Communities and Web 2.0

How LinkedIn has developed an online community that helps people to grow their networks and transforms the recruiting industry.

Abstract Over the past decade, Web 2.0 has become the medium which allows people to interact with other users online. The websites that exist on the web today, continuously evolve into different platforms and create content and webpage with a purpose of social networking. This encourages communications and discussions to happen among individuals and groups… Continue reading How LinkedIn has developed an online community that helps people to grow their networks and transforms the recruiting industry.

Identity in Communities and Networks

Real Identity and Authenticity are facades on social networking sites

Abstract This paper puts forward the idea that social networking sites such as Instagram and Facebook are detrimental to one’s identity and self-presentation online. Social media is essential in forming user’s real identity as it has been proven that the amount of time an individual spends scrolling on these online sites has a direct impact… Continue reading Real Identity and Authenticity are facades on social networking sites

Identity in Communities and Networks

Teenage girls feel pressure to project an online identity that conforms to societies standards, affecting their identity development.

Key words:Identity, Social Media, Self Presentation, Impression Management, Self-Disclosure, Self comparison Abstract: Teenagers have constant access to social media through technological devices and so, communication and connectivity is now done a lot through social networking sites. But whilst the younger generation is growing up digitally, it has had an impact on the identity development of… Continue reading Teenage girls feel pressure to project an online identity that conforms to societies standards, affecting their identity development.

Identity in Communities and Networks

The Functions of Instagram and the Pressure Placed On Users To Produce Unrealistically Favourable Identities

Abstract  This paper presents the argument that the way Instagram functions results in users being put under pressure to produce unrealistically favourable views of their identity. The emphasis on ‘likes’ and ‘follows’ within the application are a major reason for this and encourage users to maintain an ideal self-presentation of themselves. The detrimental effects on… Continue reading The Functions of Instagram and the Pressure Placed On Users To Produce Unrealistically Favourable Identities

Identity in Communities and Networks

Finding the Balance between the Authentic and Ideal Self in the Self-Presentation of Users on Mobile Dating App, Tinder

  Abstract: This paper explores the balance that Tinder users seek to attain in terms of the level of their authentic yet ideal self-presentation on the dating app. By considering factors such as other social networking sites, impression management, projection on ones most desirable and ideal self, and traditional dating sites, it is found that… Continue reading Finding the Balance between the Authentic and Ideal Self in the Self-Presentation of Users on Mobile Dating App, Tinder

Identity in Communities and Networks

Adverse effects involving body image and self-identity experienced by adolescent females from viewing and posting idealised images of fit and healthy bodies on Instagram.

Abstract This paper presents and discusses research on the process of adolescent females interacting with and posting idealised images of fit and healthy bodies on the social networking site Instagram, and the adverse effects this has on their self-identity and body image. This research finds that Instagram provides adolescent females with continuous access to peer… Continue reading Adverse effects involving body image and self-identity experienced by adolescent females from viewing and posting idealised images of fit and healthy bodies on Instagram.

Identity in Communities and Networks

LinkedIn for Recruitment? No, Thanks

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the ineffectiveness of utilizing LinkedIn as a recruiting tool for screening and subsequently selecting job candidates due to the ease of which inauthentic presentations of self are delivered. Using the works of Chiang & Suen, (2015); Davison, Bing, Kluemper, & Roth, (2016); Donath, (1999); Guillory &… Continue reading LinkedIn for Recruitment? No, Thanks