Communities Embracing and Adapting to the Web 2.0 through Facebook


This paper investigates the adaptation of communities to the Web 2.0, and how it has become a major characteristic to the construction of online relationships, involving the social media site Facebook. Virtual communities are explored and linked to the current digital era and how social virtual communities are using the Facebook platform in everyday life to publish content, taking part in user connection through their activity. Beverungen, Böhm, and Land (2015, p. 479) believes that user connection focuses on the ‘audience’, now ‘users’, as online communities who publish content to Facebook for users to read and use. This content may be productive or unproductive, however, Facebook is one of the leading reasons for social relationships and virtual communities and the shift from physical to virtual. Virtual communities now have the ability to connect to users they may not know personally, resulting in new relationships and interlinked personal communities (Gruzd, Wellman & Takhteyev, 2011, p. 1). This paper analyses how online user activity on Facebook has been a factor that assisted the evolution and adaptation of offline communities to online communities.

Keywords: Facebook, communities, representations, connection, interaction, users, adaptation


The role of communities embracing and adapting to the Web 2.0 through Facebook


Since the release of the social networking site Facebook, users have been given the opportunity to generate and publish their own content to their profiles ‘free-of-charge’. This impressive site has now reached an incredibly high number of users, attaining 2.2 billion active users by 2017, with numbers still rising (Constine, 2017). Facebook is not the only form of interaction for virtual communities, with popular discussion websites such as Reddit (2005) and other Internet forums also forming virtual communities where users can interact. These sites have become the most popular way to communicate in the twenty-first century, providing various options including blog-type techniques, photos and videos. Not only do they allow users to publish content but they also provide them with websites where they can listen to music, read news and play. It has become a procedure for people to sustain connections to others, communicate themselves and construct new relationships. Similar to physical communities, this shift has allowed people to also become part of virtual communities, motivating users to the adaptation of communities on the Web 2.0. With the growing development of Facebook, it has significantly impacted lives by becoming a daily activity for entertainment and cultural purposes (Jin, 2015). The site has become an environment for self-expression and participation amongst various age groups. User activity has become a major factor in the process of communicating online through Facebook, allowing these online communities to share stories, opinions and anything that takes their interest. The social networking site has not only allowed people to communicate with users’ friends or family, but has enabled them to engage with other users that they may not know personally. This has not only expanded the number of users to communicate with, but has granted the ability to form online communities with people from all over the world. User connection is the transfer from physical connection and interaction into the online world of the Web 2.0, connecting a set of people and creating a sense of community (Gruzd et al., 2011). The adaptation of groups within the social networking site Facebook has formed a sense of community in this digital era, through users participating in online discussions and debates.

            The Welcoming of User Connection

User connection is similar to the traditional meaning of connecting and creating a community – A set of people with strong interaction and connection, creating a sense of unity (Gruzd et al., 2011). Communication on Facebook can be compared to being similar to offline interaction, as information is posted and stored on personal profiles, including relationships statuses, hobbies and even debatable topics which can all be discussed in offline communities. Facebook has assisted in the creation of communities that produce their own content. User activity was created as a defining process for users who create and publish their own work online, attracting other users to read and connect with the publisher or other readers. Not only does online activity give users’ a purpose for interaction, it also serves others with new social connections and assisting with maintaining existing relationships (Gruzd et al., 2011). With the transition from audiences to online users, there has become a mass broadcast of information to social networking sites such as Facebook (Thompson, 2008).

User connection focuses on connecting and responding to others, as well as keeping up to date with new information or news that can create conversation between users or communities, similar to that of a friend group. This is the reasoning behind the concepts ‘following’ and ‘adding’. This concept focuses on the users or information that is chosen to be accessed by the account holder, placed onto a ‘News Feed’ on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Zuckerberg stated that a ‘news feed’ is “a stream of everything that’s going on in their lives.” referring to content that is being posted in an up-to-date timeline (Thompson, 2008). This feature on Facebook enables user connection to occur, with people responding or commenting on posts that they feel are relatable. This engagement is a state of mind of users that are committed, passionate and dedicated to connecting online within virtual communities about various topics and situations (Porter, 2015). Emotions of users stimulate actions, which initiate participation in the community, such as the comment section on published content that allow users to debate and discuss specific topics relating to news, games, videos etc. This connection via different hobbies and interests on Facebook groups and pages has constructed a sense of community through virtual interaction.

            Sense of Community in the Digital Era

The Web 2.0 relies on online users to generate the content, creating an approach that can define the labour that is associated with the formation of Web 2.0 content (Jin, 2015). The creation of collaborative content is one of the main aspects of the Web 2.0, including multiple media posts on Facebook and the interaction between others online that it may initiate. Facebook has enabled users to connect and converse through text, photos and videos on their profiles, providing engagement and motivating interaction with other users within the community. The Internet has opened this new economic form where user-generated content has become part of the primary attributes. Facebook has assisted in the movement of communication from purely offline to online at any time of the day. Not only has it permitted users to create an online version of their identity, users’ can create pages and groups through their accounts depending on their interests. Any user is able to request to be part of the group of be invited, creating communities with various people from around the world. Multiple social media identities are quite common, however, Facebook makes it difficult to make multiple profiles as different email addresses and information are needed to create a new account. Instagram and Tumblr allow users to create numerous accounts, even by using the same log in details. These social media sites embrace the use of multiple accounts, with Instagram allowing a user to have up to 5 pages (Instagram, 2018). Social networking sites give users the ability to follow specific accounts on a certain account and make posts that are separate to their other profiles. Social media users can be a part of multiple communities depending on the account that they are logged in to, and can communicate from multiple profiles. Facebook has limited this access as a user can be added to multiple groups and pages at one time.

For example, users may take interest in other communities focusing on cooking, exercise, fashion or even religious communities, interacting with others who have similar interests. This sense of place drives the audience to feel as if they belong to a community, also giving them a reason to generate their online identity. Social communities are a location for users’ to receive support or socialize with others through user activity, resulting in communication, similar to what people would do in offline situations. These virtual communities perform in sensible arrangements for society, as they support amalgamation and belonging. New societal communities are developed as a united establishment that influences the value of responsibility and oversteps the power of politics and wealth, functioning as groups that have the power to influence. Users that are taking part in this influential establishment have various character and disposition, representing themselves through various personal interests within communities.

            Representations of the Internet User

Internet users that are involved in virtual communities are typically portrayed in ways that reflect their personal interests and the communities they are part of. It is common for users to represent a certain style of virtual identity, usually labeled within various categories. Users have embraced the opportunity that Facebook has given them, granting them the possibility to meet their individual goals of sharing their personal disclosures in a public forum (Aguiton & Cardon, 2007). A users status and influence can define a virtual community, as activity and influential entities inspire other community members (Porter, 2015). Internet users can represent themselves in different forms through social media networks, using this form of identity to attract other users through their posts and discussions online.

Facebook has enabled users to interact with others, although, this may only be a one-way action. Users are able to follow profiles, but this does not necessarily mean the account has to follow back (Gruzd et al., 2011). Due to this process, users behind public or personal pages have been able to form communities with millions of users who may follow their page just for their content without following back. These page creators or celebrities have the capability to communicate with millions of users online, and has assisted with the creation of smaller communities within the page that may result in a perception of a real community. There are a few different types of virtual community members, as users have a different approach to online engagement and the limits of their public discussions. One user may take the personal interest approach, using Facebook to search for information, buy and sell goods and promote their capabilities to gain a certain status and maximization of recognition (Aguiton & Cardon, 2007). Another type of user focuses on their belonging within the virtual community, stimulated by distributing knowledge, collective concern and volunteering, ensuring they take part in mutual activities (Aguiton & Cardon, 2007). As there is an array of different virtual communities, there are many representations of users on social media platforms such as Facebook. Virtual community members find value in communities that seek to construct relationships through interaction and helping others, and the gratification that results from these notions. Some members also join virtual communities for the enjoyment of control in participation, having access to data, and having a sense of belonging and bond to a community (Porter, 2015). Depending on how active, significant and consistent a user is their aims can be seen as adjustable and defined by their involvement. Self-identity of members is also another factor within virtual communities, as users aim to attain a responsive and comprehensive connection to please their experience within a Facebook community (Porter, 2015). This self-awareness has transferred from physical communities to the Web 2.0, allowing users to adapt to their portrayal of themselves online.

            Communities adapting to Web 2.0

Social communities are persistently changing, integrating and redefining groups that have transferred from physical communities. Cultural marginalisations and controlled progress have shifted from physical to digital communities, placing this change in a notable point in cultural conventions. Facebook contains social attributes that create expression by users through personal content, forming communities on in the virtual world. As Facebook now has millions of active users, it is difficult to determine limits and features of the social service and the spread of information through multiple communities that have formed within the network. Facebook is a clear guide to the relational virtual domain on the Web 2.0 that has been adapted by physical communities in their own environments. This digital exchange through virtual communities from ‘face-to-face’ interaction has become a voluntary progress and coordinative collaboration.

Social media platforms were the beginning of the transformation of communities, giving people a network where they can connect and engage with friends or family without having to speak to them in person. Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard University student, created Facebook in 2004 to connect to his friends on campus (Thompson, 2008). The network has now become one of the biggest social media platforms for users to interact with one another, and create groups and communities through connection and collaboration. Facebook has integrated peoples businesses, hobbies and interests through its many features, providing users with various options to communicate and socialize. It has given business owners the opportunity to use this platform as a way to maintain and create relationships, as well as allow workers and companies to promote their brand and preserve an online existence (Beverungen et al., 2015). Thompson (2008) used an example of a student who created a group, which declared her love for Coldplay and her wish to participate in Greenpeace, sparking many other users to join the group with her. This group provided a sense of community within the users who had joined, granting them with an environment that takes their interest. These users may not know each other outside of the social media network, but it compares to a physical community discussing these interests in a real environment. Communities have begun adapting to the Web 2.0 and the features it provides in order to build a sense of community online.

Conclusions and Future Study

            With the growing confirmation of interaction on social media sites, communities have been able to expand and adapt to the virtual world on the Web 2.0. The shift has assisted in the construction of online relationships, resulting in virtual communities and their significance to online communication. Research into the success rates of virtual communities must take place in order to study how different Internet users are finding their virtual communities and how they compare to the physical.

Facebook has provided features to assist in the growth of virtual communities and users connecting through their strong interaction, creating a sense of unity within these groups of people. As virtual identities can represent multiple versions of a person, it has permitted people to engage with specific groups and pages that take their interest, comparable to the way physical communities interact. These social media websites have opened a virtual society where user-generated content has become a major attribute to social relationships through the Web 2.0. Communities have adapted to online engagement as features online have made the process effortless to find information that captures users and inspires them to take part in user connection.



Aguiton, C., & Cardon, D. (2007). The Strength of Weak Cooperation: An Attempt to Understand the Meaning of Web 2.0. Communications & Strategies, 65(1), 51 – 65

Beverungen, A., Böhm, S., & Land, C. (2015). Free Labour, Social Media, Management: Challenging Marxist Organisation Studies. Organisation Studies, 36(4), 473-489

Constine, J. (2017, June 28). Facebook now has 2 billion monthly users… and responsibility. Tech Crunch. Retrieved from

Gruzd, A., Wellman, B., & Takhteyev, Y. (2011). Imagining Twitter as an Imagined Community. American Behavioural Scientist 55(10), 1294-1318. DOI: 10.1177/0002764211409378

Instagram. (2018). Add and Switch Between Multiple Accounts. Retrieved from

Jin, D. Y. (2015). Critical analysis of user commodities as free labour in social networking sites: A case study of Cyworld. Routledge, 29(6), 938-950

Porter, C. E. (2015). Virtual communities and social networks. In L. Cantoni and J. Danowski, (eds). Communication and Technology. Berlin: De Gruyter. 161 – 179

Thompson, C. (2008). Brave New World of Digital Intimacy. The New York Times. 5 September.


Communities Adapting to the Web 2.0 Through Facebook (PDF)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

15 thoughts on “Communities Embracing and Adapting to the Web 2.0 through Facebook”

  1. Interesting paper Sophia,
    Regarding your points about the creation of pages where “following” is one way, I’ve always found the relationships people have with celebrities interesting. Specifically, the agency that celebrities have that seems to make them more important than others. I sometimes think the financial exploitation of communities and the relationships between community leader and members, could be a negative. Do you believe the leaders of these pages/celebrities are exploiting their relationships with community members? Or do you believe the leaders deserve the benefits because they started the community?
    – Zach

    1. You do have a great point about beneficial factors with these accounts Zach, however, I believe that although this relationship is mostly one way, it gives users’ and fans the ability to connect with them on a more personal level. It is common for celebrities or leaders of these pages to get financial benefits from their posts, which can appear as exploitation of their followers, but during this time I think that a lot of them are aware of these benefits and still continue to support these people. With a large fan base and following I believe this can give the account holder the opportunity to create and share new content that is individual and different to others. People have a choice on who they follow on social media so I suppose it is up to them to decide whether or not they want to contribute to these benefits.

      Do you follow any popular accounts? Do you mind that they are receiving benefits?

      – Sophia

      1. Thanks for your response, good points. I definitely don’t mind rewarding content and community creators, as long as they exhibit shared values such as humbleness etc. Also, I agree that most people are aware of the benefits and still continue to support creators. I think of Patreon for example, where people consciously donate to a creator on a monthly basis.
        In saying all of this, I still find the topic interesting because of the participatory nature of the web. This has meant many members of an online community create content, just like the original content creator/ online celebrity. However, only the celebrity receives financial compensation for their work. Granted they likely put in the most work of any individual, but collectively, the most work is done by everyday people.
        I’m not suggesting any changes should be made but its interesting to think about.


  2. Hi Sophia, this was a lovely read!

    I too wrote about communities and Web 2.0, and it was interesting to see how you compared it to Facebook. A quote I really liked from your paper was “Virtual communities now have the ability to connect to users they may not know personally, resulting in new relationships and interlinked personal communities (Gruzd, Wellman & Takhteyev, 2011, p. 1)”.

    I recently found out that Facebook is starting an online dating service, and considering the quote at hand, do you think Facebook would be any good at connecting romantic partners? It has the ability to connect users from all around the world, but do you think it is maybe only at a friendship level or could Facebook create something more meaningful?

    Looking forward to hearing your comment! Also, if you have time please feel free to read mine 🙂

    1. Hi Jovana, thank you for your comment 🙂

      I haven’t heard about Facebook’s dating service but it would be very interesting to see how it goes. As other dating sites have proved that it is possible to find a match such as Tinder, RSVP and eHarmony I do believe Facebook could be successful with their idea. People are already connected through the website with their friends and mutual friends, forming smaller communities so it could be easier and safer to meet people or even mutual friends through the website. I imagine that because the number of users on Facebook is already so high, and many will not need to go through the account activation process again, that people will be more willing to use the dating service. Friendships have already been formed and maintained through the website so a dating service will definitely provide a platform for others to form a more personal relationship.

      Do you believe the same? Or do you think it will turn out to be unsuccessful?

      I will definitely check out your paper 🙂

      – Sophia

      1. Hi Sophia and Jovana,

        I was going to talk about the idea of Facebook starting an online dating service! So I hope you don’t mind me jumping in to comment on your comment.

        I find it interesting that Facebook is deciding to do this because when my friends talk about using other dating sites (e.g. Tinder) they prefer not to match with anyone they have mutual friends with, to limit the awkwardness between friends. I think a Facebook dating service might be problematic because if someone wanted to match with their friends’ friends surely they would just reach out to them already through Facebook. I personally don’t think it would be successful. What do you think?


        1. Hi Cat, I’m glad you joined as I think you raised a really clever point!

          The way I see it is, if people who are actively looking for a long-term relationship turn to Facebook for online dating that they would already be entertaining the idea of it being a mutual friend. If they wanted to find someone completely out of their social circle they can use other dating sites to do so. If Facebook markets the idea of matching mutuals, I would hope only people okay with that would want to use it? I hope I’m making sense!

          1. Hi Jovana,

            Yeah that does make a lot of sense. I guess it depends on how Facebook markets their dating service. I wonder if it will be a feature that everyone receives, like the News Feed, or users will have to opt-in for it to take them to another part of the site. I would be confusing if every user was suddenly part of a dating site if their status was ‘single’.

            Do you think Facebook will be successful in creating this dating service? It has just been a social networking site for so long, is it problematic that services like this change once they have millions of users?


      2. Hey Sophia, I totally agree with you! Facebook is already saturated with member’s and has so much information on us already, so it will be really interesting to see just how they connect users.

        I think the biggest variable on whether or not it will become successful is just how hesitant people will be on using Facebook as a dating service. I mean, we’re all used to it for talking to friends and looking at memes — but how many of us would really feel comfortable with using it as a dating site? If people start to invest in the dating site and take it seriously, I think it has the potential to be really successful! But at the same time, I don’t think it will happen overnight as people are always cautious with new things.

        How do you feel? Would you be comfortable using Facebook as an online dating site, Sophia? I think I only would be after my friend’s test it out first 😛

        1. Hey Jovana!

          I definitely agree with you on the fact that Facebook’s dating site would become successful extremely quickly, but I do think it would be a very popular strategy as a lot of us already know how to use the website. I think that there are many people out there who use dating sites seriously and not just for a bit of fun, so I think it would be very convenient for them and useful for them. If they were to include a mutual friends section, I think it would be a safer way to meet people as you already have a connection with them and can ask friend’s about them.

          I personally have never used a dating site and don’t think I ever would as I am not that dedicated to those things! I do have to say, if I were to sign up to one, I would definitely choose Facebook as I am already familiar with it and comfortable with working my way around. I also think I would have my friend’s test it out too!!

          – Sophia

  3. Hi Sophia,

    Very interesting read!

    I really liked your point about how online social communities are “changing integrating and redefining groups that have transferred from physical communities” because it is so easy to see this in our everyday use of Facebook. I am part of a football team (in the physical world) and the only way that we are easily able to communicate while not altogether, is through a Facebook group and several Messenger chats. Facebook, unlike many other mainstream social networking sites like Twitter and Instagram, allows for this many-to-many communication. Do you think that other social networking sites will soon try to emulate this? Or do you know of any lesser-known sites that already allow for greater group interaction?

    I look forward to reading your thoughts!

    1. Hey Cat,

      You make a very good point about Facebook being a major communication network for private discussion as not many other social networks allow this. I think eventually other networks may catch on to having a feature for private group conversations that can be a place where people can engage and discuss similar to a texting group. I know Snapchat introduced their group video and group chat over the past few years, however, those do not last for longer than 24 hours. Obviously Instagram and Twitter provide a private message feature, however, a see them as places to have shorter conversations. I suppose applications like WhatsApp is an example of a site that allows group conversation but I would say this is more of a texting service than a place to share links, photos and other information.

      – Sophia

  4. Hi Sophia,
    Because of the popularity and dominance of Facebook, I was interested to read your paper on Facebook and online communities. It is now almost standard for many businesses or organisations (such as libraries) to have a Facebook page, along with Twitter and Instagram accounts. I’ve also heard of individuals signing up for Facebook accounts just because it was the only way they could stay in contact with their friends or family – because they were all communicating through Facebook! So, I agree that Facebook does foster a sense of community online.

    I also liked reading about some of the differences between Facebook and other social media networks that you have noted, such as not allowing (or making it difficult to have) multiple profiles, which is probably linked to Facebook’s real name policy. In my paper, I argue that using social media with a pseudonym (not your real name) has many benefits. What are your thoughts on Facebook not allowing multiple profiles? Do you think they should allow this like other social media networks do? And do you think they should allow individuals to sign up for accounts without having to use their real name?

    1. Hey Sandra,

      I’m glad that you enjoyed my paper and agree with some of the points I made.

      From having multiple accounts on Instagram I do believe that it is beneficial for users who want to interact in different areas and portray themselves slightly differently. I have to say that Facebook should allow multiple profiles, however, the must be under the same account and the personal information should be provided the same on both. As long as these profiles can be linked back to one person, I think that this feature could be very successful on Facebook. Referring to their restrictions on name changes, I think that profile names should be allowed to be changed without a limit of times (which is what they currently do), but the owner of the profile should have to state their name in their profile settings. I think it’s also a positive to be able to change your name as this can be a safer option and a way to make someones life a little more private.

      I would love to know what your opinions are.

      – Sophia

  5. Hi Sophia

    I enjoyed your paper on virtual communities because it is a platform that I incorporate in my “everyday”. For example, I am part of a photography Facebook group and whenever I need guidance on a photography matter, I know this group will be able to provide me with good and prompt advice.

    However, the flip side of uploading our lives onto Facebook also means that we are opening ourselves to unwarranted attention or risk being contacted by someone with questionable character.

    It was amusing to read that some Australian Facebook users were caught out by the Australian Tax Office for not paying their taxes because they claimed that they did not meet the taxable threshhold. They were found out by the authorities for their various posts at high end skiing resorts.

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