Virtual Communities in theory can be a utopia of likeminded people who on the surface have the same viewpoint as each other. Delanty and Calhoun theorise can be perceived as being ‘thin’ by only focusing on one singular interest and therefore incapable of creating strong ties amongst their members. Fandoms in the broad sense can be a singular interest, but the nuances that fandoms have as a virtual community is that they are made of branches of different interests relating Read more [...]
Fandoms have existed on online spaces, such as social media, for decades, but experienced a significant growth following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. By analysing the ways in which different fandoms have been affected by the pandemic, we can assess how fan communities evolve and operate on social media platforms. Recent technologies were implemented so that fans could partake in their interests from the safety and comfort of their homes during the pandemic, Read more [...]
Social media has transformed the way in which Jane Austen’s work is engaged with, both challenging and reinforcing traditional narratives.
You may wish to download this paper as a PDF here: walker_austen_NET204 conference.pdf
The 200th anniversary of Austen’s death in 2017 revealed the depth of sentiment the public holds for Austen - in an event marked by grand ceremonies, worldwide celebrations, museum exhibitions, and global headlines (Barchas & Looser, 2019). With the 250th anniversary Read more [...]