Online Networks and Social Change

Power to The People: Online Networks and the impact on generating social change in the wake of George Floyds Death

Abstract: The year 2020 was a year like no other with events that people will remember and talk about for years to come. One such incident was the death of African American civilian George Floyd who was killed whilst being placed under arrest. The reaction from the world is one which no one would expect with worldwide rallies being held for George Floyd’s death as well as many other deaths that came at the hands of racism and injustices. This paper will look at the extent to which social online Read more […]

Online Networks and Social Change

The Power of Social Media: A Social Transformation from Traditional Culture

Topic: Social media is the new platform for raising social concerns and creating awareness more effectively Chavez_20092223_Essay-1Download Introduction             Social media has become a part and parcel of human lives in the 21st century. Across the world, billions of people use social media on a daily basis and the number keeps on growing. The social media has entered in every part of life, like personal relationship, entertainment, Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Misogynistic radicalization of users in the online incel community

CFoots_20079543_Conference-papeerDownload Abstract This paper discusses how online communities can radicalize users by spreading and developing dangerous ideologies. To achieve this, an analysis has been made of the “incel” (involuntary celibate) community whose members generally gather around online forums to discuss their issues with dating, and who often spread misogynistic beliefs and advocate for violent retribution against women. The paper considers why this community can be attractive Read more […]

Identity and Online Advocacy

Exploring The Negative Impacts of Online Hate Speech on The Identity of Black Community on Twitter.

Husraj_19853976_ConferenceDownload Abstract The purpose of this paper is to briefly discuss about the negative impacts of hate speech that is being spread on Twitter towards the Black community. This paper will outline the different stages towards the construction of this hatred rhetoric and further discuss on how online hate has constructed the term Black Twitter and a certain kind of hashtags known as Black Tagging. The different negative effects on the self-esteem and social identities Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Social Media as A Third Space for Participation: Online Gaming Communities

Offline_Reading_VersionDownload Abstract The importance of participation within communities has been emphasised by numerous articles, with most of them placing the blame on the decrease in offline community participation towards technological advancements. However, the blame cannot be placed entirely on the internet as it has given birth to a new form of community, online community. This paper will examine the shift from offline to online community but comparing the difference in structure, Read more […]

Online Networks and Social Change

The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Body Image

Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of active engagement on social media platforms such as Instagram and Tumblr, on negative body image association among adolescents. The rise of the internet and social media platforms have resulted in an increasing number of issues related to self-esteem negative body image such as detrimental online trends, eating disorders and dangerous pro anorexia websites. This paper will use Leon Festinger’s social comparison theory to Read more […]

Online Networks and Social Change

The dangers of online social networks enhancing political ideology and participation

Offline ReadingDownload Abstract This paper shows the links between online social networks and influence on political ideology. It explores this influence under the scope of shifting community types and thought leaders. Further to this, we explore the nature and legitimacy of political information shared through online social networks and finally how this interaction can lead to a rise in political participation. In essence we are able to see a shift of political influence from the political Read more […]

Communities and Social Media · Online Networks and Social Change

Online epilepsy community groups improving the social and emotional wellbeing of those living with epilepsy and their family’s

Epilepsy Conference PaperDownload            Abstract: Online health communities provide important emotional and social support to those people living with epilepsy and their family. People can connect and discuss the barriers they are facing with likeminded people from all over the world. This is particularly beneficial as online interactions include both synchronous and nonsynchronous and are able to take place from pretty much anywhere, which allows users to maintain constant contact Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

From New York streets to Instagram community: The chronicles of body positivism movement of curvy women and its transition to social media

Conference Paper Full PDF version by Ruby Cadressen Download Abstract This paper will analyze the shift of the curvy women community to Instagram. The social media platform has been promoting body positivity of curvy women by breaking down the beauty standards imposed by the West. For the conference purposes, this paper will provide a brief background history of Body positivism of curvy women, its transition to join Instagram, but focusing mainly on social media hashtags especially #effyourbeautystandards Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

The rise to fame: The power of music fandom communities using Social Network Sites to promote musicians.

Abstract The abilities of the internet have allowed independent music artists to take the distribution and production of their music into their own hands, but they need the fandom communities to publicise their music. The goal of most musicians is to achieve success, which often involves sales and interest from a record label.  The fandom communities will use a variety of Social Network Sites (SNSs) to communicate and generate buzz in their choice of music or artist. While streaming services Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Turning TV On(line): The formation of the ‘virtual loungeroom’ by reality television audience on Twitter as a third place.

Turning TV On(line) By Joseph-DobsonDownload Abstract This paper will argue that the relationship between reality television audiences during program broadcast and the collaborative community they form on Twitter creates a third place. The formation of the ‘virtual loungeroom’ allows community members to engage with the program, communicate with one another, and view content in real-time with community members, regardless of physical location. This paper will examine the formation Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Joining the ARMY: Community, Friendship and Intimacy on K-Pop Twitter

Abstract Fans of K-Pop music use Twitter to form active online communities, developing strong relationships with one another, exchanging information and often mobilising for causes beyond the scope of fandom. This paper focuses on fans of the Korean Pop band BTS, known as ARMY (Adorable Representative M.C. for Youth), as a case study to examine how fan communities can develop through social media and leverage those bonds to organise themselves, create relationships, share knowledge and drive Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

How filter bubbles and echo chambers reinforce negative beliefs and spread misinformation through social media

Donis_Conference-PaperDownload Abstract This paper examines the way that negative beliefs and misinformation are reinforced and spread on social media. Social media platforms provide an online space in which communities can connect and share content but the ease in which they allow filter bubbles and echo chambers is a concern. Filter bubbles are created through online processes that provide us with personalized results, recommendations and news feeds based on the things we have previously Read more […]