
Dating Apps has changed the way people seek for their partner.

Abstract In this 21stcentury, people are using more technology because it is easier and very convenient. The technology especially the Internet is allowing people to find new friends, keeping in touch with old friends or it can be just sharing their hobbies and passions with the outside world. This paper will talk about how dating… Continue reading Dating Apps has changed the way people seek for their partner.

Communities and Web 2.0

Web Accessibility Issues for People With Disability

PDF Version Abstract This paper argues that the accessibility difficulties people with disability (PWD) experience when participating in virtual communities are predominantly caused by societal attitudes, commercial interests and accessibility standardisation implementation at play on the web and/or offline. This paper will first outline what the original intention of Web 2.0 for web accessibility was… Continue reading Web Accessibility Issues for People With Disability

Communities and Web 2.0

How LinkedIn has developed an online community that helps people to grow their networks and transforms the recruiting industry.

Abstract Over the past decade, Web 2.0 has become the medium which allows people to interact with other users online. The websites that exist on the web today, continuously evolve into different platforms and create content and webpage with a purpose of social networking. This encourages communications and discussions to happen among individuals and groups… Continue reading How LinkedIn has developed an online community that helps people to grow their networks and transforms the recruiting industry.

Communities and Online Gaming

Press F To Pay Respects To Those Who Still Thinks Video Games Means Isolation

Abstract As video games industries move at a rapid pace in terms of what games can offer, there has been an increased emphasis to take seriously the study of communities formed through online gaming. This conference paper aims to provide a pragmatic approach that communities formed within online gaming, can be advantageous, beneficial and genuine,… Continue reading Press F To Pay Respects To Those Who Still Thinks Video Games Means Isolation

Communities and Online Gaming

Online games and social media platforms nowadays make one entity.

Abstract This conference paper will be how games changed with digitalization. Games got online as a second phase of digitalization. Firstly, games were played from CDs or programs already installed in the computer. Then with the upcoming of the internet and Web 2.0 (interactive) games are nowadays everywhere and easily accessible. Social media platforms incorporated… Continue reading Online games and social media platforms nowadays make one entity.

Communities and Web 2.0

Active Now: How Web 2.0 Allows for the Formation of Online Communities Capable of Initiating Change through Activism

ABSTRACT This multifaceted paper explores how Web 2.0 creates an online environment where individuals can engage in discussion about issues facing society, which in turn promotes the development of online communities around a shared interest or goal. This paper will then argue that by utilising the affordances of social network sites Facebook and Twitter, these… Continue reading Active Now: How Web 2.0 Allows for the Formation of Online Communities Capable of Initiating Change through Activism