The increase of social networking sites and how people interact through social media shows how communities spread awareness and information of current worldwide events. The majority of the population uses technology as a form of communication for personal or information purposes. Social media is considered to be built on the idea of how people know and interact with each other (Raut, & Patil, p.281, 2016). Social networking sites can cause significant changes within different communities and societies. This creates a difference in how people go about their daily life. Social media is continuing to grow rapidly, especially on social networking sites like Instagram and TikTok. Instagram and TikTok are popular social media platforms. Firstly, Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service, but mainly it’s used for images, whereas TikTok is a video-focused social networking site. These two social networking platforms allow communities to spread awareness and information in two very different forms of communication. Using social networking sites to spread awareness and knowledge has become the more popular, faster and a more effective way to create positive social, political and economic change, this may be through methods such as activism. In addition, studies have revealed (Sandoval-Almazan, & Gil-Garcia, 2014) that movements go worldwide due to how quick and easy it is to post on multiple social networking sites, for example, Instagram and TikTok. People now constantly like to use these networks in their daily routines (Raut, & Patil, p.281, 2016). Furthermore, different social networking sites can impact communities by spreading awareness and information through the form of activism about certain current worldwide events. The use of social networking sites may create positive social change (Williams, 2015), political instability (Zhuravskaya, Petroza, & Enikolopov, 2020) and economic change (Jones, Borgman, & Ulusoy, 2015). Therefore, social networking sites have allowed communities to spread awareness and information about current worldwide events and create positive social, political and economic change due to online activism.
Social change can be complicated for a society to accept or handle. Still, social media can influence and spread awareness or information to allow social change to be more accepted. Social networking sites have created new movements within activism, which allows a more effective and faster way to make social change happen (Sandoval-Almazan, & Gil-Garcia, 2014). This is due to specific social networking platform movements spreading worldwide and creating social change. Social networking is considered an internet-based social media platform that allows individuals to stay connected with friends, family, or peers. Social networking sites include Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. Social change can be defined as how humans interact and how relationships transform cultural and social institutions over time, profoundly impacting society. Many forms of activism can lead to social change when using social networks to spread awareness further. For example, include activism in the form of hashtags, publishing news on websites, creating video and audio investigations, spreading information about protests, or organising campaigns. Media activism can be used for many different purposes. Williams stated that using activism in a form of hashtags on social networks have emerged as an effective way to share information and encourage change regarding a demographic that seems to get little support from its nation (Williams, 2015, p.342). Williams continues to mention throughout the article how black women’s issues are more recognised when using social media hashtags, due to being able to attract traditional mainstream media. Nowadays, these issues are also spread quickly on social networks like TikTok or Instagram, which go worldwide. William’s article provides evidence of how using hashtags as a form of activism can positively attract attention and spread awareness around an event or issue worldwide. Over the years, social media has become very popular and the way people now communicate, leading to the different online activism forms. Digital activism can create social movements and instigate social change. Hashtag activism was mainly widespread on either Twitter or Instagram as they are the platforms to use hashtags, although now TikTok use hashtags to filter what the user likes to watch and what is popular. This movement has become very effective and a fast way to change how society thinks about specific topics or issues occurring. Stache (2015) believes that hashtags can continue a “conversation beyond the originating dialogue” (p.162). Stache mentions that hashtags continue a conversation and reflect how social movements are suitable for educational purposes. Those who may not know a lot about a situation can then continue a discussion, ask questions and do research which then creates social change due to expanding their knowledge on a topic. Studies showed that Gil-Garcia et al. (2014) states that information shared and spread on social networks has the “potential to strengthen social movements” (p.365) and the overall society. The change created by social network sites promoting activism to implement social change has been seen as a positive effect. An example of a social network movement using hashtags that encouraged social change would be the #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo movements. The #BlackLivesMatter was the hashtag that went worldwide and created such significant social change around the globe. This movement already existed but became a worldwide movement after the tragic death of George Floyd. The #BLM movement led to many protests worldwide, which initially created such a difference within society. The hashtag movement allows people to connect and advocate for something they believe in as a form of activism. Social change due to digital activism has increased because of how popular social networking sites have become. Users can promote issues that need more attention by posting on social media to be able to be recognised and have the attention they should initially have. Therefore, social networking sites like Instagram and TikTok have allowed communities to spread awareness and information about current worldwide events and have created a positive social change due to digital activism.
Political views can vary depending on the individual. Politics has a significant impact worldwide, and digital activism on social networking sites can lead to change in politics. Politics is the set of activities associated with making decisions in groups or other forms of power relations among individuals. Social networking allows awareness and information to be spread to a broader audience, especially in 2022. The use of platforms like Instagram and TikTok can inform an audience about politics and make the unlikely audience see a photo or video about a political topic/view and create a conversation regarding their opinion about a particular topic. The use of social networking for politics has seemed to be more favorable due to the non-target audience getting involved and learning more about politics. Digital activism involving politics occurs worldwide, for example, Mike Brown and George Floyd’s death and Blak Deaths in Custody. These issues have led to worldwide digital activism movements with one goal: to instigate political change. Regarding the article about Mike Brown’s death in 2014, Smith, Heinrich, and Broersma discuss African Americans’ systematic injustice. The use of social networking on a Facebook page meant it could be used as a form of digital activism that implemented an effective commemorative engagement about Brown’s death. Therefore, social networking sites allow communities to spread awareness and information to positively impact political change. As mentioned previously, in similar situations, digital activism by using hashtags has instigated social change and political change. For example, this may be from African American deaths by police, Indigenous deaths in custody that continue to occur here in Australia, or sexual assault victims. Having social networks that use hashtags as a form of activism is a way to spread information about these issues and project the knowledge and awareness wider and connect more people. Those who use digital activism as their form of communication via social media, means the individual can participate no matter the time or location. As mentioned in the article written by Smit, Heinrich & Broersma, the critical findings within their research suggest that digital activism can create worldwide movements as social networks can spread information across major cities in countries and worldwide.
Zhuravskaya et al, the article discusses user-generated content and two-way communication within social media. This is a different way of how politicians and citizens can interact. Zhuravskaya states that social media provides feedback for politicians on “policy actions, discuss policy proposals and to measure political discontent” (p.417, 2020). Allowing feedback proved can lead to overall policy improvements. The article by Zhuravskaya, Petrozavodsk & Enikolopov states how the effects of the Internet and social networking sites impact “political participation, voting and political protests” (p.417, 2020). Many studies have shown the effects of the Internet on political participation and voting (Zhuravskaya et al., 2020). Due to the change and rapid growth of the Internet and social networking sites to connect voters via the Internet. This article also states how it is believed that social media has an influence and can facilitate street protests revolving around politics. Although Zhuravskaya studied about political effects of social media, it revealed that those unhappy with their governments are more likely to participate in a political protest because social media users can have access to upcoming events and “coordinate their tactics” (p.418, 2020). In addition, the political change that occurs because of social networking is a positive for the public or social networking users as it allows more access to information. Therefore, social networking sites like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok have allowed communities to spread awareness and knowledge about current worldwide events or issues and have created a positive political change because of digital activism.
Economics may not be the first thing an individual thinks of when speaking about social networking sites, however, economics has a big role in social networking, more than some may think. Economics is defined as a social science concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics revolves around the studies of how individuals, businesses, governments and nations make choices about how to allocate resources. Studies from Jones, Borgman, & Ulusoy (2015) have revealed that many benefits come from the use of websites and social networking because it includes “an increase in awareness and inquiries, enhanced relationships with customers, an increase in the number of new customers, enhanced ability to reach customers on a global scale and co-promotion of local businesses” (p.611). In addition, this demonstrates the ability of social networking sites and how positive they can be for your business to have economic growth. Therefore, social networking sites have allowed communities to spread awareness and knowledge about current worldwide events or issues and have created a positive economic change.
In conclusion, we can state that social networking sites have allowed communities to spread awareness and information, mainly through online activism, which resulted in positive social and political change. The paper is an overview of how much social networking plays a role in spreading awareness about worldwide issues. It was discussed how different types of activism movements or social networking activities could positively change in both social and political settings. Social networking sites like Instagram and TikTok and digital activism movements have created a new form of communication to allow minority groups to be represented or spread awareness of issues or topics that do not get the attention of mainstream media. Therefore, social networking sites like Instagram and TikTok have allowed communities to spread awareness and information about current worldwide events and create positive social, political and economic change due to online activism.
Jones, N., Borgman, R., & Ulusoy, E. (2015). Impact of social media on small businesses. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.
Raut, V., & Patil, P. (2016). Use of Social Media in Education: Positive and Negative impact on the students. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(1), 281-285.
Raut, V., & Patil, P. (2016). Use of Social Media in Education: Positive and Negative impact on the students. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(1), 281-285.
Sandoval-Almazan, R., & Gil-Garcia, J. R. (2014). Towards cyberactivism 2.0? Understanding the use of social media and other information technologies for political activism and social movements. Government Information Quarterly, 31(3), 365-378.
Smit, R., Heinrich, A., & Broersma, M. (2018). Activating the past in the Ferguson protests: Memory work, digital activism and the politics of platforms. New Media & Society, 20(9), 3119-3139.
Stache, L. C. (2015). Advocacy and political potential at the convergence of hashtag activism and commerce. Feminist media studies, 15(1), 162-164.
Zhuravskaya, E., Petrova, M., & Enikolopov, R. (2020). Political effects of the internet and social media. Annual Review of Economics, 12, 415-438.
Hi Alani ,
Very interesting topic; your article refers to social media changing how people interact and spread awareness of current global events.
I enjoy using social media to keep up with current global events, but I have a question about whether all of the social media accounts of global events are objective facts?
Because there is no restriction on the identity of those spreading the news on social media, is all this information being applied true? Will it lead to people falsifying reports for their benefit?
Hi Sining,
Thanks for your feedback. Yes I do agree with how people can twist and change current global events to sound negative or to spread misinformation about certain topics.
Some social media networks may remove content that spreads misinformation but majority of the networks don’t do this. I definitely think this needs to happen and be monitored so that people aren’t given the wrong information about a certain topic.
Great points Alani, I’ll be looking forward to reading more papers on this topic!
Hi Alani,
Interesting paper. I agree that social media has helped bolster the impact of activism. But I also do believe that there is a huge issue with online ‘slacktivism’. I noticed that many online influencers tend to hop on activism trends, mostly for more personal gain rather than for raising awareness. For example, many used the BLM protests as a photo opportunity as described in this New York Post article. However, for the general social media user, I believe social media is a great tool for providing a platform for minorities.
If you’d like to check out my article here’s the link:
Hi Sienna,
Thanks for your feedback. You mentioned a really great point in terms of the issue regarding ‘slacktivism’ and how online influencers hop on certain popular trends that are happening. I have noticed this a fair bit recently, as being an Indigenous woman, a lot of the influencers jumped on the trend when it was invasion day to post a story, but I believe that just because you post one 10 second story on Instagram does not mean you fully understand the issue behind it. I think influencers need to be posting frequently about issues they are passionate about instead of doing it when it’s trending. It makes them look not genuine.
Also thanks for adding some links for me to read, appreciate it.
Hi Alani
Very insightful paper. For someone who doesn’t watch the news or read the newspaper/current news websites it is pretty interesting how much news information I get from social media apps like twitter, tiktok, facebook etc. It is great that minority groups have been able to have a stronger voice through social media as it is a forever growing community where you can get information within seconds so spreading that strong voice is great. I hope that as more minority groups get a bigger social media platform that their voice will be heard more, especially during injustice times.
If you would like a read into Black Lives Matter and social change through hashtags and social media as well, check out my conference please
Hi Michael,
Thanks for your feedback and your view on my essay. I agree with what you said when speaking about how interesting it is nowadays to see how information can spread so easily on social media apps and I believe TikTok is probably the most popular app at the moment. It allows people to get information of an event or something going on in a short clip video, which some may think is an advantage or disadvantage. On one hand it’s an advantage because it provides the information to people for example, like you who doesn’t watch or read the news to see it on TikTok, but also a disadvantage because people may be spreading misinformation. I think it’s a huge advantage for minority groups to get bigger on social media platforms and use their voice to spread awareness and information during injustice times.
Thank you for linking your conference. Can’t wait to have a read.
Hi Michael,
I also get most of my news from social media these days. I am curious as to why this is for you. For me, it comes down to availability and choice. Standard news has a handful of fixed stories that they tend to repeat throughout the day, maybe on or two of these which resonate with me. Social Media has given me the freedom to engage with what I want and find like minded people who are interested in what I am.
However, one thing I am becoming more aware of is the tendency for it to colour my views on a topic. As you say, speed is a great asset of social media but I have also found it to be problematic when it is also wrong. People become attached to their first impressions of a topic and it can be difficult to shake even when information comes out that contradicts it. For this reason, sometimes I worry about the vitality of social media and how hard it can be to correct any misinformation that arises.
I enjoyed reading your paper and getting your understanding. I completely agree that social Media has helped activism. With being able to speak about so many current events and such it does make it hard to decipher what is solid truth and what is being told for other motives such as suspicion, or fake news etc. I do agree that it allows a platform for people to be able to share information better, and find more like minded people. It’s always worrying whether the activism people who posts information will put it into real world platforms but every step is helping make a step to change. If you wanna check out my article I discuss how BLM wouldn’t be what it is today without social networks. Great paper.…faster-and-wider
Hi Molly,
Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate your point of view about this matter. I have to agree that it is worrying when people who use online networks as activism if they are spreading the correct information for others to see. I think every step is helping to make a step towards change, although if people are sharing or posting for the wrong reasons then I don’t really agree with that.
I will check out your conference paper, can’t wait to have a read.
Thanks, Alani
Hi Alani,
A very insightful read! It’s amazing how in todays digital age, you don’t have to watch the news every night or get the morning newspaper to stay up-to-date and informed on what’s going on in the world. Personally, I hear about 95% of events/issues happening in real time through social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter rather than more traditional media channels.
I’m not sure if you’re familiar or recall the global ‘School Strike 4 Climate’ event that was lead by young Greta Thunberg. She relied heavily on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to directly reach, connect with, organise, motivate and gather youth from all around the world to participate in strikes within their local communities. By using such platforms, millions of youth across the world heard and supported Greta’s climate change movement which resulted in millions of students effectively putting pressure on world leaders and challenging governments current climate change policies. This goes to show the significant impact social media has on collective activism and influencing change within political movements, as you highlight in this paper!
If you were interested in looking into this this case study further i’ve attached a link below! I found it very useful in highlighting the positive impact and extent to which social media has in creating proper change in political movements. Let me know if you give it a read! I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Hi Siena,
Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate you taking your time to read my conference paper. Yes, I’m the same, I hear majority of the events/issues that are occurring through social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook or even TikTok.
I am familiar with the ‘School Strike 4 Climate’ event which I think was great that she relied heavily on these social media platforms to create a change.
I will check out your paper and let you know my thoughts.
Thanks, Alani.
I enjoyed reading this paper and understanding your point of view. Social media contributed significantly to activism. It helps people speak about various current affairs topics and makes it harder to find out the real truth and what is being told as a form of motive such as fake news. While social media helps people share information conveniently and find like-minded people, it is also worrying that the people who communicates such information is bound to cause things to go wrong.
Thanks for your perspective on my paper. Yes, I totally agree with what you are saying and I believe using activism on social media can have both advantages and disadvantages. It’s unbelievable to think there are people out there who would purposely try scare people or convince others into believing fake news. I think that most people can see through fake news nowadays and especially when you could just google something to see if it’s real or not, even if it takes them a second to finally realise the truth. But overall, I think digital activism is a great way to spread awareness of topics and issues occurring.
Thanks, Alani
Hi Alani, I really enjoyed reading your paper, it was really insightful! I normally find my news through the use of social media, namely Twitter and Facebook so it was very interesting to read a paper on that topic. When there is a worldly event occurring, whether it be a social issue, political issue or another issue that has widespread attention online, a lot of people tend to pressure online presences with a large following, like celebrities, influencers etc, however, a lot of times when they do try and spread awareness they don’t really know what they are informing their followers which can create a negative discourse and distrust. Do you think it’s okay for people to pressure people with a large following to spread awareness on issues that they don’t know enough about or that they should be aware of their environment 24/7 due to their large following?
Hi Nanette,
Thanks for your feedback. Your question has made me think a fair bit and I was just recently talking about this issue with my sister some time during the week. I think it’s fair enough that people with such big following get some sort of pressure to post but I believe that they should only post when they have gone out of there way to educate themselves on these topics. It’s not something to post about when somethings trending. For example, every year when it’s Invasion Day in Australia, all the influencers or people with bigger following decide to post an instagram story but the rest of the year nothing is posted about Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander issues that occur. That’s where I find it really disappointing. I think that the pressure creates them or forces them to look into topics or issues that are happening and learn more about them, which isn’t a bad thing.
Thanks, Alani
Hi Alani, that was an interesting paper. I agree with you that social media has helped in boosting activism online. But on the other hand, it is more difficult to decipher what information online is accurate. This can be problematic as social media platforms have a larger audience and give more content visibility than other media.
You can read my paper below:
Thank you.
Hi Nadarajan,
Yes I agree with how it is difficult to know what information online is accurate. Thanks for your feedback.
Hi Alani!
Great paper, super well written and relevant in today’s society. I definitely agree that social media platforms have facilitated many new movements and have changed the the processes of activism as a whole. As you mentioned, hashtags like #MeToo and #BLM have been extremely useful tools in facilitating activism. I especially liked your reference explaining hashtags as moving “conversation beyond the originating dialogue”.
What is your opinion on the idea of ‘slacktivism’, especially among influencers and celebrities? Are they just using these issues and protest as a photo opportunity (in which they are likely making money)? This article from the Medium discusses this idea in regard to the case of Breonna Taylor if you are interested:
Thanks for the insightful read!
Hi Dakota,
Thanks for your feedback. I do believe that a lot of influencers or celebrities have the right intentions when it comes to really serious and horrible issues that happen around the world, although there are many influencers or celebrities that use these issues as a way to be apart of what they think is a trend. Serious issues like the George Floyd death was a massive movement, if these individuals posted a black square on instagram and using a hashtag then they definitely should of been out protesting.
Thanks, Alani