Communities and Web 2.0

Youngsters in China don’t know the Internet like the rest of the globe and they prefer it that way

The internet has made a huge impact on the web 2.0 giving people the opportunity to communicate. The newest Digital report of 2018(Kemp, 2018) reveals that there are 4.021 billion of Internet Consumers and among them, 3.196 billion users actively use social networks. Social sites are promising tools in every field: from social to economic.… Continue reading Youngsters in China don’t know the Internet like the rest of the globe and they prefer it that way

Identity in Communities and Networks


ABSTRACT Global communication which was, long ago difficult or even impossible, has now been made easy and possible with the advent of the internet.  The impact of the internet on LGBT life is significant on the sense that LGBT youth do not have to be physically mobile in order to meet others in the same… Continue reading THE IMPORTANCE OF ONLINE TECHNOLOGY ACTING AS SOCIAL FACILITATOR FOR THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY

Social Networks

How “friendship” on Facebook between unfamiliar persons raises issues of privacy. 

How “friendship” on Facebook between unfamiliar persons raises issues of privacy.  Abstract:  Online social networks have become an extremely large part of contemporary society which individuals are consumed by in their every day lives. Due to the large influence social networking sites have on individuals, many issues can arise from particular networking sites. This conference… Continue reading How “friendship” on Facebook between unfamiliar persons raises issues of privacy. 

Social Networks

Social Networking Sites are causing the downfall of adolescents and children.

Abstract This paper explores how Social Networking Sites (SNSs) are detrimental for adolescents and children. According to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (2014) SNSs are an important part of youngsters worldwide. Adolescents often use platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Tumblr to express themselves, share and build an online identity. There is enormous… Continue reading Social Networking Sites are causing the downfall of adolescents and children.

Communities and Web 2.0

Social networks act like tools which entertain users, provide them with information and also let people keep in touch with each other.

To begin with, with time, social networks have become very important in this era. They help people to engage with people they know and even those who they do not know. With the help the help of the internet, user can also share stuffs about themselves on social media. Social networking sites allow people to… Continue reading Social networks act like tools which entertain users, provide them with information and also let people keep in touch with each other.

Social Networks

Platforms such as Facebook has caused a positive impact on personal relationships in today’s society

Abstract This paper examines how social media has become the biggest medium of communication throughout the world and how it had an impact on interpersonal communication and relationships. Social networking sites has changed the way people communicate and helped them to interact with others easily, without any barriers. Online interactivity and communication are rapidly growing,… Continue reading Platforms such as Facebook has caused a positive impact on personal relationships in today’s society

Social Networks

From Fans to “Sisters”: Expectations Of Intimacy Within Youtuber Fandom

Abstract For micro-celebrities such as popular Youtubers, social media platforms can be used to grow an audience. However, sharing one’s life on the internet requires careful balancing of private and public information. As much as authenticity is needed to build a loyal fanbase, Youtubers can find their privacy being infringed when fans come to believe… Continue reading From Fans to “Sisters”: Expectations Of Intimacy Within Youtuber Fandom

Social Networks

Social Media and Brexit: The Role of Social Media in the Outcome of the UK’s EU Referendum

Abstract On the 23rd of June 2016, the UK voted to leave the EU with Leave gaining 51.9% of the votes against 48.1% for Remain (Grčar et al., 2017). This result would spell the end of UK’s 41-year association with the EU & David Cameron’s reign as British Prime Minister. Theresa May would take over… Continue reading Social Media and Brexit: The Role of Social Media in the Outcome of the UK’s EU Referendum

Social Networks

Under the influence: Social media influencers and their role in impacting millennials travel decisions

Abstract This paper argues that social media platforms such as Instagram allow travel influencers to impact millennials travel decisions. Social media influencers play an important and growing role in the consumer decision making process. The wealth of social media influencers relies on the loyalty of their audience and with whom they connect with. This paper… Continue reading Under the influence: Social media influencers and their role in impacting millennials travel decisions