Communities and Online Gaming

Online games and social media platforms nowadays make one entity.

Abstract This conference paper will be how games changed with digitalization. Games got online as a second phase of digitalization. Firstly, games were played from CDs or programs already installed in the computer. Then with the upcoming of the internet and Web 2.0 (interactive) games are nowadays everywhere and easily accessible. Social media platforms incorporated… Continue reading Online games and social media platforms nowadays make one entity.

Social Networks

Platforms such as Facebook has caused a positive impact on personal relationships in today’s society

Abstract This paper examines how social media has become the biggest medium of communication throughout the world and how it had an impact on interpersonal communication and relationships. Social networking sites has changed the way people communicate and helped them to interact with others easily, without any barriers. Online interactivity and communication are rapidly growing,… Continue reading Platforms such as Facebook has caused a positive impact on personal relationships in today’s society

Identity in Communities and Networks

Social Media Influencers Have Influenced the Identity Formation of Teenagers

ABSTRACT How teenagers identify themselves, and choose to identify themselves in online communities and social networks, are heavily impacted by the identity cues they pick up from social media influencers. Sometimes these cues come with positive outcomes, and others with negative. This study believes there are strong arguments for and against this concept, but ultimately… Continue reading Social Media Influencers Have Influenced the Identity Formation of Teenagers

Identity in Communities and Networks

Teenage girls feel pressure to project an online identity that conforms to societies standards, affecting their identity development.

Key words:Identity, Social Media, Self Presentation, Impression Management, Self-Disclosure, Self comparison Abstract: Teenagers have constant access to social media through technological devices and so, communication and connectivity is now done a lot through social networking sites. But whilst the younger generation is growing up digitally, it has had an impact on the identity development of… Continue reading Teenage girls feel pressure to project an online identity that conforms to societies standards, affecting their identity development.

Social Networks

From Fans to “Sisters”: Expectations Of Intimacy Within Youtuber Fandom

Abstract For micro-celebrities such as popular Youtubers, social media platforms can be used to grow an audience. However, sharing one’s life on the internet requires careful balancing of private and public information. As much as authenticity is needed to build a loyal fanbase, Youtubers can find their privacy being infringed when fans come to believe… Continue reading From Fans to “Sisters”: Expectations Of Intimacy Within Youtuber Fandom

Social Networks

Individuals are exposed to Social Media Risks

                                                  Abstract In the recent years, social media has become a major part of our lives which has greatly impacted and influenced our ways of socializing both in the real world, as well as in online communities that are present. With the new and advanced technology Web 2.0, social media has gained immense popularity and… Continue reading Individuals are exposed to Social Media Risks

Social Networks

Social Media and Brexit: The Role of Social Media in the Outcome of the UK’s EU Referendum

Abstract On the 23rd of June 2016, the UK voted to leave the EU with Leave gaining 51.9% of the votes against 48.1% for Remain (Grčar et al., 2017). This result would spell the end of UK’s 41-year association with the EU & David Cameron’s reign as British Prime Minister. Theresa May would take over… Continue reading Social Media and Brexit: The Role of Social Media in the Outcome of the UK’s EU Referendum

Social Networks

Social media platforms turn out to be a narcissistic trait for Young adults

ABSTRACT In this conference paper, we will analyse the history of the new social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, twitter, Snapchat compare to the old social media platform that is MSN, Hi5, MySpace. This paper will also demonstrate how people used to stay away from social media platform when it first launched compared to… Continue reading Social media platforms turn out to be a narcissistic trait for Young adults

Identity in Communities and Networks

The Functions of Instagram and the Pressure Placed On Users To Produce Unrealistically Favourable Identities

Abstract  This paper presents the argument that the way Instagram functions results in users being put under pressure to produce unrealistically favourable views of their identity. The emphasis on ‘likes’ and ‘follows’ within the application are a major reason for this and encourage users to maintain an ideal self-presentation of themselves. The detrimental effects on… Continue reading The Functions of Instagram and the Pressure Placed On Users To Produce Unrealistically Favourable Identities

Identity in Communities and Networks

FaceTune: A Simple (Photo)Fix or A More Complex Identity Problem?

Abstract.FaceTune (n.d.) is an application that allows for precision photo editing transformations that are particularly focused on the body. Use of the app has arguably become a major factor to the success of many Instagram (n.d.) influencers, with this resulting in the rise in everyday users taking on the role of editor and manipulating their… Continue reading FaceTune: A Simple (Photo)Fix or A More Complex Identity Problem?