Conflict, Authenticity and Deception: The Impact of Trolls on Communities and Networks


This paper will discuss how identities within technologically mediated communication channels have drastically impacted communication between online community members. This communication failure has resulted in conflicts within online communication sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. This paper discusses the lack in social capital which will eventuate in conflict and friction within an online community. The focus on identities highlight the differences that are perceived by other community members including trolls by utilising examples such as the Madeline McCann case and the Australian Republic Movement. These differences are based on interpersonal comparisons reflecting past experiences in dealing with all aspects of authenticity and deception.


Keywords: Conflict, social network, identity, community, authenticity, deception, social capital.



Conflict is applicable in all forms of communication, both online and offline, which often stem from within a form of a community. Typically, this conflict is due to a clash of identities with individuals or group of identities in specific community, were levels of support differs from community members. Communities are defined as a group of people that depend on social involvement and communication. (Katz et al., 2004, p. 217) This is evident through the traditional face-to-face discussions most commonly used today or alternatively through an internet-mediated communication channel, such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram or YouTube. But either way, conflict is inevitable within communities where identities express member opinions over a thread of time or a subject matter. This paper will argue that the lack of social capital will create conflict (friction) in an online community from identities that are empowered by community member differences through online communities. These differences are based on interpersonal comparisons reflecting past experiences within the aspects of authenticity and deception with a focus on trolls within social media.


Expression of Identity on Social Media

Before we dive deeper into how conflict manifests through social media and trolling. Jensen based his media definition as the “socially formed resources that enable human beings to articulate an understanding of reality, and to engage in communications about it with others” (2008, p.45). This definition best describes the differences in traditional communications whereas digital interactions utilises modern technology mediated devices enabling online communications. With this understanding, it is essential to note that the main difference between offline and online communities is that online communities are not bound by geographical locations and are asynchronous. Some communities are started offline with face-to-face contact and then precede to move online, a common example would be a group chat through Facebook messenger. This community is formed offline in a social physical space, which then moved online for convenience and accessibility before meeting offline again. Sole online communities, in comparison are formed without any face-to-face contact and communication is sent to multiple members, often being instantaneous, resulting in zero-time delay between messages. These online communities have no intention of progressing offline to remain anonymous and create their own performed identity.

A large majority of these online communities are commonly held on Web 2.0 platforms. Boyd and Elision define social networking sites as “web-based services that allow individuals to; construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system; articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection; and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system” (2007, p.4). Social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, allows ‘friends’ that embodies a weaker bond in a relationship between members. Hence the membership process of a social networking site, members have an opportunity to protect their personal interest by not disclosing informative data on their profile. These social networking sites in the main do not verify any information, reinforcing the view that a members ‘online self’ may be different to their ‘actual self’. This process provides choices for members to participate within an online community, creating an opportunity for friction or conflict to arise.

Online community membership grants you several choices in order to express a non-verbal expression; whether the message remains authentic or deceptive about your identity online. Within these communities, members can remain individualistic within a group or provide support to other group members which requires time or expertise in the online community. Jensen (2011) defines this choice of social interactions as relations of availability, accessibility and performativity. That is “What is known……? Who knows what……? and Who says and does what – in relation to whom?” (Jensen, 2011, p.50). As an example, conflict may can stem from the use of Facebook to market an event, where the invitee loses control with unexpected attendees via mass communication to unintended participants. This concept underpins the notion that our online identity comes with a choice.

Further Pearson states that “Online, users can claim to be whoever they wish. Like actors playing a role, they can deliberately choose to put forth identity cues or claims of self that can closely resemble or wildly differ from reality” (2009, p. 1). Pearson then goes one to argue that our identity is like a performance, everchanging to suit the situation, meaning that our identity is not fixed at any point in time, but is instead a fluid construct that is evolving into what we deem appropriate. A key concept to this argument is that members of an online community may hide their true identity in full or part, where misaligned intentions can create conflict within an online community. This concept may lead to conflicts within social networks as it opens the door to deceptive conduct within the community, disturbing the flow of interaction (Coles & West, 2016).


Identity and the Community

A key feature of a community is that it must itself have a sense of identity, which are known to the members within the community (Kendall, 2011). Furthermore a community itself “confers identity and participant identities also play an important part in the formation and continuation of communities” (Kendall, 2011, p.318). From the above quotes, it can be applied that members may not contain similar knowledge and attitudinal elements of a ‘real community’ but in fact be dissimilar. This contradiction as described by Kendall (2011), directly relates to online communities – where conflict and/or friction between members may arise. Further, members are concerned about the ability of a community to mask their identity, which can relate to whether a participant is authentic or deceptive while engaging online. This was evident in the case of Madeline McCann where communities clashed over the parent’s involvement her disappearance. These communities were recognised as either Anti-McCann’s or Pro-McCann’s. These groups clashed over twitter, creating friction and conflict between the participants, that lead to different group identities within the one community. Both identities used emotive language to enhance their identities while at the same time strengthening the divide between the two groups (Synnott, Coulias & Ioannou, 2017).

Emotional baggage held by group members can also lead to different identities that share common threads in the most part but be polar opposite on other views. This is particularly most noticeable with identifiers such as a person race and gender (Kendall, 2011). Donath raises the point that “knowing the identity of those with whom you communicate is essential for understanding and evaluating an interaction” (1999, p.1) particularly where the evaluation outcome is subjective. This was demonstrated with the differing opinions on how the Republic Movement in Australia provided alternative methods to select their head of state, appointment versus election (Charnock, 2001). Kendall (2011, p.318) further stated that group members can “mask their identity, or to present a deliberately deceptive identity”, to notionally benefit their members where they feel best represents themselves, authentic or not. As in the Republic Movement, the perception bias of this selection can create friction and prevent the movement progressing within the political online community.


Social Capital

It is important to consider the level of social capital required to create and maintain any social network. Figure 1, as shown in the Appendix represents a framework for the creation and maintenance of online communities is grounded on sociological and information technology concepts (Vivian & Sudweeks, 2003). The framework demonstrates the connection between social spaces, social capital and identity for members in the social formation of relationships. Overall social capital can be beneficial to online communities as it creates trust and honesty between members, which is vital for the survival of the online community. Eklinder-Frick, Eriksson & Hallén (2015, p.2) defines social capital as a “resource in society, where it is associated with trust and social cohesion”. Even with idiosyncratic opinions – online communities can thrive as long as trust and honesty prevails in the community. However as stated by Annen (2003, p.451) social capital is described “as a player’s reputation for being cooperative within a social network”, where any conflict within this framework can only assume the greater good will be accepted from members in determining the final outcome. But unfortunately, this is not likely to occur where cooperation is required and not forthcoming in communities where controlling behaviours from individuals does not conform to typical norms. A lack of cooperation will further discourage trust and create conflict / friction with differing knowledge and attitudinal elements over time. This is reinforced by Annen (2003) where control over a community is only developed over time and through regular communications. A lack of participation by members due to conflict will lead to poor online community performance.



When members participate in online communities, a conflict or friction situation is bound to occur given the membership process for social networking sites, even if the members are being authentic to themselves. This is due to the fact that every member’s idiosyncratic opinion originates from distinct cultural backgrounds and past experiences. According to Buendgens-Kosten, authenticity in its broadest sense is “related to the notions of realness or trueness to origin” (2014, p.1) and is referenced to the characterisation of language to the quality of text (spoken or written). So, while it is important to remain authentic to one’s self while participating in online communication sites, it is critical to remain cautious to the dangers of the internet as it is related to members cultural backgrounds and limiting the amount of identity performance taken place. This is done in a hope to avoid being characterised as a troll, who are aggressive, disruptive and deceitful (Synnott, Coulias & Ioannou, 2017).



Social networking sites also allows for fake accounts to be created, where impersonation between members can occur with no mechanism to actualise the authentic identity. Regrettably, indirect trust is assumed for social networking sites without any verification. This deceitful tactic is most commonly known as catfishing, where one individual lures someone into a relationship through a false or factious persona. This is a downfall of online communities with no way to authenticate your identity within these communities. This idea of social caption and trust are closely linked as deceitful communication tactics represents a lack of social capital, allowing the likes of trolls and catfishes to “create conflict for amusements sake” (Synnott, Coulias & Ioannou, 2017, p.76) which further reinforces the need for members to protect their identity online. As an example, Stone (1992), shows a woman who was supposedly talking to a ‘fully disabled old lady’ named ‘Julie’, who in actual fact turned out to be a “middle aged male psychiatrist” who simply wanted to talk to other women as a woman (Stone, 1992, p.2). In this case while the intent was not malicious the tactic demonstrate deception, mis-trust and potential conflict.

Deception can also be found in social networks through the concept of trolling. This is where someone pretends to be a genuine member of a community, by sharing the passion and identity of a group, but then deliberately attempts to “disrupt the community by baiting participants” (Kendall, 2011, 319). Baiting is the process in which a member of the online community deliberately posts to anger or disrespect other members of the community. The consequences of such trolling, as stated by Donath (1999, p.71) is that; “Trolls can be costly in several ways. A troll can disrupt the discussion on a newsgroup, disseminate bad advice, and damage the feeling of trust in the newsgroup community.” Furthermore, in an online community that has become sensitised to trolling “the rate of deception is high – many honestly naive questions may be quickly rejected as trollings” (Donath, 1999, p.71). This extract reinforces the damage that trolls can have on a online community, but also the level of conflict or friction that can arise between the troll and the impacted existing members.

Trolling is a common problem today with some serious cases punished by criminal conviction, however these consequences are the exception rather than the rule (Synnott, Coulias & Ioannou, 2017). This has resulted in the spreadability of trolling, which has in the majority been unpoliced. The increase in trolling has followed the rise in social media networks, with the number of social network users purported to be 2.46 billion as of 2017 (Statista, 2018). With this significant statistic, it’s only a matter of time before conflict rises between users, with social capital and trust being eroded from online communities. An example of trolling was evident in the aftermath of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in 2007. This case saw a group of trolls on twitter, under pseudonyms, posting about how the parents were responsible for the abduction of their daughter (Synnott, Coulias & Ioannou, 2017). These tweets were often “abusive and antagonistic and are also known to engage in verbal attacks against anyone who takes to Twitter to support the McCanns” (Synnott, Coulias & Ioannou, 2017, p.71). The consequences of trolling through online communities, can often lead to the polarisation of beliefs, attitudes and values amongst the community, making trolling not only unpleasant but also very unethical where it has the ability to cause great harm (Coles & West, 2016). The actions of trolling has the potential to generate vast amounts of conflict and friction with communities, which can span years. This is evident in the McCann case with the hashtag on twitter receiving 100 tweets every hour (Synnott, Coulias & Ioannou, 2017). Deception and indirect trust are key concerns for members within online communities today, without a foundation of authenticity.



This paper discussed the key elements that formed the creation and maintenance of online communities which highlighted the importance of identities, social capital and the relationships built in the social formation of an online community. With these concepts, frameworks and constructs, I have argued that conflict and or friction can apply in all forms of online communities where authenticity is non-existent. This conflict is substantially due to the expression of idiosyncratic opinions within communities that impact community identities over a thread of time and subject. This paper argues that the lack in social capital will create conflict and friction where differences exist in attitudes between members on the basis of past experiences in dealing with the all aspects of authenticity and deception.




Figure 1: A conceptual framework for the creation and maintenance of social networks (Vivian & Sudweeks, 2003).




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9 thoughts on “Conflict, Authenticity and Deception: The Impact of Trolls on Communities and Networks”

  1. Hi Alexander,

    Your paper is beautifully written and a pleasure to read. Well done.

    I was initially drawn to your paper because I know little about trolling and because we share the same conference stream. I particularly liked that you highlighted that online communities can emerge from offline groups and can exist in both realities, many papers have not mentioned this, viewing online communities as completely virtual.

    I also enjoyed your argument that innocent questions are often dismissed as trolling. I imagine that this may initiate trolling in return, which is a whole new issue to discuss.

    To further your discussion, I would like to know your views on the differences (if any) between trolling and online bullying. Or even the difference between playful mischief and trolling? Do you think that trolling can only lead to destruction within a community, or can it exist in a positive way, reinforcing the community’s bond by creating a common enemy?

    Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


    1. Hi Anna

      So glad to hear from you and thank you for the compliment.

      I thought it was necessary to include the many ways in which online communities can exist and interact offline. But with each community whether online or offline the concept performance identity is a must.

      I believe that the fundamental difference between trolls and online bullying, lies in the intention of each. Trolls, for example are ultimately creating attention for themselves, often through inflammatory comments and disruptive discussions. These comments are often hateful, racist, sexist and profane that are designed to bait a reaction from honest members within the community (this is similar to the concept of flaming). Seeking attention is ultimately the key motivator behind trolls.

      This differs in my option to cyberbullies, who focus more on the individual than the community, with their intention to shame and intimidate their victims. So, where trolls seek attention for themselves, cyberbullies prefer the attention to be on their victims, leaving them feeling of helplessness.

      As for your last question, I am firm believer that if communities are strong enough they can rise up against trolls, forming a stronger bond within the community and silencing this behaviour.

      Looking forward to reading your paper, hope you have a nice day.

      Kind regards Alex

  2. Hi Alex,

    Thank you for your response. Your distinction between online bullying and trolling is such an important one and you summerised it well, both clearly and simply. I also agree that most online communities become stronger when exposed to a common threat, building bonds and reinforcing community identity by banding together. To continue this discussion, I would like to know what other research you feel could be conducted to further knowledge of your research topic?

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts.


    1. Hi Anna
      The distinction between trolling and cyberbullying is an important question, especially in today’s modern society where the growth in technology will result in more cases of each.

      With additional effort, I wish I had time to unpack the figure that can be found in the appendix. In describing the figure, my paper was mainly focused on the concept of social capital. I feel more work can be done to further the discussion, between how the collective group identity can both pressure and inform the current and existing social structures – which later impacts the social capital that a group holds.

      Another key area of research is the link on how the social spaces we put ourselves in (whether offline, online or both) effects our relationships from the change in our communities which may lead to a natural hierarchy, where key members have control over the group.

      I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on the above, and whether you can think of any better way to extend my research.

      Kind Regards


      1. Hi Alexander,

        I would really like to hear more about your ideas on the figure and how this collective identity can pressure social structures. For my own clarification, do you mean that by having this figure as a community identity it could potentially pressure those involved in the community to engage in trolling with this image as a means of belonging to the collective? I would be interested to know if there is an expected level of mischief that needs to be performed when using this image in order to be widely accepted in the community, and if using this figure encourages trolling more so because it gives trolls an identity to hide behind.

        Would love to hear your views on this.

          1. Hi Anna

            Good to hear from you again, I assume you are talking about the infamous ‘troll face’ which is the featured photo in the banner of this paper?

            In answering your question, I believe that like-minded people that have behaviors similar to trolling could form a collective. Given their intentions to draw other people with similar trolling behaviors together. The troll face image, could itself draw attention to those like-minded trolls and hence create their own informal identity which they draw praise and recognition from.

            This image is cernuous as it attracts trolls, leading to a greater collective, boosting their influence and there potential to harm which self-perpetuates the essence of trolling. This self-perpetuation leads to the formation of more and more trolls, as they fail to see the maliciousness in their actions online. This collective of trolls (or a considerable number of trolls) offers protection to one another, as they have formed a pack identity, resulting in a ‘safety in numbers’ mentality, meaning that actions cannot be traced back to one singular individual.

            This mentality is clearly seen in my paper, through the example of the case of Madeline McCann, as there was not one troll, but thousands of trolls from across the world, who made up the Anti-McCann movement.

            Kind Regards


  3. Hi Alexander, 

    I chose to read your paper because I was intrigued by your chosen angle regarding identities and communities online, particularly your stance on conflicting arising from online platforms. I knew I would be able to start a discussion with you regarding this as I don’t totally agree with your idea that online communities can cause conflict and friction amongst it’s members, leading to deception and trolling. 

    You mention solely online communities which are used by members with no desire to meet offline. You didn’t provide any examples of communities and am I intrigued, what sort of communities are these? 

    While I can agree with the opportunity for users to create a fictional character online through common platforms such as Facebook, I don’t think that will automatically cause friction and conflict when that users attempts to communicate with others online. I’m sure there are a lot of fake users online which engage in online forums and chatrooms, purely for security and safety reasons. For a lot of people, it can be the only way they can communicate with other like-minded people without the fear of being found out. I can understand your perspective wholeheartedly, and I think it’s a legitimate concern for other users who may feel as though they are being lied too. However, I do think the pros of anonymity far outweigh the cons. I would love to hear your thoughts about this further.


I found your Madeline McCann reference very interesting as I didn’t know of the differing communities that surrounded the case. I liked how you related that to your overarching concept of identities and communities, well done.


I found your points regarding authenticity interesting, especially regarding the cultural aspects. You mention that while it is important to be authentic online, it is critical to remain cautious to the dangers of the internet as it relates to members cultural backgrounds. I’m a little confused regarding this because while I think differing cultural backgrounds can have the potential to cause conflict online between members, I don’t think that’s the most critical aspect to consider. Online, a user doesn’t even have to reveal their cultural, political agendas and they can still corporate and thrive in an online community. I don’t think cohesion online and similar cultural backgrounds of members is a mutually exclusive idea. Would you agree? 

    I enjoyed reading your segment on trolling, as I agreed with all the points made there. I think trolling can cause immense conflict and friction within not only groups or online communities but to people’s lives offline also. As you said, the McCann situation, that is an example of how the parents may have been personally affected by the comments made by trolls regarding their involvement with the disappearance of their daughter. Whether or not they read those posts or not, the intent was there and they would have been seen by many other people as well. 

    Overall, I think your paper was very well written and covered an important area of online identity and community. While I didn’t agree with several of your points, I challenge you to respond and continue this discussion as I would love to see your response to my comments.


Well done.

    1. Hi Elli

      Thank you for your response, addressing your concerns about the lack of examples for online communities – I note there are examples of communities with no desire to meet, as you mentioned. These examples may also be due to their geographical location, making it significantly costly and inconvenient to meet offline with communities that take place across multiple countries.

      A common example of one such community would be a “fandom”. This community is a collective of individuals that are fans of a particular person, team, fictional series, tv series and movie that are not bound by a geographical location. This means fans can identify and communicate with a particular fandom across the world, via the web, through Facebook groups or through websites that members have made that can facilitate discussion.

      I also agree that people online defiantly need to protect themselves, with non-disclosure of important details such as birthdays, banking details etc. But subsequently, the use of fake accounts does represent users that are not being their authentic self. People who aren’t authentic will ultimately disrupt communities with negative intent, drifting them away from their original purpose. So, with every conversation users need to be both protecting themselves while remaining true to their authentic personality. Hence, when using a fake account or profile users must remain authentic in expressing their true self.

      In respect to your comments on how different cultural backgrounds can create conflict, this is definitely true, except for Countries that are accepting of different cultures such as Australia. In this case, communities that live in a culture that has surrounded itself with other cultures builds a tolerance for conflict within a wider community. I believe that a culture that is not multicultural will tend to be more cultural driven or culturally superior, where other cultures fail to communicate effectively in dealing with online communities. While this is an extreme example, this behaviour is not far from the truth with some countries, where this behaviour brings old conflicts to the surface or creates new ones through a lack of understanding or just ignorance.

      Thank you for your kind words about my paper, I’m looking forward to hearing your response and continuing this discussion.

      Kind Regards


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