Communities and Social Media

It’s not just about the “looks”. Sincerely, from all the girls in the gaming industry.

Sexism faced by women is a significant social threat to the growth of the online gaming industry due to ‘geek/nerd masculinity’ (Friman & Ruotsalainen 2018): born from the systematic portrayal of women in the wider media. Society is composed of individuals and these individuals have the agency to form and reform our identities based on aspirations and desires but limited by biology. Every individual is a unique fineprint that is by their environment, upbringing, culture beliefs and the Read more […]

Communities and Social Media

Social Media as A Third Space for Participation: Online Gaming Communities

Offline_Reading_VersionDownload Abstract The importance of participation within communities has been emphasised by numerous articles, with most of them placing the blame on the decrease in offline community participation towards technological advancements. However, the blame cannot be placed entirely on the internet as it has given birth to a new form of community, online community. This paper will examine the shift from offline to online community but comparing the difference in structure, Read more […]

Identity and Online Advocacy

There is no such thing as a “gamer”

The aim of this paper is to examine the identity of the gamer and whether it is still a relevant moniker. Since the 1980s we as a society have operated under the guise of the gamer, when it is not a true reflection of people who are currently playing video games. Studying the statistics for people who are playing games, the kinds of gamers out there and how they have deviated from the idea of the gamer are important in determining whether we should still be using the name gamer. This paper also examines the GamerGate movement and how the actions through that have corrupted what it means to be a gamer and what that has done for the identifier.