Communities and Web 2.0

Youngsters in China don’t know the Internet like the rest of the globe and they prefer it that way

The internet has made a huge impact on the web 2.0 giving people the opportunity to communicate. The newest Digital report of 2018(Kemp, 2018) reveals that there are 4.021 billion of Internet Consumers and among them, 3.196 billion users actively use social networks. Social sites are promising tools in every field: from social to economic.… Continue reading Youngsters in China don’t know the Internet like the rest of the globe and they prefer it that way

Communities and Online Gaming

Press F To Pay Respects To Those Who Still Thinks Video Games Means Isolation

Abstract As video games industries move at a rapid pace in terms of what games can offer, there has been an increased emphasis to take seriously the study of communities formed through online gaming. This conference paper aims to provide a pragmatic approach that communities formed within online gaming, can be advantageous, beneficial and genuine,… Continue reading Press F To Pay Respects To Those Who Still Thinks Video Games Means Isolation