The Role of Filters & Editing Apps in Creating False Online Identities - by Ella Jones   ABSTRACT This paper aims to discuss the role that social media platforms play in forming and shaping a young woman’s online identity and sense of self. Specific focus will be placed on the role of augmented reality filters and third-party editing apps, such as Photoshop and Facetune, in perpetuating false and extreme beauty standards for young women, as well as the detrimental effects this Read more [...]
  Abstract This paper explores the effect Instagram has had on the modern-day teenager, and how their identities are being influenced by its features. Whilst Instagram’s original purpose was always to share and promote people, teenagers have used the apps interactive features to compare their own sense of self with that of their peers. Features such as photo sharing, filter options and the like button have each created their own means for influence on the teenage population. Photo Read more [...]