Identity in Communities and Networks

Social Media Influencers Have Influenced the Identity Formation of Teenagers

ABSTRACT How teenagers identify themselves, and choose to identify themselves in online communities and social networks, are heavily impacted by the identity cues they pick up from social media influencers. Sometimes these cues come with positive outcomes, and others with negative. This study believes there are strong arguments for and against this concept, but ultimately… Continue reading Social Media Influencers Have Influenced the Identity Formation of Teenagers

Identity in Communities and Networks

Teenage girls feel pressure to project an online identity that conforms to societies standards, affecting their identity development.

Key words:Identity, Social Media, Self Presentation, Impression Management, Self-Disclosure, Self comparison Abstract: Teenagers have constant access to social media through technological devices and so, communication and connectivity is now done a lot through social networking sites. But whilst the younger generation is growing up digitally, it has had an impact on the identity development of… Continue reading Teenage girls feel pressure to project an online identity that conforms to societies standards, affecting their identity development.

Identity in Communities and Networks

The rise of anonymity and pseudonyms in online communities: How the women of Roller Derby have created an identity concealing online community

Abstract: Identity has changed with the emergence of social networking websites. Previously it was understood identity was singular like the body but that assumption has since changed over time with the development of social networking websites and online communities which have penetrated people’s lives in significant ways. Although Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has been vocal… Continue reading The rise of anonymity and pseudonyms in online communities: How the women of Roller Derby have created an identity concealing online community

Identity in Communities and Networks

The Value of Pseudonymity and Anonymity in Online Communities

The purpose of this paper is to explore identity in online communities specifically how pseudonymity and anonymity allow for the navigation of context collapse, identity play, the presentation of ideas contrary to popular beliefs and self-disclosure. Ultimately, I argue against Zuckerberg’s comments that anonymity in online communities only provides users with a way to harass and troll others. It is important to note that despite there being some validity to claims that anonymity/pseudonymity are proponents to antisocial behavior and harassment, this paper concludes that the benefits far outweigh the negatives and that using real names and pseudonymity should not be seen as incompatible but rather complimentary.

Identity in Communities and Networks

Facebook’s Radical Effect on People’s Self-Esteem and Online Relationship Connections

ABSTRACT This paper discusses the way the younger generation of people, specifically between the ages of 15 and 25, spend a large amount of time on communication websites like Facebook, are more likely to have lower levels of self-esteem yet are more likely to have higher levels of companionship formed from online relationships between family… Continue reading Facebook’s Radical Effect on People’s Self-Esteem and Online Relationship Connections

Identity in Communities and Networks

The importance of anonymity and pseudonymity in youths’ exploration of identity online

Rachel Tiongco, Curtin University Abstract This conference paper investigates the importance of anonymity in social networking sites. It first tackles the problematic statement by Zuckerberg that to have more than one identity online is to lack integrity by using Goffman’s (1959) impression management to unpack the statement. It will then analyse the ways in which… Continue reading The importance of anonymity and pseudonymity in youths’ exploration of identity online

Identity in Communities and Networks

The Unrealistic Expectations of Instagram

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to show how Instagram permits unrealistic expectations to younger females. The first part of this paper gives background information on Instagram and the popularity and influence it has upon the younger generation. The second part is how Instagram impacts younger girls and how it leads them to have… Continue reading The Unrealistic Expectations of Instagram

Identity in Communities and Networks

The Functions of Instagram and the Pressure Placed On Users To Produce Unrealistically Favourable Identities

Abstract  This paper presents the argument that the way Instagram functions results in users being put under pressure to produce unrealistically favourable views of their identity. The emphasis on ‘likes’ and ‘follows’ within the application are a major reason for this and encourage users to maintain an ideal self-presentation of themselves. The detrimental effects on… Continue reading The Functions of Instagram and the Pressure Placed On Users To Produce Unrealistically Favourable Identities

Identity in Communities and Networks

Finding the Balance between the Authentic and Ideal Self in the Self-Presentation of Users on Mobile Dating App, Tinder

  Abstract: This paper explores the balance that Tinder users seek to attain in terms of the level of their authentic yet ideal self-presentation on the dating app. By considering factors such as other social networking sites, impression management, projection on ones most desirable and ideal self, and traditional dating sites, it is found that… Continue reading Finding the Balance between the Authentic and Ideal Self in the Self-Presentation of Users on Mobile Dating App, Tinder

Identity in Communities and Networks

Adverse effects involving body image and self-identity experienced by adolescent females from viewing and posting idealised images of fit and healthy bodies on Instagram.

Abstract This paper presents and discusses research on the process of adolescent females interacting with and posting idealised images of fit and healthy bodies on the social networking site Instagram, and the adverse effects this has on their self-identity and body image. This research finds that Instagram provides adolescent females with continuous access to peer… Continue reading Adverse effects involving body image and self-identity experienced by adolescent females from viewing and posting idealised images of fit and healthy bodies on Instagram.