2 thoughts on “CONFERENCE PAPER. Manishta Bisasur”

  1. Hi Manishta, Nowadays social media is very common in the society. This is because everyone is WIFI connected and posses a smart phone. I myself, has different accounts on social networking such as Facebook and Instagram. I accept friend requests from people who I know and make sure to know all my followers. I post my daily activities on Instagram as stories and posts where I go and what I eat. Why on Instagram? I believe that Instagram has a better reliable level of privacy such as I can choose with whom I want to share my stories with. The level of privacy is well maintained. However I do not really share ‘my things ‘ on Facebook. I scroll down Facebook to have a look at funny posts or to read articles. While sharing content one’s should be responsible and cautious. Privacy and intimacy on social media is a complex and controversy issue. Thank you Manishta for putting an effort on my paper. Good job !

    1. Hi Tannavee. Thing is that on Facebook as well, you are able to post things and hide from people you want, but I do believe as well that on Instagram you have more features and even I find it more secure to share stories and highlights. Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate!

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