
How communication has changed since the introduction of social media

Abstract With the introduction of social media, communication between individuals has changed dramatically, allowed them to connect or reconnect with each other. Each social media platform provides a different method of communication. Keywords: social media, communication methods, social media platforms, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, conference paper 1. Introduction With the introduction of the… Continue reading How communication has changed since the introduction of social media

Identity in Communities and Networks

How Ownership and Participatory Culture constructs the identity of Journalism

PDF Version available below: Abstract Responding to the debate of autonomy versus ownership, this paper will explore politics of traditional journalism and principles of digital interaction with news, in attempt to deconstruct how the condition of autonomy, challenges standardised notions of truth associated with mainstream media. Informed by shifts in personalised frames of action accommodated… Continue reading How Ownership and Participatory Culture constructs the identity of Journalism

Social Networks

Female students receive more negative reactions to revealing images they post on social media compared to their fellow male students

Thesis Statement There is a gender imbalance online and offline when it comes to young females posting and sharing revealing photos on social media compared to young males. Young girls are receiving negative comments and reactions because of the images they post on social media, however males who upload photos with similar content tend to… Continue reading Female students receive more negative reactions to revealing images they post on social media compared to their fellow male students

Communities and Web 2.0

Youngsters in China don’t know the Internet like the rest of the globe and they prefer it that way

The internet has made a huge impact on the web 2.0 giving people the opportunity to communicate. The newest Digital report of 2018(Kemp, 2018) reveals that there are 4.021 billion of Internet Consumers and among them, 3.196 billion users actively use social networks. Social sites are promising tools in every field: from social to economic.… Continue reading Youngsters in China don’t know the Internet like the rest of the globe and they prefer it that way

Social Networks

Social Networking Sites are Beneficial to the Cognitive Development of Adolescents

Abstract This essay examines whether social networking sites are beneficial to the cognitive development of adolescents. It considers the cognitive development of adolescents to include; the development of thought processes such as remembering, problem solving, and decision-making; the development of abstract thinking; the development of the power of thought; the development of cognitive skills such… Continue reading Social Networking Sites are Beneficial to the Cognitive Development of Adolescents

Social Networks

Facebook and Young Women: The Social Isolation and the Health Risks

Abstract This paper explores Facebook as a social networking site that has allowed for communication among society but has also led to severe health risks among teenage girls such as social isolation, mental health and body image issues. The social networking site has become a large part of people’s daily lives, particularly among young girls… Continue reading Facebook and Young Women: The Social Isolation and the Health Risks

Identity in Communities and Networks · Social Networks

Social Media and its Negative Impact on The Female Identity.

Abstract The purpose of the following paper is to showcase social media as a deterrent to authentic online identities for female. The link between social media and identity has been studied and its negative influences on women have been highlighted. The focus will be mostly on Facebook and Instagram for this study. Research undergone for… Continue reading Social Media and its Negative Impact on The Female Identity.

Social Networks

Social media: A complete toolkit for the success of visual artists.

Abstract: For this conference paper, I have chosen the stream of social media to analyze how artists can succeed digitally. I will discuss about the three tools that artists can use to have an impact on social media: knowledge, community and promotion. Social media can help in the learning process of the artist through engagement,… Continue reading Social media: A complete toolkit for the success of visual artists.

Identity in Communities and Networks

Social media has a detrimental connection between people and their authentic offline self.

Abstract This paper explores the three main  negative effects that social media has on users and their relationship with their authentic offline identity. Furthermore, the articles vary from identity and social media  definitions and their users for the negative impacts on the offline true self. According to Berzonsky(2016), Lucie Caffrey(2017) stated that traditionally the identity is defined as… Continue reading Social media has a detrimental connection between people and their authentic offline self.

Communities and Web 2.0

Social networks act like tools which entertain users, provide them with information and also let people keep in touch with each other.

To begin with, with time, social networks have become very important in this era. They help people to engage with people they know and even those who they do not know. With the help the help of the internet, user can also share stuffs about themselves on social media. Social networking sites allow people to… Continue reading Social networks act like tools which entertain users, provide them with information and also let people keep in touch with each other.