
The objective of this paper is to analyse the importance of Facebook, as a commonly used social networking site and its relevancy as a medium for introverts to voice out, interact, socialise and collaborate within the online society and WebSphere. In point of fact, an individual has the golden opportunity to adopt any online persona or identity they desire to portray in the online realm; that is anyone could portray themselves as someone totally different from who they are in their actual life. Introverts can construct their unique online identities on Facebook thereby allowing them to express themselves adequately and freely. Undoubtedly, introverts would be more at ease to interact with other users online rather than face to face conversation. Henceforth, social media proves to be a user-friendly social media tool which assists introvert people to be themselves and interact with others more democratically. As such, this paper will further highlight on the fact wherein introverts behave in a distinct way online in contrast to extroverts as well as the significance of social networking sites like Meta commonly known as ā€œFacebookā€ as the foremost place introverts would go to suit in irrespective of their real identity or online personas.


 Keywords: #Introverts, # Social media platform. # Facebook, #Behavior #Online community



With the technological advancement in the 21st Century, contemporary individuals more specifically introverts are now able to express their social identity, online persona as well as voice out democratically via social media platforms. In line with this, with the emancipation of social media the communication and collaboration pattern of introverts has revolutionised within within the online environment. In point of fact, there are two categories of people who are categorically known as the introverts and extroverts. In line with this, the extroverts are those people who are very confident, well-outspoken and they unhesitantly communicate with everyone while the introverts are described as the anti-social, distant, self-contained, isolated yet they enjoy the company of closed-ones within a boundary level. Henceforth, proving ā€œIntroversion is about how one reacts to stimuli, comprising of social stimulus. Extroverts bloom on encouragement, whereas introverts have a tendency to be more stimulus-vulnerable and consequently they can undoubtedly get overstimulatedā€™ā€™ (Schat 2012). As such, the advancement in technology has reinforced the fact that social media networks have become a fundamental phase in oneā€™s life, which acts as a medium used globally by many people to connect, socialise, communicate as well as collaborate with others. In line with this, this paper will further investigate upon the approaches that introverts apply to interact; the terms of what sort of persona they want to exhibit and how they shall initiate a connection online while using the notion of third space.


  1. Online communities enhance introverts to fit in.

With the development of social media across all technological platforms, introverts are now seizing these features to meet people with similar thinking, habits and interests whilst engaging and interacting with other people irrespective of any online communities more specifically on those they are more likely to fit in. Kahnweiler (2013) declares ā€œIntroverts have wonderful ideas that go unnoticedā€ as well as they can think of prominent thoughts in social settings, however they canā€™t find a way to voice out their opinions. As such, the third space is a space where people negotiate, contest and rearticulate social issues and also a platform which enhances introverts to voice out their opinions and expressions without any fear of being judged. In fact, Third Place is a concept used to describe a space which falls somewhere between the two standard social environments wherein a person spends time interacting and forming relationships (Campbell, 2016). For instance, Facebook, is a third area for introverts where they are immersed in a new world whereby, they can be fully be themselves while fostering dynamic interactions globally. To add on, introverts are further able to feel a sense of belonging in the online community where they are less likely to be nervous and underconfident as they are surrounded with individuals of their choices who share similar thoughts and compassion towards them.

Actually, it is viable for individuals to argue that online communities are more difficult and complexed for introverts to have live interaction yet it is highly debatable. Lately, many researches have been conducted to determine the significance and relevance of online communities which supposedly foster face to face interaction , whilst the results pointed out that due to the intensified use of social networking sites like Facebook , several issues like anxiety, stress and socially constructed norms are leading towards barriers and expectations of being socially included as well as excluded, in spite of, the position of distinct sorts of relationship regarding the use of online communities and face to face interaction are thus still indeterminate (Spradlin et al. ,2019).The research which has been conducted points face-to face interactions are not superseded by social media use. Also, the study highlights that the use of Facebook is connected to extroversion and social media platforms which actually help individuals, who are not socially proficient to feel more connected as well as indifferent with others thus, helping individuals to fit in the online community at ease. For instance, an introvert can have a conversation with a random online individual and whence comfortable enough, the latter can decide to have a face-to-face meeting in actual life. Therefore, proving having a prior conversation online certainly help individuals to know more about a person and when they actually meet, there are mutual understanding, relativity and social ease. According to latest statistics, over 17% of marriages start through online dating (Matthews 2020). In fact, people can meet their best-friends, life partners, online listeners and many more relationships via just social media platforms.

  1. Introverts have possession over their online identity.

With the latest features of social media, contemporary citizens are now getting unlimited options and choices to showcase their preferences irrespective of any characters and avatars thereby, benefitting more the introverts. According to Zhou, Xu and Zhao (2018), social media platforms such as Twitter and Weibo, most of their users have digitalized their data in terms of their personal information. Yet, nowadays, there are many cases of cat-fishing and hence, it is quite complex to record the real and reel identity of people who are signing in these social media and communicative platforms whilst including the introvert community who are shy and yet registering the same way like other people. Also, modern social media users can decide and designate freely the characters or online persona they want to portray to other online users. In fact, there are different online characters who can be normal, complete, permanent and unbiased fingerprints of large communities of people, therefore, making them capable proxies for personality classification (Zhou, Xu and Zhao, 2018).    

In point of fact, in the virtual world, one is free to select their characters and personas irrespective of any kind they to be portrayed and freely choose their usernames, names and profile pictures. For instance, via Facebook, any user can create his/her account under a unique fiction name whilst using pictures of cats, dogs or any random picture as their profile icon. According to Moore, Barbour and Lee (2017, p. 4), these types of users are called the performative dimensions and they even stated that ā€œto present a publicly mediated persona, we must perform our identity, profession, gender and effectuate our tastes, interests, and networks of connection through activities like engaging and commenting on posts, liking other contribution as well as framing a selfie.ā€ To add on, the article also assumes that the performative dimension is merely to express the true version of the users in real life. As Facebook is a platform wherein one can express and voice out opinions democratically and freely, hence, an introvert can easily use a fiction profile picture and express themselves anonymously. Undoubtedly, these kinds of dimensions; social media platforms are often used by celebrities, athletes and even national leaders.


  1. The conduct of introverts online is different from extroverts

An introvert would act differently on social media than an extrovert, although their actions are beyond their usual environment. Zhou, Xu, and Zhao (2018) investigated on whether extroverts and introverts post distinctively on Weibo, a Chinese social networking site. The concerns varied of how many users post, what and how are their approaches while they purchase online. It has been proved that introverts were shown to tweet relatively more often than extroverts, whilst contrastingly extroverts prefer to maintain a face-to-face conversation rather than being alone or isolated. In line with this, extroverts prefer to share songs and contents irrespective of formats; images or videos whereas introverts prefer re-tweeting stories. In the virtual communities, extroverts tend to engage with their friends more consistently compared to introverts who imply broader social dynamism. Furthermore, many research highlight the role of the self in the use of social networking sites. Actually, introverts are more adept in digital interpersonal relationships which is described to be an easy online medium to express and voice out their opinions. Introverts who are often more apt to limit their personal interactions and social networking sites which offer them specific opportunity to portray themselves in accordance of their preference. Henceforth, proving “Social networking sites ,for instance, ”Facebook has been characterized as the “ideal medium of communication for the introverted ones since they can be linked with their own world digitally or alone simultaneously”(Harbaugh,2010).


  1. Introverts have the ability to establish boundaries.

Social media is a medium for introverts to have a sense of belonging and to be more comfortable as well as confident to be themselves, interact with others and create new bonds, however, with the incorrect sort of limitations, it could be oppressive. Research has shown that social networking sites can lead to oppression and stress for individuals to disclose their individuality to others in the online community (Kahnweiler 2013). On the other hand, implementing boundaries is vital for introverts as it enhances them to have a sense of restraint over their situation. Moreover, introverts who are particularly conscientious social media users, could be a step forward in interacting with other users in the online community. As such, introverts must choose and draw to their preferred social media platforms as it enhances their individuality to further hone on their skills whilst boosting their interaction skills. ā€œIntroverts would endeavour to appear more outgoing and sociable in online communitiesā€™ā€™ (Harbaugh, 2010). In fact, the recluse one may still use social media to construct and recreate their online persona by various means which a common individual cannot accomplish when they are offline. Furthermore, introverts can also opt of making diverse friendships by establishing boundaries and limits. Nowadays, users can monitor and track who can view their contents shared on social media platforms.  It is undeniably a plus for an introvert as the former can limit his privacy options to acquaintances and closed ones only while having the options with whom to share his posts. Henceforth, social media platform namely, Instagram has provided a ‘close friends’ and ā€˜Favourite profilesā€™ option for to be able to classify, view and share contents with specified people.



On a concluding note, the ongoing digital revolution, advancement in technology as well as social media have massively revolutionized the way an introvert person interact and socialize. Introvert people are encouraged and pushed effortlessly to embrace the active aspect of identities in the digital environment wherein they could use identities and avatar besides their true names and adopt a distinct persona. Furthermore, they are even able to showcase their official facet while revealing their true selves. In point of fact, everything is determined by their behavioural attribute. Hence proving, the levels of comfort and ease that introvert people have with online engagement since they can keep track of the number of their social contacts within the online community. Also, as introvert people are often more at ease in online communities as well as socializing in groups, hence, it further reinforces their interests and characteristics, therefore, raising the notion of transitional space, where they are represented fairly. Besides, online communities have proved to be so efficacious for introverts which enable them to improve their personal communication skills and be apt to have good quality connections to some limitations where one can establish while assessing the privacy options the internet as well Meta offers.















Reference list


Campbell, N. ( 2017). Thereā€™s no place like third place : starting to generalize the qualities and

value of third places. Housing And Society, 44(3), 157-172. https://doi.org/10.1080/08882746.2017. 1327137


Harbaugh, E. R. (2010). The Effect of Personality Styles (Level of Introversion- Extroversion) on Social Media Use. The Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communities, 1(2), 70-86. https://www.elon.edu/u/academics/communications/journal/wp-content/uploads/sites/153/2017/06/06HarbaughEJFall10.pdf


Kahnweiler, J. B. (2013). Quiet Influence: The Introvertā€™s Guide to Making a Difference (1st ed.). Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Incorporated. http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/curtin/detail.action?docID=1160955#


Matthews,  H. (2020). 7 Online Dating Marriage Success Statistics(2022). Dating Advice.com. 7 Online Dating ā€œMarriage Successā€ Statistics (2022) (datingadvice.com)


Schat, S. (2012). [Review of the book Quiet: The Power of Introvert in a World That Canā€™t Stop Talking, by S. Cain.]. Brock Education Journal. https://journals.library.brocku.ca/brocked/index.php/home/article/view/310


Spradlin, A., Cuttler, C., Bunce, J., & Carrier, L. (2019). #Connected: Facebook May Facilitate Face-to-Face Relationships for Introverts. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(1), 34-40. https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000162


Zhou, Z., Xu, K., & Zhao, J. (2018). Extroverts tweet differently from introverts in Weibo. EPJ Data Science, 7(1), 1-22. http://dx.doi.org.dbgw.lis.curtin.edu.au/10.1140/epjds/s13688-018-0146-8














40 thoughts on “How Facebook acts as a medium for introverts to voice out and express their social identity more openly?

  1. Brendan Cohen says:

    I enjoyed your paper, Navishta. I have had this debate with many friends. I agree with your argument that the online world seems to greatly benefit traditional introverts. My research into “the performed self” seems to also back this up. Where once, introverts were trapped in a local community and locked into their anxiety-limiting world, and shut out of the ‘normalised’ social world around them, the internet seems to offer introverts enormous scope to safely immerse and explore multiple identities safely and with relative anonymity.

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Hello Brendan,
      Thank you for reading and commenting on my paper.
      Due to technological advancement, the online word seems to be beneficial to introverts as it empowers introverts by giving them a voice in order to express themselves more openly. Introverts lived comfortably secluded and they are more likely to be adaptable by being anonymous in the online community. IntrovertsĀ mayĀ nowĀ interactĀ andĀ conveyĀ theirĀ thoughtsĀ withoutĀ havingĀ toĀ encounterĀ themĀ faceĀ toĀ faceĀ thanksĀ toĀ technologyĀ andĀ socialĀ mediaĀ platforms.Ā 

      BecauseĀ itĀ isĀ easierĀ toĀ sendĀ aĀ messageĀ toĀ aĀ friendĀ onĀ FacebookĀ thanĀ toĀ phone,Ā itĀ hasĀ becomeĀ theĀ socialĀ normĀ toĀ engageĀ withĀ peopleĀ online.Ā 

      AnĀ introvertĀ canĀ alsoĀ craftĀ aĀ well-thought-outĀ responseĀ withoutĀ theĀ pressure ofĀ Ā thinkingĀ onĀ the spot asĀ theyĀ wouldĀ inĀ aĀ face-to-faceĀ debate .

  2. Senera Uggal Babila Gamage says:

    As an introvert, I agree to many points mentioned on your paper, Navishta. I can confirm that my online persona is very different from my offline one, and i feel a lot less pressured when communicating online. I have wondered many times about how surprised my online friends would be if they met me online. being able to communicate online has definitely been a way for introverts to showcase who they truly are to the world, as they would’ve been less likely to do so in real life.

    I also noticed that you mentioned catfishing when referring to online identities. I have written a paper related to catfishing, so if you are interested, do give it a read.

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Thank you Senera. I have just read your conference paper about catfishing and theft of identity online. Amazing piece of writing. Got to learn about several new stuffs about the dark side of the Internet.

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Hi Senera. I have just read your conference paper about catfishing and theft of identity online. Not exaggerating but what a masterpiece you have written. You have highlighted so many dangers online. Very well written and very informative. Thanks to you, I have had the opportunity to learn a little bit more about the dark side of the Internet.

  3. Gwyneth Gasque says:

    Hi Navista!

    I agree many points you have mentioned in the paper specifically with how introverts conduct themselves differently online compared to extroverts.

    As stated, “introverts were shown to tweet relatively more often than extroverts”. This is completely true coming from an introvert that tweets a lot. Many of my online friends that are also introverts tweet way more often than my friends that are extroverts.

    Overall, i liked reading your perspective on how introverts showcases themselves online and how it is easier for them to interact and develop interpersonal relationships.

    I have also written briefly on my paper about online identities and anonymity, would be greatly appreciated if you could have a read!


    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Thank you for the comment, Gwyneth. I have just read this lovely piece of writing of yours. I agree with all of the points you’ve stated. I really enjoyed reading your paper.

  4. Ciera Green says:

    Hi Navishta,
    Such a good idea for your paper, i really enjoyed all of the points you made. I also believe technology and social communities allow a chance for introverts to freely express themselves and is allowing them to shine through and engage in a space they feel comfortable doing so. I certainly feel more comfortable engaging online with a new person than i do meeting face-to-face as i tend to stress and have anxiety about the idea and i like when you wrote about how interacting online gives introverts the decision if they would like to meet the person later on. Eliminating issues such as anxiety and stress as this gives introverts the control and ease of already knowing the person on a certain level with reassurance you will get along with that individual. I agree when you state that introverts post more online compared to extroverts as i feel this is their time to be able to express themselves whereas extroverts prefer face-to-face. Social media allows introverts to improve their communication skills and people will soon learn that they love to share, interact, build relationships and create extraordinary content in a space they can thrive. However, looking at social issues, do you think social communities could possibly be a threat and more intimidating to some when expressing themselves online?
    I found a quick read on how introverts no longer feel the need to be a extrovert in order to excel and is becoming more accepted and well-known by companies that introverts bring a lot to the table if they are in the right community in which they feel comfortable expressing themselves. Just a little more information that would be interesting to read to support your beliefs.

    My paper explores online identities if you’re willing to give it a read and provide some feedback that would be great!

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Thank you very much for the comment, Ciera. I have just read your paper and I can say that you have properly highlighted how identities in reality and identities online can be different. I loved how well you have shown how one can manipulate his/her identity easily online.

  5. Yorna Pallavee Chockalingum says:

    Hello Navishta,
    Great Paper. I really enjoyed reading it, as an introvert myself i can confirm that social media has helped me a lot to express myself and share my likings. Am sure this is a very strong point for many people nowadays. Great debat. Most importantly i found the part where you showed how introvert and extrovert are different from each other online. This shows how much they have different persona and perspectives. Personally i would like to ask you how do you react to your personality online? Are you the introvert or the extrovert type?

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Hello Yorna,
      Thank you for reading and commenting on my paper. Indeed, social media has helped a lot of people to express themselves without the fear of being judged. Introverts and extroverts have different personas and perspectives as introverts are reserved compared to extroverts who are more outgoing. I can say that i have more the ambivert type as i have a balance of introvert and extrovert feature in my personality. In fact, i can easily shift to extroversion and outgoing if i’m more comfortable with the right people.

  6. Keep up the good work Navishta! You did an excellent job of explaining this concept clearly and accurately.

  7. Tiloshna Rampat says:

    Hi Miss Pentiah,
    Actually you are right introvert are kinda shy but online they are able to express themselves. I have a friend, who is very shy when it comes to communicate with people but online she is very at ease to talk to people and share ideas as well. When it comes to me, I am a person who is open minded and your essay has indeed opened my eyes to learn new things.
    Keep it up, great work Miss, I appreciate your efforts šŸ’Æ

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Hi Miss Rampat,
      I must say thanks to social media platform like Facebook, introverts have been given the possibility to interact with people and the “third space” is a platform which enable them to express their opinions without getting judged by others. Introverts are further able to feel a sense of belonging in the online community where they are less likely to be nervous and underconfident as they are surrounded with individuals of their choices who share similar thoughts and compassion towards them.

  8. Marie Julie Eugenie Lucette says:

    I really enjoyed your topic. The title itself is very interesting and i believe it is important to uncover what such a topic. Some people have the impression that introverts just chose to not connect with people on a face-to-face basis and shift to conversation on Facebook for example. I must say thanks to social media platforms for giving us introverts the possibility to express ourselves online as without social media platforms, some introverts would not have had the opportunity to create new friendships, share knowledge and even get married as you mentioned in one of your paragraphs.
    I really appreciate the way you showed a nuance of the topic with the creation of online personas and catfishing. I believe this issue needs to be give more attention, not only for the introverts but on a general basis.
    Well done for your paper.
    Wish you all the best!

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Hi Julie,
      Thank you for reading and commenting on my paper. I’m glad you enjoyed it. In fact, with social media platforms like Facebooks, news forms of relationships have been created in terms of friendships or even life partners. Social media has been a great possibility for introverts to express themselves online. As such, the third space is a space where people negotiate, contest and rearticulate social issues and also a platform which enhances introverts to voice out their opinions and expressions without any fear of being judged.

  9. Uri labonne says:

    Hello, Miss Pentiah

    I am glad that i bumped on this article as i am a former introvert. It’s true that social platforms are fitting the introverts. Myself, i was having problem to communicate and trying to make new friends especially with girls.

    Thankfully one day, i got a friend request from a girl and despite that i was an introvert, i accept the request. Surpringly, the girl inboxed me and yes, she became my bestfriend. I was more comfortable only by speaking to her by text only.

    Then, after 2 months she invited me to hang , i was soo stressed but i was also glad to meet her for the first time as she was becoming too close for me.

    And yes, i met her and that was cool and well spent and each weekend we were meeting.
    Thank for this experience with her, when i just started my uni,now i am more comfortable around new people and participating in group works.

    A well done conference, i appreciate your concerns on introverts.šŸ˜‹

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Hi Uri,
      Thank you for reading and commenting on my paper. I’m happy that you can relate to my topic and you have been more comfortable to interact with your friend with the use of social media. In fact, nowadays people are more comfortable meeting their online friends in actual life, as they already know each other and the latter may feel more cosy around them and they may be more social in real life.

  10. Keshav sonoo says:

    Great work Navishta. You explained it clearly. I enjoyed the topic. I found it very interesting on raising awareness about the topic.

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Hi Keshav,
      Thank you for reading and commenting on my paper. I am glad you enjoyed it. It raises awareness by showing that social media can help introverts to be find more comforts in real life by interacting with other people.

  11. Canoosamy Yamini says:

    Hello Navishta. As an introvert myself, i can relate to the points you’ve mentioned. It’s true that I’m more at ease to communicate online than face-to-face.
    Well done for your paper! All the best!

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Hi Yamini,
      Thank you for your comment. In fact, introverts has succeeded in finding comforts in social media in some ways. Also, the introverts makes friends online and would eventually want to meet them in real life. It would be easier then since they already know each other and the introvert might already feel comfortable and safe around them.

  12. Gregory Loic Melotte Gerval says:

    Hello Navishta,
    Very interesting read, I personally don’t spend much time on my online identity whether it is on Facebook, Instagram, or even Tik Tok. I prefer to stay anonym but your paper did portray a side of the online world which does not necessarily require your real identity. Back in my first years of secondary school, I was very shy and introverted but now when looking back I think that if I had not changed, I would have probably taken myself online too. So in other words I completely understand, and can confirm that this outcome could have potentially be an option for me.

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Hello Gregory,

      Thank you for reading and commenting on my paper. Personally, it is better that you have not taken yourself online, otherwise it would have been difficult to maintain face-face interaction as you would completely immersed in the online world and not been able to express yourself more openly.

  13. Hi Navishta,

    Thank you for this paper. As an extreme introvert, I find it much easier to communicate online than in-person. Social media has definitely helped me to connect with others. Although, often times I’m not actively participating in conversations, I am able to connect those with similiar interests and lurk in the background. When I do participate in the conversation, it’s on my own terms and I can think through comments/responses I can make. If I feel the conversation is no longer beneficial, I can walk away and either come back to it later…or not.

    Social media definitely has allowed introverts to reveal their true selves. I find it interesting that the world views extroverts as the default and introversion can be seen negatively.

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Hello Ruby,
      Thank you for reading and commenting on my paper. With technological advancement, it has given to introverts the opportunity to be express themselves more openly on social media. In addition, social media platforms have empowered the introverts to connect and communicate their thoughts with others without face-to-face confrontation .Also, social media enhanced introverts to reveal their true identity as they can explore several identities online and also they have the choice not to reveal their identity also they can put filters or even avatars. Introverts are more likely to reveal their true identity online as they can easily adapt in the online community without being reticent, therefore they can easily interact with people more easily compared to face -face to face interaction.

      • Hi Navishta,

        Do you think Facebook, and other social media, still has more interactions of extroverts compared to introverts? So, while introverts seem to reveal their true identities online, they’re still less likely to interact with new people, and still more reserved. In saying that extroverts are still more active online, do you think there is a difference in the quality of their interactions from introverts?
        Found this research interesting (https://scholarworks.arcadia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1024&context=undergrad_works#:~:text=Thirdly%3B%20Extroverts%20will%20most%20likely,to%20talk%20to%20new%20people.)

        • Navishta Pentiah says:

          Thank you for taking your time to read my paper and thank you for your question Ruby. You are one of the very few who wants to debate about the topic. Coming back to your question, I firmly believe that there is no real difference in the level of interaction online as, by personal experience I can tell you that introverts interact a lot more than extroverts online and tend to gain more confidence in making new friends.

          • Hi Navishta,

            From experience, I can also say that I have certainly been able to make friends online with more confidence than in person (hello LiveJournal), but I feel like these friends are also introverts.
            Do you find yourself interacting more with other introverts than extroverts online? Or are they on similar levels?

            I wonder if social media has only allowed introverts to connect with other introverts more easily and the extroverts are still on another level.
            This paper seems to show that extroverted players are communicating more than introverts online (https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2016.0439).

        • Navishta Pentiah says:

          Based on the comment below that you have made,
          from my point of view, I can say that my friends are not similar and have different thinking and opinions. I only add friends that I know well and probably ignore new friend on Facebook. The friends that I used to stay are more likely to be extrovert one. This is because they know me very well for some years ago in school and tuition.
          If a new friend starts conversation with me, I will take my time to know her/him very well and then will accept her/him as a Facebook friend. I will probably stay introvert with her/him but with time if I stay with him/her, we can become extrovert one.
          However, if the new friend starts misbehaving with me, I will block him/her on Facebook.
          Hence, it is quite complicated to know which person is introvert or extrovert on social media.
          One possible way is only by meeting him/her face to face and interacting with them closely. I rather ignore new friends on Facebook as I will treat them like strangers/unknown person and probably fake one.
          I will go through the link once I read it, I will revert back to you.

  14. Jean Denis Yannick Langevin says:

    Hello Navishta,
    Amazing paper, i agree with you when you say that introvert can find easier to communicated online rather than IRL( In real Life). But as i am doing a paper on online identity myself, do you think that if the people pays more attention to their online identity rather than their offline ones they may transform their identity? and do you agree?
    In all and all great paper.

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Thank yo for the comment Jean-Denis.
      I totally agree with you. When new friends become my friend on facebook, they change their identity and try to confuse me.
      But I donā€™t take that risk. When I enter their profile facebook, I check their information first and pointed out whether it’s fake one or not.

  15. Prithvi Bissessur says:

    Hello Navishta. Great paper. Social media networks act as a medium used globally by people to connects, socialise, communicate, collaborate with others and thus, introverts can have a random online convo. I am mostly an extrovert type of person; but in the beginning, I was an introvert type and now any type of communication is good for me. true to say then an introvert act differently on social media than an extrovert an an introvert gives better ideas, solutions. 1 question I have is whether you are an introvert or extrovert type of person? Looking forward for your answer.
    Kind regards, Prithvi.

    • Navishta Pentiah says:

      Thank for your comment, Prithvi.
      I am rather an extrovert person for only those friend I know well and i can easily interact with them.
      However, I will act introvert for someone I really donā€™t know and I will take my time to know him/her first.

  16. Kiah Knox says:

    Hi Navishta, your paper was really interesting to read!
    As an introvert myself, your statement about social media platforms being a ā€œthird place for introverts where they are immersed in a new world whereby they can fully be themselves while fostering dynamic interactions globallyā€ really resonated with me. I found a lot of my closest friends through social media, with many of them actually residing in other countries (France, South Korea, America, Slovakia, Singapore, Turkey etc.). Iā€™d say your argument rings true in that sense. Did you find that there was a particular social media platform that better enabled introverts to communicate more openly? Personally Iā€™ve found Twitter to be a great platform for this, it is how I met the majority of my online (and some in real life) friends. You mentioned that introverts (more than extroverts) are more likely to retweet otherā€™s stories than to tweet on the topic themselves. Do you think this could be in consideration and in favour of maintaining the context and intention of the original narrative/tweet? Iā€™d love to hear your thoughts on this when you get the chance.

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