Communities and Web 2.0

How LinkedIn has developed an online community that helps people to grow their networks and transforms the recruiting industry.

Abstract Over the past decade, Web 2.0 has become the medium which allows people to interact with other users online. The websites that exist on the web today, continuously evolve into different platforms and create content and webpage with a purpose of social networking. This encourages communications and discussions to happen among individuals and groups… Continue reading How LinkedIn has developed an online community that helps people to grow their networks and transforms the recruiting industry.

Identity in Communities and Networks

Teenage girls feel pressure to project an online identity that conforms to societies standards, affecting their identity development.

Key words:Identity, Social Media, Self Presentation, Impression Management, Self-Disclosure, Self comparison Abstract: Teenagers have constant access to social media through technological devices and so, communication and connectivity is now done a lot through social networking sites. But whilst the younger generation is growing up digitally, it has had an impact on the identity development of… Continue reading Teenage girls feel pressure to project an online identity that conforms to societies standards, affecting their identity development.

Identity in Communities and Networks

The importance of anonymity and pseudonymity in youths’ exploration of identity online

Rachel Tiongco, Curtin University Abstract This conference paper investigates the importance of anonymity in social networking sites. It first tackles the problematic statement by Zuckerberg that to have more than one identity online is to lack integrity by using Goffman’s (1959) impression management to unpack the statement. It will then analyse the ways in which… Continue reading The importance of anonymity and pseudonymity in youths’ exploration of identity online