Communities and Social Media

Relationships between government and citizen via Twitter.

RelationshipGovernmentCitizen_ConferencePaperDownload Abstract Twitter has become one of the ways for people to connect, unite, share common interest and receive updated news around the world. Recently, it has become a place to spread awareness and gain attention for issues that are obscure. Therefore, this paper will elucidate the relationships between government and citizen that has developed on Twitter under the circumstances of protesting, collaborating and raising awareness in order to Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Hey Siri, Play ‘Come Together’ by ‘The Beatles’; How Social Media has Helped to Unite People Globally

Gill_20187653_Conference-Paper_A1-FINALDownload This paper explores how contemporary technologies have allowed for and encouraged people to be whole-heartedly themselves, whilst globally uniting people and communities in the process. While acknowledging valid concerns around potential harmful consequences of social media, this study dissects the critical uses of social media in self-expression within online communities. Important discussion of current controversial topics are addressed in relation Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

How social media such as Twitter and Discord can help individuals with mental illness and build communities online

Abstract Social media plays a huge role in people’s daily life. It has a huge potential of bringing individuals together and can create a specific community such as mental health, where people can talk about their problems and be in a community with the similar problems. There are a few reasons why social media can be a benefit for people who are suffering with mental health. One of the reasons are smooth social interactions. People who have difficulty interacting face to face can feel much Read more […]