Communities and Web 2.0

Youngsters in China don’t know the Internet like the rest of the globe and they prefer it that way

The internet has made a huge impact on the web 2.0 giving people the opportunity to communicate. The newest Digital report of 2018(Kemp, 2018) reveals that there are 4.021 billion of Internet Consumers and among them, 3.196 billion users actively use social networks. Social sites are promising tools in every field: from social to economic.… Continue reading Youngsters in China don’t know the Internet like the rest of the globe and they prefer it that way

Identity in Communities and Networks

Online identity: a must for business survival in the digital era

Abstract: This conference paper illustrates the importance of a business’s corporate online identity for a survival in the digital era. In 2019, people uses the internet on a daily basis and day by day the number of active online users are increasing. Businesses that doesn’t have an online presence are often considered to be absent… Continue reading Online identity: a must for business survival in the digital era

Social Networks

How “friendship” on Facebook between unfamiliar persons raises issues of privacy. 

How “friendship” on Facebook between unfamiliar persons raises issues of privacy.  Abstract:  Online social networks have become an extremely large part of contemporary society which individuals are consumed by in their every day lives. Due to the large influence social networking sites have on individuals, many issues can arise from particular networking sites. This conference… Continue reading How “friendship” on Facebook between unfamiliar persons raises issues of privacy. 

Social Networks

Social Networking Sites are Beneficial to the Cognitive Development of Adolescents

Abstract This essay examines whether social networking sites are beneficial to the cognitive development of adolescents. It considers the cognitive development of adolescents to include; the development of thought processes such as remembering, problem solving, and decision-making; the development of abstract thinking; the development of the power of thought; the development of cognitive skills such… Continue reading Social Networking Sites are Beneficial to the Cognitive Development of Adolescents

Communities and Web 2.0

How LinkedIn has developed an online community that helps people to grow their networks and transforms the recruiting industry.

Abstract Over the past decade, Web 2.0 has become the medium which allows people to interact with other users online. The websites that exist on the web today, continuously evolve into different platforms and create content and webpage with a purpose of social networking. This encourages communications and discussions to happen among individuals and groups… Continue reading How LinkedIn has developed an online community that helps people to grow their networks and transforms the recruiting industry.

Identity in Communities and Networks

Real Identity and Authenticity are facades on social networking sites

Abstract This paper puts forward the idea that social networking sites such as Instagram and Facebook are detrimental to one’s identity and self-presentation online. Social media is essential in forming user’s real identity as it has been proven that the amount of time an individual spends scrolling on these online sites has a direct impact… Continue reading Real Identity and Authenticity are facades on social networking sites

Communities and Web 2.0

Social networks act like tools which entertain users, provide them with information and also let people keep in touch with each other.

To begin with, with time, social networks have become very important in this era. They help people to engage with people they know and even those who they do not know. With the help the help of the internet, user can also share stuffs about themselves on social media. Social networking sites allow people to… Continue reading Social networks act like tools which entertain users, provide them with information and also let people keep in touch with each other.

Communities and Online Gaming

Online games and social media platforms nowadays make one entity.

Abstract This conference paper will be how games changed with digitalization. Games got online as a second phase of digitalization. Firstly, games were played from CDs or programs already installed in the computer. Then with the upcoming of the internet and Web 2.0 (interactive) games are nowadays everywhere and easily accessible. Social media platforms incorporated… Continue reading Online games and social media platforms nowadays make one entity.

Social Networks

Platforms such as Facebook has caused a positive impact on personal relationships in today’s society

Abstract This paper examines how social media has become the biggest medium of communication throughout the world and how it had an impact on interpersonal communication and relationships. Social networking sites has changed the way people communicate and helped them to interact with others easily, without any barriers. Online interactivity and communication are rapidly growing,… Continue reading Platforms such as Facebook has caused a positive impact on personal relationships in today’s society

Identity in Communities and Networks

Uncovering All Sides of Social Media, the Good, the Bad and The Ugly.

Abstract This paper explores people’s identities online and how social media can determine the way your identity is viewed by other followers with just a single image. Mainly concentrating on the shift in how parenthood is now viewed by showing all angles of being a parent, not just the ‘pretty’ picture side. The paper argues… Continue reading Uncovering All Sides of Social Media, the Good, the Bad and The Ugly.