Social media has transformed the way in which Jane Austen’s work is engaged with, both challenging and reinforcing traditional narratives.
You may wish to download this paper as a PDF here: walker_austen_NET204 conference.pdf
The 200th anniversary of Austen’s death in 2017 revealed the depth of sentiment the public holds for Austen - in an event marked by grand ceremonies, worldwide celebrations, museum exhibitions, and global headlines (Barchas & Looser, 2019). With the 250th anniversary Read more [...]
Indigenous Memes_Conference Paper_PDF
In 2016, Indigenous activists launched a Facebook page Blackfulla Revolution (BFR) to increase awareness about the impact of colonialism in past through to the present-day Australia. BFR produced and shared a set of memes to illustrate the discriminatory events of colonialism and to invite a wider community to gather online to show solidarity for Indigenous both past and present. Meme creation is one way to produce replicable and spreadable Read more [...]