

Online game and communities are skyrocketing in escapism day by day as many people tend to create communication via gaming platforms and find a kind of comfort zone and as we all know the gaming world has become the new escape for many people. It is seen that most kids spend their free time on these platforms and play within a group online; Fortnite’s most popular mode is its standalone free-to-play multiplayer platform, Fortnite Battle Royale, in which up to 100 players enter an online game, competing individually or as part of squads of up to four, to be the last player standing within an ever-decreasing battle arena.” (Parent zone, 2019). Many children actually find their happiness and their imaginary world, specially while playing this game and they tend to escape from the reality. Escapism in an online game and community world can be define for various causes and nowadays it is an disadvantage for people to escape as it is a way of finding their “real world” or happiness. Children are rarely seen in society playing offline community games such as marbles or hide and seek as they are busy playing on their phones or tablets. This increase the rate of escapism as many players are in their own gaming world. For some people it is an art to escape from the reality, as the group of people they communicate with are the real-world community. There is a point to consider while escaping the real world, it’s that gamers tend to develop another character within themselves as they interact with hundreds of people and they thus escape their own responsibility as a citizen or as a family member. This leads to the a large figure of understanding and non-understanding in the society.

Various platforms have been created for people to communicate with each other but now many teenagers of this generation are more likely to buy a console either Playstation or Nitendo, just to be in touch on an online community with their friend while playing. “As technology continues to advance, so does the ways in which we can “get away” from our lives. Television, movies, video games, e-mails and smart phones are just a few of the ways people are able to escape their everyday lives and waste time. Combine that with an every growing lethargic population and you realize this is a dangerous situation that is only getting worse.” (Axel Page, 2014). The game which is trending with online community and diverse season releasing each month is Fortnite and PubG. Multi-players can play in distance or even in different countries but yet communicating with each other.

However, this game has allowed many teenagers to find an escapism and to communicate freely with their friends or even strangers. While escaping the reality, they tend to also escape their responsibility. Due to lack of integration and complexes, it has played a major role in the society as well as personality where this is complete two different dimension.“ Whether it is watching hours of television, drinking until all feeling is lost, or experiencing “your best fake life now” on a computer game, these are all means of numbing ourselves to the very real pain and brokenness of the real world.” (Andrew Hebert, 2018); this is to explain that society has an impact on a person life and this is how this may change in a sudden and this is due to people bullying other about the complexes. Complexes on the other hand can an overload of shyness or of the personality or looks. Looks can be a reason why people want to be introvert and escape from the reality.

A shy person is more likely to feel at ease on an online platform as they want to open up behind the screen and without being seen in person. Somehow people tend to fake their identity and even their profile image. Avatar is a great tool for them to hide themselves and play online and there are many issues that come along such as online assaulting or even being reported from a game.

Since many people are using escapism as a tool, Steven Knight has used it in his movies to prove that a little boy escapes the world to find his own peace of mind or comfort zone by creating his reality by playing a game. Due to his excessive anger he had for his step-father, he could only retain himself by playing games. His pain and sorrow was kept in his room that he turns out to be a gaming world. “Serenity seeks to depict the blurred the lines between technology and real life. In the original rules created by Patrick, no one dies. This game is his safe haven — free of violence and harm. But, as the situation escalates in real life in Miami, Patrick changes the rules (much to the chagrin of Mr. The Rules). As the programmer, he allows Baker to sacrifice Justice… for justice. Get it? Eventually, we find out why so much of the movie features flashes between a young boy glued to his computer screen typing code, and the crystal clear blue waters rippling on the shores of fake Plymouth Island” (Morgan Baila, 2019). Players who are part of this escapism circle are influencing other players who lack integration to play and join the same world which they see as a reality.

Moreover, it is important to consider that there is another type of players such as the geeks who plays normal games based on movies such as Games of Thrones or board games. They create a profile and communicate with other geeks. They tend to compare the real world and the virtual world where they escape themselves. Some geeks even create their own gaming platforms and allow other member to join the platforms. “Geek on this one-of-a-kind national show – bringing his dynamic personality and unique perspective as the owner of the L.A.” (Todd Bishop, 2018). These persons are highly involve in visual and world connectivity and therefore they have access on universal gaming platform due to the research skill they have and spend their free time playing.

Another game which is trending is the PUBG (PlayerUnknown BattleGround) and has also been rated as the ten most addictive game. It can be played on mobile phones and computers as well. It is important to mention that PUBG is an age-rated game and consists of severe violence and due to many teenagers under-age who create fake identity or with the help of elders, they still purchase or get the game. The impact that is caused can fatale as players tend to react violently like the characters in the game.That’s a short explanation of what the game is, but if you’ve been curious about why it’s so popular or confused by some aspects of this phenomena, this is a great place to start. Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds is a strange and idiosyncratic game, but it’s not an overnight success and there’s a reason it blew up in the way it has. at least one Twitch streamer — skydives onto an island where you look for weapons and equipment that is then used to kill everyone else.” (Ben Kuchera,2017)

“Henceforth, violence and character in game has inspired many players to react as the same in the real life and community.” (preston, 2008). Being obsessed in their own gaming world, they can start dressing up as their favorite gaming character as well as being so violent. Most games contain strong language or nudity or even strong violence nowadays and player can get a gaming disorder or tend to imitate without really thinking that they been absorb by this gaming hole or in another word, escape the reality. “The World Health Organization recently decided to add “gaming disorder” to its official list of mental health conditions, stating that gaming behavior could qualify as problematic if it interferes significantly in other areas of people’s lives. Some people have also suggested there are links between playing video games and violent behavior, especially in the wake of tragic events like the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.” (Kevin Loria, 2018). This event happened in 2018 and it was a young student who was the assailant and did the massive shooting attack in a school and all this due to; “Their games of Halo” sometimes ended with Nik screaming uncontrollably, punching doors and stabbing seat cushions until their mom called the police.” (Jessica Contrera, 2019)

Gamification plays an important role in online game and community as while playing, there are rewards that are being awarded after levels played. “Gamification is easy. It offers simple, repeatable approaches in which benefit, honor, and aesthetics are less important than facility.” (Ian Bogost, 2011). by these facilities it encourages players to play and win levels in order to go the next step. Therefore, these persons know no other places apart from their room and their tablets, phones or console. This situation is not only affecting young players but adults as well. They develop that fantasy in a way that nobody can’t say a word to them, not even their wives or girlfriends and this is having a huge impact in their relationship and the society. According to the psychologist Jess Hardiman, “The report found that 23 percent of adults – nearly one in four – said they had not had sex in the past year, with a large number of them being ’20-something men’,(Jess Hardiman, 2019). This is radically taking people’s time and breaking a whole bond around a group of people.

Responsibilities were being forgotten and this created lots of conflict as most of the players neglected the real world and the families or even studies. World of Warcraft is a game of limitless adventure that makes players play more and more. Many people became fan of the game and started playing non-stop. “Every moment of free time I had, from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed, I spent sitting at my desk playing World of Warcraft. I would ignore responsibilities, flake out on friends, and sometimes even skip meals just because I didn’t want to step away from the screen. This was my life, on and off, for about four years. The game sucked me in entirely, allowing me to ignore real life and experience a different world.” (Ethan Gilsdorf, 2009). This shows the addiction rate a person has on this game. The question is, “how many people actually get addicted to it around the world?”. There has been reporting issues and fake account created online to annoy other players and from these events, many players have given up this game and played another game. But this doesn’t prevent them to get back to their own world of gaming world or simply escape from the reality.

Adding to this conclusion, this have explained how escapism isn’t healthy to the many people and especially people who doesn’t play as they are the most affected one by being neglected by the one they love and live with. This situation keeps on growing and new games are trending with online community and things are not about to get fixed very shortly. Many people have tried to help these players who are in the dark side, but this can end up in a successful way as well as a conflict. Players become dependent of online games and this is rising abruptly where this is causing gaming mental issues. These mental issues are creating real fights which leading to school shooting attack or recently at New Zealand, there was a murder attacks which killed 50 people and video that has been shown can clearly be seen that the suspect is acting just like the players in game. Driving on people, having no pity to shoot on people walking on the streets. Escapism is increasing and the dark phase is increasing as well and the more antisocial people there is, the more conflicts will happen. It is very important for players to play within a time limit to prevent those mishap and since few games has introduced the time limit while playing, this might help as a control to players who are addicted. Escapism encourage player to create another self within the player itself and this is how thing start and discourage these people to escape themselves in things that are good, such are reading or socializing with a person or more.


  1. Hi MBisasur,

    Good job on writing a paper on such an important topic! For someone who doesn’t play games, I found your paper to be very insightful. I was not aware of how gamification can lead to some very serious mental issues resulting in the loss of lives. Unfortunately, this is not talked about enough in the mainstream media and should be taken very seriously.

    As you suggest, this will only increase until there are some rules set in place. I would argue that the gamers would not be able to control themselves or play within a time limit, especially if they are addicted. I actually think the government should be involved in setting up laws and policies that limit people from playing violent games. Perhaps there could be a system where gamers are provided with licenses, to ensure that the players are above the recommended age and play within a certain amount of time. What is your view on this?


    Feel free to check out my paper here: https://networkconference.netstudies.org/2019Curtin/2019/05/07/travel-vloggers-using-social-media-to-bring-tourism-back-to-pakistan/

    1. Hi AKhan,

      i hope you are doing great. you are right about the license but it is very important to consider that many people can use someone else name or age to get what they want, especially game addict. this is taking over and we are many people with many disiders playing unappropriate game for their own health. more laws should be put into practice.


  2. Hi Shilpa,

    Very interesting paper analysing how new generations are ‘escaping from reality’ through gaming. Your argument is mind-opening and insightful!

    Following this reading, there is a need to regulate gamers and gaming time, do you think there might be legal actions in the future to regulate and/or monitor online gaming and playing times? Another point you mentioned is that there are many players below the recommended ages playing violent or even gore games, not to mention GTA style games where no morals, values and neither laws are respected by the players, that should be looked into by the law.


    You might also take a look to my paper on how social networks are defining social construction of reality of its users : https://networkconference.netstudies.org/2019Curtin/2019/05/09/social-media-influencers-defining-construction-of-identit/

    1. Hi Keshav,

      I believe that in the future the gaming industry will tend to put some regularities as this is really impacting on many gamers health. they have already started, especially Fortnite as I’ve mentioned. after few hours of playing, the game stop while saving all the data automatically. but it is also important to consider that not every game can be monitored. GTA is a violent game that need to be played a by an adult but as you’ve said, no moral, values and laws are respected and since many people enjoy playing it, it is very difficult to stop selling it.

      Thank you for your comment and point of view. I’ll make sure to have a look at your paper and stream you’ve chosen.

  3. Hi Manishta,

    I appreciate your efforts on writing a paper on this topic. Many do not acknowledge the fact that gaming can be harmful for some and lead to serious health issues. I also liked how you used examples to support your ideas, which is great for a non-gamer to better understand the concept. I would to know if you are a gamer yourself and if so, what do you do to stay away from the negative aspects of online gaming?


    1. Hi Pooja,

      You’re absolutely right, many danger encounters while playing excessively. it is very important that non gamers understand the pros and cons and how playing excessively can lead to an escapism of the true world, ie, the world a non player living in. I am a gamer but i have a strict time management cause in the past it has led to some health issues such as a severe head, neck and back pain which unfortunately took time to heal. however, online gaming hasn’t been part of my gaming world as i prefer to play and lose and try again without being judge online. but the best way to play and not fall in the “escapism” trap is a time management. this will really help to contribute to both gaming and true world.

      Thank you for you comment and point of view.

      1. Hi again Manishta,

        Thank you for answering my question. I am happy to hear that you have been able to put aside your bad experiences from gaming. Indeed, I imagine time management would decrease the addictive nature of gaming and help gamers to escape reality for just a while and get back to it later instead of focusing on playing all the time. Did you take into consideration your personal health issues that came from playing excessively before writing this paper? And as you said, you like to play and lose without being judged, what do you think can be done to create this safe space online and boost the confidence of amateur players so that they can play without feeling the need to be validated?


  4. Hi Shilpa,

    First, you’ve chosen a really great topic to cover as it was high time for people especially youngsters to be aware about the impacts of online gaming since it’s the latest trend and it won’t be dying any soon. All your points covered were really informative and myself as a gamer I definitely agree that many use gaming as a tool to escape reality which can have devastating results. This reminds me of one of friends who actually failed his HSC twice due to addiction of gaming. I barely have contact with him as he totally turned into an introvert who feels uneasy when he leaves his computer. I mean, gaming is fun, educative, relaxing as long as someone doesn’t abuse it. I’m also part of the LoL community on Facebook and trust me, each time I enter it, within the next 5 min, I close the tab because of the disruptive atmostphere that prevails over there. I think if someone is skilled in gaming, then the person should definitely develop his talent and aim to play at national and International level such as Faker. Even these players have a normal lifestyle and indulge in their hobbies and physical activities to be fit compared to these youngsters nowadays who have nothing to do beside gaming as it’s their father who is paying for the Internet. To some extent, the fault is probably to the parents for giving them too much freedom and also at a certain age, it’s time for these youngsters to develop maturity and understand where the priority should be at first place. Oh, reminds me of my paper where in China, the internet is censored. What do you think is our country also start to follow China’s path and start filtering violent and addictive games? Would that make any difference?

    – Kavina

    1. Hi Kavina,

      Your point of view on gaming is pretty much as mine and I must say that you are right! but on the other hand, i don’t really think that we all need to follow the path of the chinese restrictions cause first of all we are a tropical island where we have many resources and i personally belied that the platforms we are actually using are important for the well running of the diverse business that we have around the island. but on the other hand, i agree that this would have stop the “escapism” thing to expand and make people aware about the importance of the reality apart from gaming. that would make a difference on the online platforms but do you think this would change if the same violent games are sold for consoles?

      Thank you so much for you comment and point of view.

      1. Hi Manishta,

        In my perspective, probably nope. I think controlling gaming addiction is better through consoles. I mean one’s parents can just hide the playstation and this would make a child realise where his priorities lies. But in terms of online gaming, many just lie about not playing and it’s really hard to monitor a child’s activity. And even when playing with consoles, sometimes it can leads to fights, physical fights instead of mentally. In that sense, online gaming better. In both cases, the depression is about to come if one is addicted to it. But I think, consoles is still a better alternative as you see your child actions and systems showing up rather on the online gaming one as they tend to hide their insecurities. What are your views on it?

  5. Hi Manishta,
    You have highlighted very interesting points in your paper. The point that is very catchy to me is the relationship between gaming and violence. I was a gamer before. I must admit that violent games was fun for me that time. I used to play GTA:Liberty City and I barely used to play for completing missions. I mostly played that game for fun. When I speak about fun, I am talking about, hitting people and policemen, stealing vehicles and so on.
    Then someday, I asked myself, what if this kind of people really existed? We would have lived a horrific life.

    Do you think that somehow, people who play violent games may really become aggressive and kill people due to too much involvement in violent gaming? Let’s take that recent attack in Christchurch as example. The way that the video was shot, that is the camera on top of the gun and you cannot see the murderer but you could see the victims being shot. It was shot just like how when we use a gun in various video games. Don’t you think that maybe that murder used video games as a way to film the way he shot those people?

    You can also have a look at my paper if my topic interests you

    Thank you and best regards,

    1. Hi Khuzaima,

      the reason behind massive shooting attack that occurred in the United States was partly due to the gaming world the person was. he was intensively playing and has been really influenced the behaviors and all. There was also the case of the little boy, (i remember discussing this in class during a debate) where he was so annoyed with his mom and took a gun and shoot her. while he was under arrest he clearly mentioned that he had no idea that a gun could really kill a person and thought it was video games. these kind of game i think should be played moderately to prevent such kind of actions occurring. more campaign, laws and regulations should be put forward for playing these kind of game.

      I thank you for your comment and for sharing your point of view.

      1. As for the case of the little boy, don’t you think that somehow also his parents are at fault because if they had control over what their kid is playing? This could have been prevented. Also, when buying games, there are warnings mentioned on the packaging. I believe that in that case the parents neglected what was written on the packaging and they just bought the game for their child. So this act could have been avoided since the beginning.

        Thank you for having replied my comment and enjoy the rest of the debate,

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