Social media has transformed the way in which Jane Austen’s work is engaged with, both challenging and reinforcing traditional narratives.
You may wish to download this paper as a PDF here: walker_austen_NET204 conference.pdf
The 200th anniversary of Austen’s death in 2017 revealed the depth of sentiment the public holds for Austen - in an event marked by grand ceremonies, worldwide celebrations, museum exhibitions, and global headlines (Barchas & Looser, 2019). With the 250th anniversary Read more [...]
Abstract: The LGBTQIA+ community is often marginalised, both online and offline, but Social Network Sites (SNSs) can provide vital spaces for these users to find community, support, advocacy and practice identity, in a way the physical world cannot. However, notions of privacy and identity online are complex practices and SNSs have varying degrees of identity requirements while providing valuable connectivity. Platforms like Facebook have strict requirements that can impact the ability of Read more [...]