Online Networks and Social Change

Power to The People: Online Networks and the impact on generating social change in the wake of George Floyds Death

Abstract: The year 2020 was a year like no other with events that people will remember and talk about for years to come. One such incident was the death of African American civilian George Floyd who was killed whilst being placed under arrest. The reaction from the world is one which no one would expect with worldwide rallies being held for George Floyd’s death as well as many other deaths that came at the hands of racism and injustices. This paper will look at the extent to which social online Read more […]

Identity and Online Advocacy

Is social media an effective tool for young adults to expose their authentic self to present themselves?

Social Media, Communities and Networks Download ABSTRACT This paper will argue on whether a person can be authentic and anonymous at the same time. Social media is a platform where each individual connected needs to provide all their ethnic self on their profile. In this paper, it will be shown how important it is for a person to get access to the details that is provided on social media. In the same vein, it will demonstrate how one gets confident to provide details and it will therefore Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

As a hyperlocal form of social media, Nextdoor helps neighbours connect – but not always for the better

Abstract While much social research has been dedicated to how the Internet generally, and social networking sites specifically, enable people to connect across great distances, little attention has been paid to the impacts of these technologies on more local communities other than to suggest a negative correlation between online communications and neighbourly behaviour. This paper explores how the locally-focused social media platform Nextdoor supports theories that contend social networking Read more […]