Social media are websites in the form of technological media that construct a digital environment for networking. Social media allows people to express their hidden identity. Social media users use several media platforms to share information both online and offline with friends and other people. Social media build a complex digital continent where several types of uncensored data are uploaded and shared. Social media is a platform that influences the young generation to interact with other people mainly strangers and helps to express them.
Social network helps to express hidden identity.
With the appearance of internet and multiple social networking sites, the amount of social settings has grown considerably. Since their emergence social networking sites have gained millions of users, many of whom have combined these sites like Face book, MySpace, Tumblr, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter into their daily practices. “Participants in social networking sites create a self-descriptive profile and therefore construct links to other members that have currently become quite famous” ( Judith Donath). Most of these sites nurture the maintenance of initial social networks, but other participants help strangers to connect based on political opinions, activities or shared interests. Social network sites also differ from the extent to which they include new details and communication tools, like mobile connection, blogging and video/photo sharing. There is a lot to be said about how a person decides to be recognized and express themselves in a social setting. Regarding the concept of personal identity there is so much to explore about it. “Social networking sites are defined as web-based services that enable individuals to build a public profile or a semi one within a bounded system” (Donah Boyd2007). Social networking sites articulate a long list of other members with whom they split a connection. The social networking sites have an increasing importance in our lives as they help to ‘showcase’ our living experiences. “The social network is obtaining more and more importance in nowadays reality and has a huge impact on the society as compared to the traditional media”(Ugur Gunduz, 2017). Social network do help people to express hidden identity, explore something original for the human experience. It is better to understand the motives of people to comprehend why users interact on social platforms. People on these social networking sites like Face book, Twitter and Instagram expose themselves as they want to be perceived and connect with other users.
The internet introduced with anonymity. “Social media helps as a source of data distribution influence young people’s own identity by creating a digital content where lots of censored details are shared online” (Joshua, 2015). One of the main reason people express their identity on social media is because it can become a place where opinions are shared over social and political concerns. Different people have different views which can create a solution to express themselves online than physically. Social networking sites have increased in demand and are developing into an important form to communicate. Some people’s personalities are compared from online and offline. Although some of the digital identities are fragmented, research suggests that the several online personas lead back to the actual personality. At first in the early days of the internet, probably it was safe to assume that the behaviors online did not reveal that much of a person’s real world personas. This famous notion of the New York is known by the “on the internet, nobody knows you are a dog”. But with more progress of the internet which gained prominence in our daily lives, some people gave up the desire of anonymity and also the urge to mask our true identity online. Moreover it is true that online activities are not separable anymore from our actual lives but an essential part of it. According a research, some UK adults are spending around 20 hours a week online. Similar metrics which is around 30% have been reported for America who is devoted to online networking. This is twice compared from 10 years ago.
These social networking sites are used as a common way of common socialization that can match to offline public spaces. For example a person can be more at ease online to express himself, his views about any topics than physically be present somewhere and do not share his opinions. Social media sites particularly Face book and Twitter do have an influence on young people concerning their self- identity, regardless of their geographical area and space. The practice of young people using the internet mainly social media hence people are sharing the same aural and visual media is eliminating geographical boundaries around the globe, leading a confusing platform of both challenges and opportunities through data dissemination and networking on a global scale. Social media are apparently global in nature and an important constitutive part of many young people’s lives that have several users who use them for numerous whatsoever purposes. According to Campbell (2013) this global phenomenon of several usage for whatsoever use has informed challenges of enabling uncensored information and online networking among young people, which is influencing their knowledge of basic authentic identity. “Online social networks are providing space for multiple kinds of distractions that used to happen physically in public places like restaurant parks, coffee shops or any location which practically gives people access to meet” (Nolan, 2018). Social networks facilitate the interactions and communications that can form identities and world opinions. From the very beginning itself, we should state how social networks allow people to people their personal identity mainly in part in a way that is much more different from what actually happens in physical reality. Comparing to the physical reality, identity are constructed with different social and environmental constraints. However concerning digital reality for instance are platforms like Face Book that allow users to take advantages of networked affordances in order to build identities. The construction of identity does not seem to stem from the scratch but do happens in another situated context like “identity is always part of context”. Therefore social media are reconsidering young people’s self-identity and also causing anxieties because of the unlimited access to the amount of information online that social media affords young peoples. Technologies are changing people’s lifestyle and mostly the society’s culture. “The presence of social media has changed the way of communication and interaction patterns of individuals” ( Yuli, 2016). For example in the past people used to date and know each other by meeting personally. But now in this new generation, relationships are no longer physical. However people are getting to know each virtually with the help of social networking sites. Social media has developed individual to build themselves virtually.
With the help of internet of internet which is rising are being accessed through new technological device, anyplace, anytime and it seems to be that this will definitely increase over time. One main theory is that “social networking users normally use language, different tone and editing behaviors to create and shape a type of identity and impression (Walther, 2007). Social communication platforms or social networks in other words enable users to share pictures and details about their personal life with friends and follow profiles of celebrity and events of their family by creating a digital identity. Through social media, users can share, comment and like on relatives and mainly celebrities profiles by using the concept of participatory culture since they cannot personally meet those celebrities, liking and sharing the content. Hence it is a better idea to express them. Moreover participatory culture is a term coined by a renowned author Henry Jenkins, who stated that “the practice of participatory culture have been changed by the new affordances allowed by digital, networked and mobile technologies”. As per Henry Jenkins book the “convergence culture”, he mentioned how fans who usually are the media users, they engaged critically and creatively. Some of the fans are known as ‘rogue readers’. “Convergence culture mentions a moment where media users are central to how culture works” (Jenkins, 2006). The active audience makes fun of celebrities; some loved them on social media platform. Everyone expresses themselves differently.
“Participatory Culture is anything but extreme or beneath the surface” (Jenkins, 2006). Despite the growing amount of social networks, members are expressing themselves in communities and are building development. These sites especially when it comes to Face Book, users can claim to have millions of friends and relatives in their digital network but they do not actually know half of them that they have met in their neighborhood. Therefore social networking sites are starting to have a huge impact in constructing a community. For example recently there was a post on “riot clean-up campaign” on Twitter and through social media people expressed their views and posted online that made other people inspired to participate in community life. This social activity brought together some of the main highlights in hyper local online communities and lots of members made a group discussion online on how social media can support mobilizing these communities. This was an example of a “national organization that has been used by social network to support community action in the United Kingdom”. The social campaign was known as ‘Keep Britain Tidy’. Social media sites like Twitter and Face book support to help people’s to change their habits toward the nation and contribute nationally to organize litter pickups. The online community ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ has almost 2000 followers on Face Book and 9000 on Twitter. Pictures were taken during the social action and posted in the online community to show proof and raise awareness. This is a great example how social network have allowed people to express themselves online and nationally. According to Hayes a member of the online community “the organization contemplate that social media offers a safe environment for supporting people who are sad about garbage’s” (The Guardian, 2011). On the other hand, in America people were found to form an online community so that society can understand the term “race” differently as the American are quite bias regarding race, color and ethnicity.
Therefore a great amount of consumption of social networks is a main reason for racial identity projection on social media sites as it is a significant topic to discuss and make a research. Individual’s dependence on visual looks in demonstrating people’s skin color, race, mainly looks have started to depend on social media communities as a place to do an exploration on racial identity. However racial identity in America is a difficult issue to understand. As social networking sites are a significantly recent method of communication some studies have been organized to analyze the impact of race on social sites. In Twitter, an online community was formed where people were able to connect and share their racial experiences. “The utilization of linguistic performance in the online community is an example of racial identity relatively for individuals and the group sent via text” (Nolan, 2018). This phenomenon was named ‘Black Twitter’ on the social media platform to confront the problem. Social media sites like Twitter, Face book and Instagram has raised awareness where people were able to self present themselves through different communities and express their identities without hesitation. With social networking developing into a key part of our communicate life, it looks essential that we comprehend that happens on such mediums. The identity or self includes an emotional dimension such as feeling the own self as a fragment of a greater body, feeling of safety, belonging to a social, political community, body or emotional with positive bonds of solidarity.
To conclude the pivotal motive of this study is to expand a framework for understanding and examining social media as an autonomous group structure which can build an identity. Virtual environment are a great help where members of social networking sites establish communication with each other and encourage forming content on online platforms. To interact socially is becoming much easier with great thanks to digital and virtual platforms. Through virtual environments, users can interact freely and express themselves, different from pressures coming from the super ego.
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Gunduz, u. (2019). The Effect of Social Media on Identity Construction. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319872238_The_Effect_of_Social_Media_on_Identity_Construction
Brinkman, N. (2018). Racial Identities on Social Media: Projecting Racial Identities on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Retrieved from https://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1779&context=etds
Jenkins, H. (2006). Fans, Bloggers, and Gamers. Retrieved from https://books.google.mu/books?hl=en&lr=&id=jj2eKl3NcBEC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=participatory+culture+jenkins&ots=naeg9AJMFP&sig=dm8eLa3BUjiiS5HDuXPizY1EEGA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=participatory%20culture%20jenkins&f=false
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Social media and the hidden spaces of online identity management. (2019). Retrieved from http://s.casual.pm.s3.amazonaws.com/toolkit/ProposalExample.pdf
Hi OGopaul,
I found your paper interesting. A lot of the papers in the identity stream are discussing some of the more negative aspects of online communities and networks as they relate to the performance of identity but you have highlighted a positive side insofar as SNS’s are allowing the presentation of the identity that the person wishes to express, as determined by them.
Sure, they are probably doing so under the influence of other, external factors, but the fact you make clear here is that it is their choice what parts of themselves or their identity or personality they wish to share with their communities and networks.
You talk about the expression of hidden identity, but what about those times when this expression manifests as online bullying or other negative manifestations? For example, the relative anonymity of an online persona can sometimes mean people say or share something online that they probably wouldn’t say in a face-to-face encounter.
Kind Regards,
P.S. If you’d like to read my paper on hiding identity on LinkedIn here’s the link.
Hi Fitzgerald,
Thank you for expressing your views on my paper. Well the online anonymity is sometime necessary but can be dangerous too. It helps people to express their ideas and opinions without the fear of being judged maybe that’s the reason they probably won’t say in a face to face conversation. In contrast to the noble face of online anonymity, there are unfortunately much darker and reprehensible aspects. Anonymity is a double edged sword.
Thank you once again. I’ll definitely check your paper.
Hi Outesha,
I found your paper very interesting, indeed social media platforms help people to express hidden identity as well as explore something new in the online world. Social media platforms also enables introvert to build confidence and self- esteem. However, social media platforms can have its negative sides when it comes to hidden identity. Online bullying is among one of the negative sides, many youngsters are being bullied on the online environment. cyber-bullying is an evil that has become such atypical toady. Victims of prolonged cyber-bullying often end up with psycho-social problems like depression, , loneliness, stress, anxiety, low self-esteem and some even become suicidal. Do you thinks that social media users can interact freely and express themselves when it comes to the dark sides.
Waiting for your reply
Feel free to check my paper:
Hi Varshanabye,
Thank you for expressing your views on my paper. According to my point of view, I think that social media users can interact freely and express themselves when it comes to the dark side as they are seeking help to fight online bullying, trolling, addictive use many more. Nowadays social media has both its good side and bad side. But when it comes to the good side we see that many people are willing to help. People are voluntarily sharing posts for people to raise their voice especially those who are in trouble. On the contrary I do agree that some will hesitate to share their private life to strangers or even friends but mentally if they are not able to handle certain things they will definitely express and interact themselves. Hence the degree of dark side on social media is a subjective matter.
I’ll thank you again for commenting on my paper. I will check your paper in a few.
Hi Gopaul,
I enjoyed reading your paper. It is an interesting topic and reveals many true aspects around social networking sites. Indeed, there are various profiles or representations of people on social media platforms which offer interesting insights into who they actually are. I must agree that online dating as you mentioned is also increasing.
However, don’t you think that while platforms such as Facebook may help you find the perfect match unexpectedly and develop a relationship, all from the comfort of your own living room or anywhere, can be risky as well? I feel that dating upon these platforms can be deceitful too since the anonymity that such platform possesses also allow users to hide or display an online identity which greatly differs from his actual personality. For instance, this way of dating can be an easy gateway for scammers who lurk around with fake profiles. What are your opinions?
Hello Asliyah,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my paper. I do agree that platforms like Facebook may help someone to find their perfect match unexpectedly and develop a relationship which can be risky as well as dating online anonymously and dating face to face is not the same thing. As you said above people might create a fake profile and pretend to be someone else can be extremely deceitful. According to me online dating solves problems but often requires interacting with strangers rather than acquaintances. Therefore dating online can be risky but also reduces the risk of rejection while meeting face to face.
Hello OGopaul,
Your paper was a very interesting read and it was refreshing since you related the positive aspects of your paper. Indeed, it is true that many people use social media to express themselves more freely as we can witness on many forums, especially in Mauritius. People on public groups on Facebook, very often, use fake profiles to retain their anonymity and ask for advice on very sensitive or personal matters. However, in many instances trolls and bullies hide behind fake profile so as to pester other users.
To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “People who use anonymous profiles and a real profiles have two set of bipolar and distinctive identities” and why?
Do feel free to check out my paper which also talks about social media and its impact on female identity on the link below:
Hello HJulha,
Thank you for expressing your views on my paper. I totally agree with your thoughts that “people who use anonymous profiles and real profiles have two set of bipolar and distinctive identities”. For people who use anonymous profiles they believe that anonymously a chat room can broaden their world of connection. Over time, values and life experiences shape the person you have become. Maybe those experiences shape the person to create a fake profile and share these things anonymously which give them the opportunity to connect with strangers while for those who remain themselves through real identities might believe that “staying true to their character is important”. Being real has a lot of advantages than hinders. People who have two set of bipolar and distinctive identities is an example of lack of integrity.
Hello OGopaul,
Very eye-catching title. In my paper I talk about how social network influencers impacts the social construction of reality among youngster. Do check it on : https://networkconference.netstudies.org/2019Curtin/2019/05/09/social-media-influencers-defining-construction-of-identit/
It is a fact that people in general have more confidence in expressing themselves through the cover of the screen as they feel less judged and communication is non-physical.
But don’t you think there is a negative side in using social media in order to express a hidden or even fake identity to one’s followers?
Hello Keshav,
Thank you for sharing your views on my paper. People have definitely more confidence to talk anonymously as you said above they feel less judged and also that it reduces the risk of rejection. Concerning your view that surely there is a negative side in social media to express hidden identity as one would not know who is behind the screen as there are a lot of sexual predators online and thieves as well.
Hello again OGopaul,
A proper ‘rules and regulations’ and monitoring of social media should be setup so as to counteract on these negative aspects of social networking sites.
Hello Asliyah,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my paper. I do agree that platforms like Facebook may help someone to find their perfect match unexpectedly and develop a relationship which can be risky as well as dating online anonymously and dating face to face is not the same thing. As you said above people might create a fake profile and pretend to be someone else can be extremely deceitful. According to me online dating solves problems but often requires interacting with strangers rather than acquaintances. Therefore dating online can be risky but also reduces the risk of rejection while meeting face to face.