Gaming Communities in and beyond Game Worlds

Gaming Communities in and beyond Game Worlds (Click for PDF)

Zachary Riordan

Curtin University: Bentley



This paper discusses many of the most important aspects of community in gaming, within and beyond the game world. This includes: how communities form in online games and how activities centred around gaming facilitate online communities. The paper argues that games, and online subsidiary activities centred around them, provide social benefits to participants that compliment off-line social interaction by promoting the growth of communities both within and beyond the game world. More specifically, this paper analyses and explores: game worlds, “third place”, flow, hallucination of the real, text-based messaging, Voice over Internet Protocol, playing with friends, social media content creation, and “modding”; and relates these aspects to social benefits including: bridging and bonding social capital, agency, social proximity, familiarity, and weak and strong ties.

Keywords: community, gaming, social capital, weak and strong ties.

Gaming Communities in and beyond Game Worlds

The social benefits of game play and communities created within games have been extensively researched (Trepte, Reinecke, and Juechems, 2012). In the context of 2018, communities not only thrive within games themselves but also the secondary activities surrounding the games. This paper argues that: games, and online subsidiary activities centred around them, provide social benefits to participants that compliment off-line social interaction by promoting the growth of communities both within and beyond the game world. This paper will firstly discuss how communities form within game worlds and the types of communities created. Then it will explore how these, and new, communities form and prosper via subsidiary online activities that centre around games. These subsidiary activities include, but are not limited to, social media content creation and modifying games. Throughout the paper I will also analyse the social benefits that players and participants attain because of the communities they become a part of.

In-Game Communities and Immersive Game Worlds

Online gaming has developed over multiple decades, with video games dating back over 45 years (Leaver, 2018). The realism, expansiveness and detail in video games has, obviously, increased extensively over this time. This, and the number of participants is likely to continue to increase in future years (Leaver, 2018; Kim, Lee, Thomas, and Dombrowski, 2009). Far from the likes of static games such as “Pong”, these games are detailed enough for players to express themselves within the game (Leaver, 2018). Furthermore, because of technologies such as the World Wide Web, players can interact with not only the game world but other players. This interaction, as well as communication, forms the basis for online communities to develop and grow (Steinkuehler, and Williams, 2006). As detailed below, player interaction occurs within games and using other platforms such as social media.

Many games have enough detail that immersive worlds are created, where players are, at-least for the most part, solely focused on what is happening in the game. Frostling-Henningsson (2009), describes this state of being as “flow”. Sufficiently detailed games can take multiple forms and include multiple genres of games. However, game genres such as Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) are the most profound examples of online game worlds. These games can be described as “Third places”, which are “crucial… for civic interaction” (Williams, Ducheneaut, Zhang, Yee, and Nickell, 2006; Oldenburg, 1997). This is because of the extensiveness of the game and the actions available to the player (Williams and Ducheneaut, et. al., 2006). There are many roles a player can play, hence role-playing game, and no one player can be a master of everything. Therefore, to prosper in these “worlds” (Frostling-Henningsson, 2009) players should not only communicate but also cooperate with each other (Williams and Ducheneaut, et. al., 2006). This cooperation leads to communities forming within the game. Katz, Rice, Acord, Dasgupta, and David (2004) describe this type of community as a “pseudo-community”. This does not mean that the community is not real, but rather the community is based in a virtual world and has a group focus. The community type “Social Network” could also apply for some players or groups who exhibit individual centred attributes (Katz, et al., 2004). Furthermore, common goals and ongoing communication lead to partnerships, friendships and strong ties developing in the game (Williams and Ducheneaut, et. al., 2006; Domahidi, Festl, and Quandt, 2014).

One well researched game is popular MMORPG “World of Warcraft”, which at its peak had twenty million monthly paid players (Leaver, 2018). This game’s popularity can largely be attributed to the communities around and in the game that were developed because of the immersive, detailed, and continuing world centred around engaging gameplay (Williams and Ducheneaut, et. al., 2006). Game mechanics, such as an in-depth virtual economy and levelling system, lead to a “hallucination of the real” (Frostling-Henningsson, 2009) where new personas, personalities and lifestyles are created and/or expressed.

The state of “flow” and the “hallucination of the real” are both ways of describing the level of immersion games facilitate. This does not only occur in MMORPGs but also First-Person Shooters (FPSs). In these games, players are looking through the eyes of a soldier that they control. Online gameplay is centred around fighting against, and with, other players. Candy (2012) describes his level of extreme focus on trying to keep himself but more importantly, his teammates alive. With games such as “Counter Strike: Global Offensive” (CS: GO) a team of players work together to fight against another team. Much like a virtually violent sport (Williams and Ducheneaut, et. al., 2006). Candy (2012) states that the level of cooperation and fast paced nature of the games lead to strong friendships being formed. This can be described as bonding social capital which develops into strong ties (Steinkuehler, and Williams, 2006). These players turn their team into a community, one of which, the members are very close. Even so much so that once virtual friendships expand past their initial “third place” into the offline world (Candy, 2012).

As stated above, being able to communicate is obviously a key driver in forming social bonds and communities. There are many ways in which games facilitate and promote communication between players. The simplest way many games facilitate online communication, is through in-game chat. This allows players to communicate using text-based messages. However, this is crude by 2018’s standards. The time taken to create a message causes a delay between when the producer wants to communicate the message and when the viewer receives it. The, relatively, long time that the message takes to create, means that this form of communication is less often used in fast paced games and/or is often limited to use for greetings when gameplay is slower. This limits the ability for players to acquire bonding social capital or develop strong ties through using in-game, text-based messaging alone. In saying this, the messenger’s in-game name is associated with the message, meaning social proximately, familiarity, and bridging social capital is created using in-game chat (Trepte, Reinecke, and Juechems, 2012).

In many online FPSs, like “CS: GO”, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a feature that allows players to speak to other players while in the game. VoIP within the game can facilitate the communication between players who are not friends. In the case of “CS: GO”, in-game VoIP is commonly used when matchmaking with-out friends. This means the players who become part of your team are not players that you personally know. VoIP allows these new teammates to strategize, give “call outs”, or simply communicate in real time. Strategizing or simply giving good call outs result in social capital and a sense of agency for the communicator and would not be possible with-out the use of Voice over Internet Protocol (Candy, 2012). Real time communication also promotes a sense of “flow”, develops the game into a “third place”, and encourages players to form communities (Frostling-Henningsson, 2009; Williams and Ducheneaut, et. al., 2006; Candy, 2012).

Games have also used other ways of connecting players with each other. A standard feature in any online game in 2018, the ability to create a list of friends and easily join each other’s games, should not be overlooked as the most important aspect of facilitating social gameplay. The widespread inclusion is likely due to social reasons being the main cause of gameplay (Frostling-Henningsson, 2009; Domahidi, Festl, and Quandt, 2014) and the exclusion of this feature, and therefore social gameplay, would be essentially unacceptable for many gamers.

In some cases, game features connect existing players with their friends whom may not play the game. Social games, or games based on social networking platforms, have used this technique for many years (Di Loreto, and Gouaich, 2010). More games, and games of different genres, are starting to utilize this technique. A recent example (2017/2018) is “Fortnite” (Bedford, 2018). When a player is not in a game of “Fortnite” they are firstly prompted to invite other friends that are online. However, players are also prompted to link their game account to Facebook. This is a clear example of “Fortnite” utilising in-game features, and other digital networking technologies, to extend the gaming community for the specific player and to increase the size of “Fortnite’s” community. This results in bonding social capital being created between existing friends who were Facebook friends but can now easily game together and strengthen their bond.

Communities in Subsidiary Activities Centred Around Gaming

Being part of a gaming community can offer much more than just playing a game. As detailed above, very strong sub-communities can form within a game itself. However, arguably to benefit most from the community around a specific game, the player should participate in multiple aspects of the community. This includes many subsidiary activities that centre around a game but are beyond gameplay. The biggest activity, in terms of active participants, is being involved in social media based on the game. The social media coverage of games is very large and complex (Minguez, 2014). The communities formed on social media platforms are not necessarily the same as the ones formed within games, but any content created by, from, or about a game is still centred around that game and connects to the game itself. Social media coverage of a game and any communities that form because of this are extensions of the game and the communities it promotes.

The media created based on games is essentially infinite and impossible to analyse in its entirety. Due to the shear amount of content, social media content about games, or a specific game, should be broken down into three groups: non-professional user-generated content, professional user-generated content, and industry generated content. Furthermore, where there is a group of participants that can share commonalities, there is a community (MacQueen, et al., 2001). This means that the members of each of these groups can be classified as a community. For example, a group of social media marketers working for a company would be considered a community.

Communities also interact with each other on social media. For example, industry members often promote professional content-creators’ work. This shares some of the industry’s agency with the content creator as a gift for creating content on their game. Specifically, “Fortnite” representatives often use their institutional authority to share and promote video content made by aspiring content creators (Fortnite, 2018). Industry members also “like” or “favourite” non-professional user-generated content. This gives the player social capital and agency in several sub-communities such as their friends or other players. Both actions, and others not mentioned, create mutual benefits and provide motivation for all parties.

Another important subsidiary activity based on gaming, is “modding” or modifying games. “Mods” or modifications to a game are quite commonplace in certain single player games such as “Fallout” (Bailey, 2018). Communities around “mods” or certain “modders” (modifiers) are also quite extensive. Because of the advancement in hardware and software used to create “mods” and the large number of people interest in games, many “mods” have been made. However, the ability to create useful, or even professional, “mods” is highly respected in the gaming community. This has meant “modders”, especially the best ones, receive a large amount of agency and social capital within their sub-community, and even the gaming community in general.

“Mods” can range in size from very small, to whole new games created in a different game engine (Bailey, 2018). The small “mods” can be made by one person, however, the largest “mods” are made by a team. This team requires large amounts of cooperation and collective problem solving. Furthermore, a team of “modders” can spend many years creating a “mod” without guaranteed financial compensation. Because of this, and the passion required to undertake such a task, the group can form a strong community based on gaming. Social capital is created within the community and received from beyond the “modding” community as detailed above. Furthermore, the feeling of belonging and accomplishment, and the friendships developed are just some of the social benefits that occur because of this subsidiary activity of gaming (Koivisto, 2003).


The communities formed within and beyond games can provide large social benefits to the participants. This includes but is not limited to, bridging and bonding social capital, agency, and social proximity and familiarity. All, or some, of these benefits combine and allow participants of gaming communities to create and develop friendships and belong to their community(s). This can occur within the game world or outside of it, through online subsidiary activities. However, both are centred around gaming and the communities that occur because of it.

The concept of communities, even within a gaming stream, is very large. Moreover, gaming as a stream is very broad and complex. This has meant this paper cannot, and has not, explored all aspects of community within gaming. More specifically, aspects including: e-sports, cosplay, gaming events, gaming lounges, and more, have not been discussed. Also, greater depth in the aspects discussed could occur if the focus of the paper was narrower. However, this paper has discussed many of the most important aspects of community in gaming, including: game worlds, “third place”, flow, hallucination of the real, text-based messaging, VoIP, playing with friends, social media content creation, and “modding”.


Bailey, D. (2018, January 3). This mod brings all of Fallout: New Vegas into the Fallout 4 engine. PC Games N. Retrieved from

Bedford, J. (2018, February 2). Fortnite: Battle Royale – How to link friends on Facebook. Metabomb. Retrieved from

Candy, G. (2012). In video games we trust: High-speed sociality in the 21st century. Fast Capitalism, 2012. Retrieved from

Di Loreto, I. & Gouaich, A. (2010). Social Casual Games Success is not so Casual. Research Report, University of Montplellier – CNRS. Retrieved from

Domahidi, E. Festl, R. and Quandt, T. (2014). To dwell among gamers: Investigating the relationship between social online game use and gaming-related friendships. Computers in Human Behaviour, 35. 107 – 115. Retrieved from

Fortnite. (2018, March 31). Laugh along with @TSM_Hamlinz as he pilots his way to a win [Tweet]. Retrieved from

Frostling-Henningsson, M. (2009). First-Person Shooter Games as a Way of Connecting to people: “Brothers in Blood” Cyberpsychology & Behaviour 12(5). Retrieved from

Katz, J. E., Rice, R. E., Acord, S., Dasgupta, K., & David, K. (2004). Personal Mediated Communication and the Concept of Community in Theory and Practice. In P. Kalbfleisch (Ed.), Communication and Community: Communication Yearbook 28 (pp. 315-371). Retrieved from

Kim, J., Lee, E. Thomas, T. & Dombrowski, C.  (2009). Storytelling in new media: The case of alternate reality games, 2001-2009. First Monday, 4(6). Retrieved from

Koivisto, E. (2003). Supporting Communities in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games by Game Design. Digital Games Research Association Conference. Retrieved from

Leaver, T. (2018). Web Media: Gaming Media Convergence [iLecture]. Retrieved from

MacQueen, K. M., McLellan, E., Metzger, D. S., Kegeles, S., Strauss, R. P., Scotti, R., Blanchard, L., and Trotter, R. T. (2001). What Is Community? An Evidence-Based Definition for Participatory Public Health. American Journal of Public Health91(12), 1929–1938. Retrieved from

Minguez, K. (2014, November 7). The Merging of Social Media and Gaming. Social Media Today. Retrieved from

Oldenburg, Ray (1997). The great good place: cafés, coffee shops, community centres, beauty parlours, general stores, bars, hangouts, and how they get you through the day. Retrieved from

Steinkuehler, C. & Williams, D. (2006). Where Everybody Knows Your (Screen) Name: Online Games as “Third Places”. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 11(4). Retrieved from

Trepte, S. Reinecke, L. and Juechems, K. (2012). The social side of gaming: How playing online computer games creates online and offline social support. Computers in Human Behaviour, 28. 832 – 839. Retrieved from

Williams, D., Ducheneaut, N., Zhang, L., Yee, N., & Nickell, E. (2006). From Tree House to Barracks: The Social Life of Guilds in World of Warcraft. Games & Culture, 1(4), 338-361. Retrieved from


10 thoughts on “Gaming Communities in and beyond Game Worlds”

  1. Hi Zachary,

    I was really drawn to your paper as I am studying an online games unit that focuses on communication and behaviours within gaming communities. I think it’s very interesting to make the focus on game worlds as these immersive places can spark social interaction between players that users may or may not know personally. Community is also a huge part of the process within these activities as game worlds and interaction can be taken to other online medias, which I have seen in the past.

    You mention that World of Warcraft had twenty million monthly paid players, which really proves how many users are taking part in this community and engaging in the game. I definitely agree with these gaming communities that are forming through different personalities and lifestyles, especially because different characters can change the way players act and play through certain games. I personally think that games that involve teams are a main influence as members can communicate whilst playing and this can form new friendships.

    Your paper fascinated me as I do take part in gaming but do not know the logistics around gaming communities and interaction as I usually only play single player games like Fallout and Bioshock. Now that I know a little bit about gaming culture and their communities, I definitely agree that the interaction through these games can have social benefits to the players, as it can influence behaviours and interaction in the online or offline worlds. I enjoyed reading your paper as you had some interesting points and it was great to learn a few things about this culture.


    1. Thanks, for your comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the paper and learnt a thing or two 🙂 It’s interesting to see you mention single player games; I think it’s interesting that single player games can still encourage community, even without the connection to others players within the game itself. As a gamer myself, a large part of my interaction with games is via the subsidiary activities I talked about. Quite frankly, without these activities I doubt I would play any single players games, and would play multiplayer games a lot less.

      1. I find it interesting that subsidiary activities have that much of an impact on your gameplay! Although I do love to play video games, I’ve never become part of a gaming community through the subsidiary activities like social media groups and online interaction.

        Going back to your paper, do you think “modding” is sort of stealing from the original game and changing it to become something else? I know that this is a very popular subsidiary activity but I would love to know your opinion on whether it is a positive or negative thing.

        I would also love if you checked out my paper and gave your opinions 🙂


        1. I can see how people can view modding as “stealing” as it is using work that is not your own. However, I see it more as fan made content that encompasses Web 2.0 and the participatory culture of the web. Users now have more agency over the spread, popularity, and creation of media they and others consume. Overall, I think is definitely a positive thing for both users and companies; mainly because mods encourage a long lifespan of the game and its community, which can be enjoyed by players and “exploited” by the original creators.

          Do you believe modding is positive or negative?

          – Zach

          P.S. I’ll definitely check out your paper.

          1. You do make an interesting point and I guess it’s the same as any other content online that can be modified and re-published. I have to agree that it is definitely a positive for both the players and the owners as although the game is being altered, it does increase brand awareness of the gaming company and more players will be interested in taking part in the game. I also do believe that the fact that gamers are commonly playing within a community of friends also has a positive impact on the interaction and participation of gaming on the Web 2.0.

            Spread and popularity is one of the main aspects of marketing in the gaming industry as obviously there is no limit to brand awareness. I also have to agree with you on the the fact that gamers can end up enjoying the game more once it is modified and have more options when there are different versions of a game. There are positives on both ends of playing a modified game and participating in communities online that engage and bond over these modifications.


          2. Lots of good points in your last comment Sophia. I always think of Skyrim as a great example of these benefits. The game has stayed somewhat relevant for ~7 years largely due to the modding community. This obviously has had benefits for consumers who get extra content for the game they bought, but has also allowed the creators to develop and profit from remasters of the game and ports to platforms such as the Nintendo Switch.
            I know people who still gain enjoyment and social capital from participating in the modding community around Skyrim.

  2. Hey Zachary,

    Interesting paper, I really enjoyed your views into the subsidiary activities you describe as these definitely provide opportunities for players to gain social capital in the community. I find it interesting that you referred to the Katz, Rice, Acord, Dasgupta, and David (2004) paper and their description of the gaming community as a ‘pseudo-community’ – I think the research I’ve done into it very much cements it as a proper community with active members and activities that reflect its reality. Gaming communities can also spill over into the offline or the non-virtual such as is in the case of e-sports or local social battles for games like Super Smash Bros Brawl. What do you think?



    1. Hi,

      Thanks for your comment. Upon further reflection, I think Katz et al. (2004) is perhaps outdated and/or underdeveloped for 2018 online communities. The paper describes “pseudo-communities” as having very real consequences etc, as you’ve described. However, from my perception of the paper, there does seem to be a stigma or prejudice that online communities are lesser. I believe most of us would argue that this is not the case.
      I very much agree that gaming communities can spill over to offline spaces/activities. My paper focused on online activities but this conference has been a great opportunity to learn about offline or non-virtual gaming communities! Gaming lounges, tournaments, e-sports, cosplay, gaming events, and more, are all interesting non-virtual activities!


  3. Hi Zachary

    I really enjoyed reading your paper and I liked the way you structured it!
    I agree with you on the point you made about how communities formed within and beyond games can provide large social benefits. The examples you use to support this really help emphasise your point! There are so many benefits of belonging to a community in or outside of the game space, however, I’ve noticed how a lot of online game communities diminish after the game is complete. What are your thoughts on this is it an inevitable process or are there alternative methods of keeping the community vibrant without the original interest point?


    1. Hi,
      I’m glad you enjoyed my paper. The popularity or participation of a game does obviously impact the size of its community. Therefore, as you’ve said, the communities size may diminish after the game is complete. However, within the game’s community, members will form bonds. These are social bonds and tangible bonds such as adding someone you met in game as a friend. These friends stay with you across many games, which means a (smaller) community will live on.
      Communities need shared interests so as the original interest point’s importance decreases, the likelihood that the community will diminish increases. However, players will likely move onto a new game and form a new community. They will also bring some of their friends with them to this new community. Of course there will be a percentage of players who drop out of the gaming community as a whole, but at the same time, others will likely join if there is an interesting new game.
      Overall, shared interests are important for communities, but the bonds formed via gaming communities will transcend into other communities. This means that communities continue to evolve over time, with some sub-communities prospering, and others diminishing out of existence.

      Thanks for the very interesting question. It’s quite complex when you start to think about it.


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