Communities and Web 2.0

Youngsters in China don’t know the Internet like the rest of the globe and they prefer it that way

The internet has made a huge impact on the web 2.0 giving people the opportunity to communicate. The newest Digital report of 2018(Kemp, 2018) reveals that there are 4.021 billion of Internet Consumers and among them, 3.196 billion users actively use social networks. Social sites are promising tools in every field: from social to economic.… Continue reading Youngsters in China don’t know the Internet like the rest of the globe and they prefer it that way

Identity in Communities and Networks


ABSTRACT Global communication which was, long ago difficult or even impossible, has now been made easy and possible with the advent of the internet.  The impact of the internet on LGBT life is significant on the sense that LGBT youth do not have to be physically mobile in order to meet others in the same… Continue reading THE IMPORTANCE OF ONLINE TECHNOLOGY ACTING AS SOCIAL FACILITATOR FOR THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY


Dating Apps has changed the way people seek for their partner.

Abstract In this 21stcentury, people are using more technology because it is easier and very convenient. The technology especially the Internet is allowing people to find new friends, keeping in touch with old friends or it can be just sharing their hobbies and passions with the outside world. This paper will talk about how dating… Continue reading Dating Apps has changed the way people seek for their partner.

Communities and Online Gaming

Online gaming communities have created platforms where cyber bullies can thrive with seemingly little to no consequences.

Abstract This paper will revolve around the attitude and negative behaviour that is present in the digital world of gaming. Games in themselves have evolved beyond traditional single player games and adopted an interactive online form where players can communicate while playing with or against each other. However, can we actually claim that these platforms… Continue reading Online gaming communities have created platforms where cyber bullies can thrive with seemingly little to no consequences.

Identity in Communities and Networks

FaceTune: A Simple (Photo)Fix or A More Complex Identity Problem?

Abstract.FaceTune (n.d.) is an application that allows for precision photo editing transformations that are particularly focused on the body. Use of the app has arguably become a major factor to the success of many Instagram (n.d.) influencers, with this resulting in the rise in everyday users taking on the role of editor and manipulating their… Continue reading FaceTune: A Simple (Photo)Fix or A More Complex Identity Problem?