Identity in Communities and Networks


ABSTRACT Global communication which was, long ago difficult or even impossible, has now been made easy and possible with the advent of the internet.  The impact of the internet on LGBT life is significant on the sense that LGBT youth do not have to be physically mobile in order to meet others in the same… Continue reading THE IMPORTANCE OF ONLINE TECHNOLOGY ACTING AS SOCIAL FACILITATOR FOR THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY

Identity in Communities and Networks

Online identity: a must for business survival in the digital era

Abstract: This conference paper illustrates the importance of a business’s corporate online identity for a survival in the digital era. In 2019, people uses the internet on a daily basis and day by day the number of active online users are increasing. Businesses that doesn’t have an online presence are often considered to be absent… Continue reading Online identity: a must for business survival in the digital era

Identity in Communities and Networks

Social media has a detrimental connection between people and their authentic offline self.

Abstract This paper explores the three main  negative effects that social media has on users and their relationship with their authentic offline identity. Furthermore, the articles vary from identity and social media  definitions and their users for the negative impacts on the offline true self. According to Berzonsky(2016), Lucie Caffrey(2017) stated that traditionally the identity is defined as… Continue reading Social media has a detrimental connection between people and their authentic offline self.

Identity in Communities and Networks

Real Identity and Authenticity are facades on social networking sites

Abstract This paper puts forward the idea that social networking sites such as Instagram and Facebook are detrimental to one’s identity and self-presentation online. Social media is essential in forming user’s real identity as it has been proven that the amount of time an individual spends scrolling on these online sites has a direct impact… Continue reading Real Identity and Authenticity are facades on social networking sites

Communities and Online Gaming

Online games and social media platforms nowadays make one entity.

Abstract This conference paper will be how games changed with digitalization. Games got online as a second phase of digitalization. Firstly, games were played from CDs or programs already installed in the computer. Then with the upcoming of the internet and Web 2.0 (interactive) games are nowadays everywhere and easily accessible. Social media platforms incorporated… Continue reading Online games and social media platforms nowadays make one entity.

Identity in Communities and Networks

The Value of Pseudonymity and Anonymity in Online Communities

The purpose of this paper is to explore identity in online communities specifically how pseudonymity and anonymity allow for the navigation of context collapse, identity play, the presentation of ideas contrary to popular beliefs and self-disclosure. Ultimately, I argue against Zuckerberg’s comments that anonymity in online communities only provides users with a way to harass and troll others. It is important to note that despite there being some validity to claims that anonymity/pseudonymity are proponents to antisocial behavior and harassment, this paper concludes that the benefits far outweigh the negatives and that using real names and pseudonymity should not be seen as incompatible but rather complimentary.

Identity in Communities and Networks

Finding the Balance between the Authentic and Ideal Self in the Self-Presentation of Users on Mobile Dating App, Tinder

  Abstract: This paper explores the balance that Tinder users seek to attain in terms of the level of their authentic yet ideal self-presentation on the dating app. By considering factors such as other social networking sites, impression management, projection on ones most desirable and ideal self, and traditional dating sites, it is found that… Continue reading Finding the Balance between the Authentic and Ideal Self in the Self-Presentation of Users on Mobile Dating App, Tinder

Identity in Communities and Networks

Adverse effects involving body image and self-identity experienced by adolescent females from viewing and posting idealised images of fit and healthy bodies on Instagram.

Abstract This paper presents and discusses research on the process of adolescent females interacting with and posting idealised images of fit and healthy bodies on the social networking site Instagram, and the adverse effects this has on their self-identity and body image. This research finds that Instagram provides adolescent females with continuous access to peer… Continue reading Adverse effects involving body image and self-identity experienced by adolescent females from viewing and posting idealised images of fit and healthy bodies on Instagram.

Identity in Communities and Networks

FaceTune: A Simple (Photo)Fix or A More Complex Identity Problem?

Abstract.FaceTune (n.d.) is an application that allows for precision photo editing transformations that are particularly focused on the body. Use of the app has arguably become a major factor to the success of many Instagram (n.d.) influencers, with this resulting in the rise in everyday users taking on the role of editor and manipulating their… Continue reading FaceTune: A Simple (Photo)Fix or A More Complex Identity Problem?