AFL Multicultural Round Ad. [Video]. YouTube. July 14 2014
AFL. (2013, May 9). AFL Indigenous Round TVC – 2013 [Video] YouTube.
The AFL community is made up of teams that form their own communities that tend to be very close-knit, it takes a true supporter to understand what that means! When everyone comes together again as a whole (eg: ask someone if they love football/AFL) there is a love for the game regardless of team.
It’s great to be able to follow players on social media. It’s a different world to when I used to collect newspaper clippings and stick posters on my wall! I follow the Port Adelaide Football Club on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for general knowledge/updates. I also follow a few favourite players purely on Instagram. I get the most updates from Charlie Dixon. I see a lot of photos of his personal life, showing off his new motorcycle, on holiday with Power players etc. I also follow Kane Cornes on Twitter who posts, well… anything to do with AFL! It’s nice to have the closeness with players, it’s like the ol’ days of SANFL when we were allowed to run onto the oval during ¼ time breaks to listen to the coach talk to the players or go onto the oval at the end the game to get autographs from the players. In a way though I sometimes wonder if it is a bit weird and… stalkerish??? seeing someone’s personal life who I don’t really know (but if they didn’t want us to see it they wouldn’t have made their profile public I guess!)… I generally scroll by unless it’s some BIG news that they’ve shared in which case I’ll give them a like.
Hi Indre,
Thank you kindly for your comments and feedback. I’m also a fan of Port Adelaide and Charlie Dixon is one of my favourites too. Instagram is definitely a platform used by many people these days. I guess without social media platforms like Instagram society would be lost in a way. The commercials in particular the multicultural and indigenous ones are a powerful way to show other sports how the AFL celebrate special cultures. The competition do a fantastic job with those games each year. When Port get the chance to have either a multicultural or indigenous games at home these are really great to be a part of.
Hi Kaye
Nice to meet another Port & Charlie fan!
It’s unfortunate that COVID-19 put a stop to footy this year, although we DID finish on top of the ladder so that makes us premiers
Before they stopped the season altogether, Instagram actually would have been a great way to show everyone following the game from home, as Channel 7 (and can’t remember if Foxtel were doing the same) were asking people to send in photos of everyone barracking from home so they could share them on the TV.
Might still get a chance if they go ahead with kicking off the season again…
Hello Kaye!
I love that you chose to explore how much of a player’s life fans can now see. It’s really interesting to think about how the public loves celebrities that open up more compared to the ones who are very distant online (more engagement online = more fans).
I liked that you discussed online security in regards to popular AFL players. I can imagine some intense fans would try to follow the players, based off information inside images.
It would have been nice to see a comparison of two AFL players, one who uses social media a lot and one who doesn’t. Did you come across any in your research?
Hi AnneMarie,
Thanks for reading my paper. I think online security is important for not only AFL players but also the public in general. The feedback of comparing two players one who has social media and one who hasn’t is an interesting point. It might be a chance for me to consider to do more research.
Hi Kaye,
Your topic caught my eye as a Victorian (perhaps I should say former? Born and raised, left at 19 – it’s still there though!!)
Following on from what Indre said, I also think it’s great for fans to be able to follow players on social media. I remember my sister’s prized possession, her Hawks autograph book and I wonder if that would have the same importance now that fans can connect and interact with players on a more regular basis?
You’ve noted a limitation in your conclusion as to whether AFL players may want to connect or interact with fans. I’m interested to see if you think players feel more pressure to be active on social media as part of their role in playing for a club? I also wondered how AFL clubs support their players in educating them about the risks of social media? Did you come across this in your research?
Again, a great topic! Well done.
Hello Charlotte,
Thank you for your reply. Interacting with players is certainty important these days for some supporters. I did mention there might be limitations of AFL players and fans interacting on social media. Some players may chose not to connect with fans as much or at all it’s more an individual choice. No I don’t think players would feel the pressure to interact with the community. Some may enjoy connecting with fans or on behalf of the club, where as others tend to not as much. I believe clubs do try to educate their players on the risks of using social media and players do understand what the do and don’ts are when online. In answer to your question if I found research no I hadn’t as yet.
Hi Kaye,
Thanks for your reply.
Although I think SM is an excellent tool to help raise player’s profiles and potentially helps them to get involved in other communities outside of football, it also opens up direct communication which can be at times be harmful. Where this was once limited to barracking at a game, people can post all sorts of stuff direct to players as we’ve seen in recent times. So it’s good to hear clubs support their players with SM education and I guess with SM constantly evolving, education would be adapted to deal with whatever comes up. Like you say, players have a choice. I think some may feel the pressure more than others? Maybe at least, when they are starting in the game?
Well done again.
Hi Kaye,
I too read your paper as interested to see how you linked Instagram and AFL, especially as there are a few avid Footy fans in our household however not Port Adelaide haha. In fact my husband brought our kids up to dislike Port – he’s a Norwood and Geelong man and very one-eyed!
I must admit in the past I had wondered whether footy clubs encourage or discourage their players to be on SM with pros and cons on both sides – as you say they could be harassed or even beleaguered by fans or worst still fans of other footy clubs. I remember once reading that you (not just celebrities) should be careful not to take photos of outside your house, and in particular a house number/name as a precaution.
Thanks Kaye I enjoyed reading your paper.
Hello Lee (Leone),
Thanks for your reply and your kind comments in regards to my topic. It was a topic I loved researching as I have an interest in AFL Football and thought Social Media would be a good chance to write about for the conference paper. Oh that’s alright, I guess there are some teams fans don’t like but that’s an individual choice I believe.
Hi Kaye
Interesting topic, I think we could’ve gone a little deeper into areas of context collapse and digital literacy. I’ve had personal experience assisting high profile athletes with their online identities and one thing I picked up on was how confused they were about what to share and what not to share about their life.
I do believe platforms like Instagram are a useful tool for a business minded-athlete who desires to extract everything they possibly can from their time in the lime-light. The issue is, a lot of athletes just aren’t aware how they should approach it. This is more of a branding problem though, and to avoid issues such as context collapse, I typically advise young athletes (who want to take this route and utilise IG as a business channel) to create a separate and private account just for friends and family. We behave differently based on the audience we’re interacting with, and some content which may be relevant and appropriate for friends and family, may be a hindrance to their business profile.
What do you think?
Hi Nicholas,
Thanks for reading my paper. A good point you make on creating a separate account for only friends and family is the way to go I think as well. That’s true some people do tend to behave different using social media in particular when interacting online. I appreciate your comments and yes there are athletes in society who are not that familiar with using Instagram or other platforms available these days.