Communities and Web 2.0

Social networks act like tools which entertain users, provide them with information and also let people keep in touch with each other.

To begin with, with time, social networks have become very important in this era. They help people to engage with people they know and even those who they do not know. With the help the help of the internet, user can also share stuffs about themselves on social media. Social networking sites allow people to be entertained with the contents posted. Also, users can now get to know about what is happening across the world by using social media. Social networking sites are now part of the daily lives of people and users cannot imagine their lives without the internet and social media (Boyd, 2007).

In the first position, social media is a type of entertainment for people in a way that people interact and share contents with other users of different social media platforms for not only communicating messages to them but also to entertain them. For example, we have now reached an era where people use Instagram and Facebook mostly to share memes. Furthermore, there are social networking platforms which are especially meant for entertainment purpose and people are addicted to these. An example is YouTube, which was founded to make vlogs and to share videos for entertaining the consumers. Also, in order to entertain the users or YouTube, youtubers have to be creative when it comes to the video they are making. Therefore, YouTube is a social media platform which is creative and also provides information (Crick, 2016). For example, nowadays many people use YouTube to get information about any topics they want to know. This makes people addictive to the platform in a way that, if ever people need to do some research on their own; they will skip that step and go directly on YouTube to find out about something. The author also states that communities are formed on YouTube. The communities can be in different kinds such youtubers themselves form a community as they are the content creators and sharers. Then another community can be formed as a community of subscribers of a YouTube channel. Even the ones commenting on videos form a different type of community since they are engaging on the social media platform along with the different people, whom they do not know all over the world. YouTube is a kind of addiction for the users in the sense that if a user likes to see the vlogs of their favorite YouTubers, he or she will stay updated with what is being featured on their YouTube channels.

In the second position, social media indeed help people to keep in touch. But in order to keep in touch, users of social media should add each other as friend like on Facebook for example. These friends can be people that already know each other or they can also be unknown people who are trying to make new friends (Boyd, 2006). Social networks are a new way of how people get in touch with other people all over the globe. This is a way of getting in touch with new people, which leads into forming new friendships behind the screens. Many people do this because they really want to be friend with strangers from abroad and they are more likely to reveal their real identity when they are serious about their friendships. Boyd (2006) describes friendship as a feeling where there is mutual love amongst the friends but it can also be denoted that not all friendship are real on social media. People cannot be attached to each other when they get used to chatting or video calling their virtual friends but it does not really mean that the friendship is real. Yet, users of social media gets addicted to the people they do not really know in real life just by chatting with them online every day. Another argument which is put forward is some people keep track of the people they already know. For example, many people use social networking sites to keep in touch with their family, friends or any closed ones who live abroad. Without the internet and their social media, it would have been difficult for people to keep in touch with their loved ones, frequently. (Boyd, 2007) supports this idea by stating that social networking sites act like a medium as an extension of communication in between individuals who already know each other and also meet each other whether it is frequently or not.

Thirdly, the argument that social networks are like a kind of medium among individuals is supported by the statement that, social media is not only used to forge new friendship but it is also a tool for businesses to keep in touch with their clients (Donath and Boyd, 2004). All businesses have adopted the methodology of keeping in touch with their clients via platforms of social media. This helps businesses in flourishing in some way, as they can market their products online and also they can communicate with people through their inbox but also through the comment section. Huberman et al (2009) maintain this idea by also mentioning that social media platforms are being exploited by the marketing aspect. Customers can also provide their feedback on the pages of the business, which can help business to know about the level of satisfaction of their clients. Also, normal people can sell and stuffs through social media by posting products in online buying or selling groups. This make businesses and people succeed in selling their products and also buyers to buy these products as the level of engagement on social networking sites helps in achieving a high level of target audience. Thus, businesses become addictive to social media in the way that, they will always expect that their customers will communicate with them through social media and they also use social media for their marketing instead of using traditional forms of media.

Fourthly, another way of engagement is that political activists make use of social media as a way to target people to support them and their political parties (Huberman et al., 2009). Many politicians now use Facebook to show that they are working for the people of their country, by posting pictures or even videos to prove that they are really meeting up with people who need their support. At the same time, they use the same platforms to put down their political rivals. They try to show off all the good deeds they are doing for the benefit of the country and the people. Many politicians adopted this mean of communication in order to attain the highest level of audiences and also for their personal gains (Bennett, 2012). Whenever, the election is near all politicians will put their vision on social networking sites and this will help them to receive comments and feedbacks from their audiences. In some cases, the audiences themselves end up in giving ideas to the future ministers or deputies while engaging with them via social media. This demonstrates that information is not only being shared by the political but also being given by the people. People share their problems on social media which acts like information being given to the politician. The ones who use social media are mostly those who are in the opposition parties, those who are against the government. This makes politicians addictive to social media in a way that they will keep themselves updated about issues people are facing and also to use this as a strategy to win trust from the public.

Fifthly, Social media now helps countries in gaining more tourists (Germann Molz and Paris, 2013). Tourism is one of the aspects that is being promoted by social networking sites, more specifically because of Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. The authors add that now tourists use their social media platforms to learn about any country they want to visit. Those who are addicted to traveling can also view pictures, videos or even feedback of other tourists or local people on pages of places which are touristic. This will give them a new addiction like as they may view pictures daily on these platforms. Nowadays, Instagram acts like a major tool in attracting foreigners to visit different countries. The way that both professional and amateur photographers post pictures on Instagram can easily attract a great number of tourists to their countries. Thus, it can be said that when we speak about social media in terms of providing information, even a photo acts like an information when it comes to not only tourism but also in different fields.

However, it should be considered that not all memes are share for the idea of entertaining people. There are memes which are created in order to somehow create awareness about poverty, or sometimes about cruelty towards animals. Then in those memes, they mention “1 like = 1 prayer” or sometimes they come up with memes mentioning if you don’t want your mum to die, share this post”. These memes are very annoying when to the users (Dobson & Knezevic, 2018). When they post “1 like=1 prayer, or $1”, it does not mean that the sick person or poor person is really receiving that prayer and the amount of money based upon the number of likes that people have clicked. This develops a sort of addiction in the mind of some people. Like, they will always share these kinds of posts when they see these posts. While other people are addicted when it comes to these posts in a way that they always comment ‘Amen’. They can instantly react to these posts without even thinking. Instead of doing stuffs like this, people could come up with better ideas such as doing fund raising to help gather a certain amount of money for real to help out the people in need.

In addition, some people do make new friends on social media but they do this for the sake of gaining popularity (Boyd, 2006). An example is using Facebook to add a lot of people, just for the sake of becoming popular on that social media and also to get a lot of reactions, comments or share when uploading posts, pictures and videos. Another example is using Instagram as a way to get the maximum number of followers. They also use their story as a way to do shout outs for their followers so that in return the followers also do the same for them just to earn more followers. As mentioned above that social networking sites act like a mean to help people communicating with new friends and also to keep in touch with closed ones. But, this is not the case as in today’s world social media is a way of escapism for some individuals. They use have friends on social media but not in real life. People get addicted to other individuals through social media but they neglect the people living in the same household or the same society as them. What is the use of having so many followers on Instagram and not having a single person by your side when you are sick? I can be denoted that social media is making people so greedy on a virtual society rather than in the real world and the real society they live in. People can be having many friends virtually but someday, when they will need these friends to support them in moments of hardship, the same virtual friends they have will never be able to help them out. Therefore, in contradiction to the argument mentioned by Boyd (2007) social media is fading away the friendship and eradicating the way of communicating in the real world.

Also, when it comes to businesses in maintaining good relationship with their customers, this is something quite hard for the businesses (Dijkmans et al., 2015). Once a particular brand or business starts gaining popularity, it becomes difficult for the business to keep in touch with their clients. But, a lot of businesses recruit workers to maintain that communication in a way for not letting their business rivals take over themselves and also to maintain the reputation they have gain because once their clients lose trust in them, they will start losing their reputation. This will lead them into losing their clients and also this might bring their business down. Therefore, it can be said that social media is here to facilitate businesses and clients to maintain a good relationship between each other but they should maintain their communication level like it all started. Even if the flowin communication is not the same, the business should try adopt new strategies on the social media itself. For example if a small local business has gained over 5000 followers and per day, the business’ page is receiving about 100 messages, it will be difficult for that business to interact with all those 100 clients instantly. In that case, businesses should adopt a kind of strategy like for example, post on their walls that they would revert back as soon as possible or they can also put it on automatic reply mode.

To conclude, social networking sites permit people to create their profiles in order to connect and share information to other people, who are not only known by them but also to the ones unknown (Boyd, 2007). Furthermore, people use social media to be entertained while also some consider some features such as some memes and sarcastic posts as being annoying. Social media has made people become addictive to it in a manner that they are dependent on it in various fields. Also, social media has a high level of active audiences who are addictive users, which is beneficial for businesses, political activists and parties. But, both businesses and political activists should know how to maintain a very good level of engagement with the people. They should always make sure that queries are never left without any replies. It is also derived that information is also shared in various forms on different social networking sites.

Reference List:

Bennett, W. L. (2012). The Personalization of Politics: Political Identity, Social Media, and Changing Patterns of Participation. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science644(1), 20–39.  Retrieved from

Boyd, D. (2006). Friends, Friendsters, and Top 8: Writing community into being on social network sites. First Monday11(12). doi: 10.5210/fm.v11i12.1418. Retrieved from

 Boyd, d., & Ellison, N. (2007). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication13(1), 210-230. doi: 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2007.00393.x. Retrieved from

Crick, M. (2016). Power, surveillance, and culture in YouTube’s digital sphere. Hershey, Pennsylvania:IGI Global. Retrieved from

Dijkmans, C. Kerkhof, P. and Beukeboom, C. (2015). A stage to engage: Social media use and corporate reputation. Tourism Management 47. 58 –67.

Dobson, K., & Knezevic, I. (2018). ‘Liking and Sharing’ the stigmatization of poverty and social welfare: Representations of poverty and welfare through Internet memes on social media. Retrieved from

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Germann Molz, J., & Paris, C. (2013). The Social Affordances of Flashpacking: Exploring the Mobility Nexus of Travel and Communication. Mobilities10(2), 173-192. doi: 10.1080/17450101.2013.848605. Retrieved from

Huberman, B., Romero, D., & Wu, F. (2009). Social Networks that Matter: Twitter Under the Microscope. SSRN Electronic Journal14. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.1313405. Retrieved from

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17 thoughts on “Social networks act like tools which entertain users, provide them with information and also let people keep in touch with each other.

  1. Hello,

    You have written a very interesting paper, you have shown how social media has become a major part of our lives in various ways. Do you think in the future social media will fully take over the normal ways of interactions between people and media?

    1. Hello, thank you.
      I believe that the normal way of interaction will still be present but it will not be like it is right now. For example, nowadays people are having job interviews via skype which is still face-to-face interaction, it is just that the two persons are not at a fixed place. So, we are still in the era where traditional ways of communications still exists. With time and evolution, some of them may completely disappear and some will not.

      1. Thank you for the reply.

        I think that is a very interesting point, technology can actually help us with how we interact with one another and technology has brought about new additions that help us connect with each other in ways that were not possible before.

  2. Hi,
    I really enjoyed reading your paper. I like how you mention memes and vlog as they are now emerging. Your paper englobes advantages of social networking sites, such as participatory culture, interaction, collaboration, information/ knowledge sharing and also advertisers as to attract tourist and potential investors.

    I would like if you could talk about how web 1.0 is different from web 2.0, like staticity.
    Do you think web 3.0 will be a thing?

    Thank you for sharing your paper.
    you can take a look at mine:

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for having appreciated my paper.
      So, basically as you know web 1.0 used to provide us information only and we could not provide feedback, reviews and comments. What is great with web 2.0 is that unlike web 1.0, two or more users can interact with each other. We are more encouraged to participate since the evolution of web 1.0 to web 2.0. For example: Just like right now we are able to participate in this online conference platform.
      Web 3.0 is another level. It is considered to be as the future of web while we are already experiencing it. Web 3.0 functions like the brain of a person. It can process information and distribute information to users based on their needs and likes. For example: When we use Facebook, there are friends/pages suggestions based on things which are related to us. I firmly believe that web 3.0 is something really amazing but also with very high intelligence.

      I will surely take a look at you paper, thank you for having sent me the link to your paper.
      Best Regards,

  3. Hello,
    Well, I liked the paper as i found it interesting as social media has become a topic of discussion nowadays. Social media has evolved in such a way that it has linked many people in different ways. But how far do you think social media will be incorporated in people’s life in the future?

    Nice work dude.

    1. Hello,
      Thank you Yaaz for having shared your thoughts about my paper and for you question.
      Social media is already incorporated in people’s everyday life. So, I believe that this will reach up to a level where, people will not be able to live for a few minutes without social media.
      I myself check my phone every 15 minutes because of social media. And, I think that I am not the only one.

  4. Hello,
    i really loved reading your work. it’s very interesting and give all the necessary information about social media. i like the way you talk on advantages of social networking sites.

    Good work! keep it up!

    1. Hello Farhaat,
      Thank you so much for having so much appreciation for my paper. It seems that you are the kind of person who thinks positively when it comes to social media.

      Best regards,

  5. Hi there!

    Great work on picking such an interesting topic for your conference paper. I thought the section about YouTube was really interesting, particularly the part where you’ve identified that it can be addictive for users to continuously see content from people they like. I feel like this definitely could have been a point where algorithms came into the discussion. Did you come across the affects of algorithms on YouTube and the other platforms you mentioned in your research? What role do you think algorithms play in your topic?

    Enjoy the rest of the conference!


  6. A good read and I found it interesting when you mention how social media is used for political promotion. Nowadays social media is used as a tool to promote fashion, food, travel and even politics. I think that we are heavily influenced by what we view online and therefore, politicians take advantage of this and try to grasp our attention through online platforms. Influencers are also used as a tool to give us information and also entertain us. Which I suppose is why we follow them in the first place… to be entertained.

    1. Hi Sophia,
      Thank you for you comment and also for having found this statement of mine interesting. You are absolutely right! Social media is a sort of entertainment!

      Best Regards,

    2. Hi Sophia,
      Thank you for you comment and also for having found this statement of mine interesting. You are absolutely right! Social media is a sort of entertainment!

      Kind Regards,

  7. Hi Khuzaima,

    this is an interesting topic!! the stream you chose clearly link with what’s going on in real life. Social Media is indeed a very important tool for me as my parents are abroad and being able to use apps to communicate with them is such a pleasure, cause wonder if we didn’t had these tool!! we would still be using landline and worry about the bill. haha. well, even for the conference itself, it is an important tool as we able to tell our views and opinion on any stream that is available without moving from one place to another.

    Nice topic.

    1. Hey Manishta,
      I can relate to what you said, I have members of my family living in various parts of the world. All thanks to social media, I can communicate with them instantly. Haha, you are right, we still pay for the WiFi but it cost us less than since we can speak for hours unlike for landline you have to you a card and when it’s over the call ends. True, we can voice out our opinions on this debating platform all thanks to social media.

      Thank you for your appreciation,

  8. Hello K Antoaroo,
    You have really well explained the key purposes of social media. It is obviously part of our lives in many ways. However, don’t you think that social media is at some point keep us far from reality. We are connecting , arguing sharing and rating people all around the world the world. What about the space around us? how can social media be implemented in our daily space and the household in which we evolve in order to keep our feet in the real life?

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