Communities and Social Media

Social Media and Online Health Communities: Changes in psychological states and the fight against depression.


The importance of social media and online communities in people’s life has risen significantly over the last decades. Social media platforms and communities are among the most used services on the internet with 3.9 billion of users worldwide. This paper will discuss on the facts that social media platforms and online communities are supporting and helping people with depressive disorders by providing a safe space to address and express their mental issues and also making them develop better lifestyle within the society. Online health and wellbeing communities foster a feeling of belonging by including a third space that is more open and less overwhelming for people, compared to conventional types of support stagnated with stigmas. In this way, online communities and social platforms has consequently helped in supporting people with depressive disorders and also encouraging them to seek proper treatments whilst breaking the social stigmas.

Keyword: #depression #socialstigma #socialmedia #community


On this digital age, social media platforms and online networking has become an intrinsic and fundamental part of people’s everyday life all over the world. The use of the internet and online platforms have been vastly diversified and are being used in various aspects over the past decades since the emergence of the Web 2.0, along with its features that has made it more dynamic and enhanced the interactivity of its users, and as a result, social media sites and online communities have increasingly emerged (Akar et al., 2018). Social media platforms are one of the most used and leading services worldwide. As a matter of fact, statistics showed that there are over 3.9 billion active users on social media platforms globally which accounts for almost half of the total global population (Osborne-Gowey, 2014). The people engage with each other online has drastically evolved since the emergence of social media platforms. It has given internet users the freedom to learn about what is going on in the world in real time, to communicate with one another and keep in touch with friends abroad, and to have instant access to an infinite amount of information. Social media has made the planet feel more approachable by allowing people to share common ground with others online. Moreover, social media sites and online communities have grown in popularity among internet users by enabling them to address different topics that are commonly covered in conventional media. This paper will be focused on how social media and communities online are helping and supporting people to cope with depressive disorders.

Social Media has given rise to the awareness of mental health issues.

Depression is a widespread and somehow, a dangerous psychiatric condition that has a negative impact on how people may behave, think, talk, and act on a daily basis. It is also, thankfully, curable with proper help and support. As a matter of fact, depression also induces sadness and a lack of interest in previously loved practices and activities. This condition can also trigger a slew of mental and physical issues, as well as a reduction in one’s ability to efficiently cope and manage at home and performance within the workplace. Onwards with a survey based among young people ranging from teenagers to young adults in the USA, its statistics, as a result, showed that almost 18% of them are diagnosed to be depressed. Moreover, with internet technologies being involved in almost every aspects of our daily lives, from entertainment to utilities for work, education and communication, individuals and most significantly the younger generation, are being more and more exposed and addicted to online media from younger ages (Hamutoglu et al., 2020). It is true that social media may have a contribution in the induction of depressive disorders among the young generation since they spend much less time in person interacting with their friends and doing it far more time online, mostly via social media. This may impact developmental milestones of the young generation, such as their personality and identity development and the formation of social and cultural norms (Lin et al., 2016). To controvert, the consortium between depression and online social media has set forward mixed sequels. Users of social media can experience less depression as a result of increased social capital, the perceived social support, and overall life satisfaction (Lin et al., 2016).

Social Media can indeed be a great tool and an effective utility when being used properly. Since digital and online media research has become one major field of study in humanities, people; in particular, the young generation and parents; are now being more aware of their mental health and its conditions; and the factors which contributes to a good lifestyle aside with the comfort brought by technology and online media (Ellis & Tucker, 2020). Onwards with some recent studies which showed results that social media may be a potential contributing factor leading to depression in young people (Wang et al., 2020), amongst are the most prevalent factors that give rise to depression are the lifestyles and are the standards that people use to project online. Individuals who use online social media, with just a tap, has the possibility learn about the lives of other people, and this can contribute to the rise of social comparison among them. As a result, peoples’ mental health can be knocked back with the social comparisons on social media platforms (Wang et al., 2020). With the apprehension of this issue, various campaigns and experts are now being part and are having their presence on social media platforms in order to raise awareness over the issues of depression and other mental conditions by pin pointing the key factors that affects the consciousness, beliefs and perceptions of the people consuming media on social media platforms. As a matter of fact, contents on social media platforms have been highly diversified over the past few years (Osborne-Gowey, 2014), and social media users are now being exposed to more diverse, deep, and positive contents to consume online.

Contents on Social Media Platforms as a change

With the concerns over mental health worldwide, many popular people ranging from celebrities, models and also influencers who people use to follow or admire and often compared to on online social media platforms, are now creating contents which relates to the motivations, disciplines, and the path they have followed in order to achieve such lifestyles. Influential social media users have the power to disseminate important knowledge and viewpoints on diverse issues significantly the depression disorders linked over the matter of social comparison (Vollenbroek et al., 2014). These types of contents have become very popular on social media platforms and it inspires people to adapt to changes and disciplines to work on themselves, which results to a positive impact on individuals lives, rather than just comparing themselves. Also, when the influential social media personalities express their emotions and concerns over mental health, people will relate and realise that in the end, they are no different and it’s not the standards that matters at all. Moreover, with the rapid evolution in media technologies, internet users can now create content at ease (Osborne-Gowey, 2014). Various writers, therapists and campaigns now have their presence on social media and since user generated contents are getting more prominent, there are now various social media pages which explicitly targets people with mental health issues and depressive disorders. These type of social media pages comprises of positive quotes being posted on a regular basis, true life stories on the path of people’s and their success and also tips on how to manage with diets, exercises, workplaces, relationships, and time management in order to improve the lifestyles of people, and also because good habits and mindsets plays and impactful role in having a healthy mental health (Walsh, 2011).

Online communities as first point of contact for help and support.

Moreover, social media platforms, as well as online health and wellbeing communities, have now become a very popular platform and a third space for people to connect with other people around the globe, and exchange social and mental support. Communities can be formed in various ways on online media, and amongst the most popular communities’ platforms, for examples, includes Facebook, Reddit, Quora and even hashtags on social media platforms which enables people to connect on diverse topics, which are within easy reach online and exposed to a wide range audience with no geographical barriers. Owing to the social stigma and oppression that are associated with mental health disorders, online mental health communities and forums can be a beneficial outlet for people who are suffering from such disorders (Park & Conway, 2017). Online communities provide people with a comfortable and welcoming online landscape in which they can express their frustrations and concerns while still receiving support and motivation from other members. In addition, social media and online communities has enabled people to create multiple identities, and also, anonym profiles which they can use to express themselves to other people via a digital and online portal. Many people are lacking in-person interactions nowadays, and it is becoming harder and harder for many to trust and express their emotions along with the social stigmas being omni present about emotions and mental disorders. Consequently, people are being encouraged to express themselves and seek support via the online communities where they will not be judge by their surroundings. As analysed by Park and Conway (2017), the members being part in depression communities online tends to start using less negative but more positive words over time as interaction increases within the community, and since the members also share coping strategies which other people finds helpful.

Furthermore, depression is being well recognized as a major public health problem that can be handled reasonably successfully by taking antidepressants, but however, depressive disorders is still prone to reappear after its discontinuation, and several people prefer psychological treatment and therapies instead of taking antidepressants as it is proven to be more effective (Richards et al., 2016). According to a survey conducted on the behalf of the WHO (World Health Organization), about 60% of people globally are estimated to suffer from depression and are not receiving treatments (Wade, 2010). The barriers which are limiting people to receive treatment are the stigmas of the society around depression as being a disease and the lack of psychological services. However, it seems that the internet and social media platforms have a lot of potential for assisting and supporting depressed individuals, which may be beneficial to doctors and therapists as well (Wade, 2010). Social networking outlets are empowering people to be involved about discussing and sharing their psychological problems as people become more knowledgeable of their mental health and issues. Living during this digital age, the first point of contact for an individual to seek for information over any type of issue and support will be on the internet and social media platforms (Ellis & Tucker, 2020). Many physicians and therapists are utilizing social media platforms to advertise and making people aware of the services and coaching they provide to enable people to live a healthier lifestyle. Since there is an awareness of their presence to a broad number of audiences, this contributes to break the social stigma of people suffering from mental health issues and the need of psychological treatments, thus encouraging people to make a step forward to seek support.


In conclusion, social comparison on social media platforms is reviewed as being one major contributing factor to the root of depressive disorders which are associated with the use and consumption of media on online social media platforms. Since the emergence of social media platforms till now, people are now more used to, aware and tolerant of the media they consume on online platforms. As previously stated, social media platforms and online communities provides a substantial medium; a “third space”; for people to feel they belong within these community networks and making them realise that they are not alone, resulting in a decrease in the depression levels of people. The way experts and influential personalities are addressing mental health over social media is gradually breaking the stigma of mental issues among people with depressive disorders within society. People are now more knowledgeable about these issues and are being encouraged to address with experts for treatment, thanks to social media platforms and also online communities supporting each other.


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Ellis, D., & Tucker, I. (2020). Emotion in the Digital Age. https://doi-  

Hamutoglu, N., Topal, M., & Gezgin, D. (2020). Investigating Direct and Indirect Effects of Social Media Addiction, Social Media Usage and Personality Traits on FOMO. International Journal Of Progressive Education16(2), 248-261.

Lin, L., Sidani, J., Shensa, A., Radovic, A., Miller, E., & Colditz, J. et al. (2016). ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SOCIAL MEDIA USE AND DEPRESSION AMONG U.S. YOUNG ADULTS. Depression And Anxiety, 33(4), 323-331.

Osborne-Gowey, J. (2014). What is Social Media. Fisheries, 39(2), 55-55.   

Park, A., & Conway, M. (2017). Longitudinal Changes in Psychological States in Online Health Community Members: Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Participating   in an Online Depression Community. Journal Of Medical Internet Research19(3), e71.

Richards, D., Murphy, T., Viganó, N., Timulak, L., Doherty, G., Sharry, J., & Hayes, C. (2016). Acceptability, satisfaction and perceived efficacy of “ Space from Depression ” an internet-delivered treatment for depression. Internet             Interventions5, 12-22.

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21 thoughts on “Social Media and Online Health Communities: Changes in psychological states and the fight against depression.

  1. Hi Theshandev,
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your paper, that was also very nicely written! I agree since the emergence of social media platforms, we are slowly becoming captivated in comparing ourselves to other users’ lives, or better yet how they perceive themselves online. I recently watched a Ted Talk which talks about the fact that we only ever see the best moments of [users] lives, also known as the ‘highlight reel’ (Parnell, 2017). Referring to your statement where younger and impressionable individuals are becoming more active on social media, this ‘highlight reel’ to them is perceived to be a reality, which is quite saddening as it damages their mental wellbeing. Additionally, we as humans are not used to the fact that hundreds, thousands or even millions of people are watching, commenting and ‘liking’ what we do, so I strongly agree that social media is becoming a serious cause for mental health issues.

    On another note, we often find the younger generation seamlessly following trends on social media, most of them being harmless. However, there may be some within the generation that think or even fake that they have mental illnesses/disorders by what they are being exposed to online. Studies show that 34% of teenagers stated they were lying about having a mental illness in an attempt to ‘be cool’ and gain attention from others, without knowing the disheartening reality of actually having the condition. Additionally, a lot of internet users are prone to ‘self-diagnosing’ all sorts of serious medical conditions, which is where I point the finger at social media being a negative influencer to impressionable viewers.

    Parnell, Bailey. Tedx Talks. (2017). [video]. Retrieved from

    1. Hello Layla,

      I am very happy to hear that you enjoyed reading my paper. Social media platforms have now become a pretty versatile platform but also has it flaws. The video you suggested was very captivating and has clearly demonstrated on how social media platform can be a flaw to people lives and society in general.
      I also agree with you point that younger individuals, notably the teenagers, often tend to perceive mental issues as a following trend in order to attract the attention of good willing people, and also that impressionable consumers tend to be easily influenced by negative influencers.
      However, when it come to mental health, social media platforms and specially the online wellbeing communities has proven to be very effecting in encouraging people to voice out and expressing themselves, and also, Park and Conway (2017), have found by studies that people started to use more positive words over time whilst being part on online wellbeing communities, and social media also has its contribution in creating the awareness of mental issues and breaking the stigmas that use to englobe people suffering mentally.
      In my opinion, social media platforms do have it flaws, but an also be a great tool if utilized properly.

      I really appreciated and well thought your comment, Thank you !

      Park, A., & Conway, M. (2017). Longitudinal Changes in Psychological States in Online Health Community Members: Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Participating in an Online Depression Community. Journal Of Medical Internet Research, 19(3), e71.

  2. Hello Theshandev

    An interesting read! Like you mentioned social media can be a boon if used in the right way and at the same time can mislead users. Social media does not cause depression directly but it’s the habits young people pick up that result in depression. Social comparison is prevalent among teenagers and young adults and they are always competing in terms of looks, number of followers, number of likes. Their social life is taken over by social media. This results in depression among young adults and teenagers. Like you mentioned, while on one hand social media can lead to depression if not utilized in the right way, on the other it can be a boon to people with so much support available through online communities to help them combat depression.

    I found an interesting journal article ‘Social media and depression symptoms: A network perspective’ ( that discusses ‘Passive social media use (PSMU)’. This article gives a different perspective suggesting there might be a possibility that depression causes passive social media use, that is loneliness, stress, other depression symptoms might lead to increased passive social media use (Aalbers et al., 2019).

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Thank you

    Aalbers, G., McNally, R. J., Heeren, A., De Wit, S., & Fried, E. I. (2019). Social media and depression symptoms: A network perspective. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(8), 1454. Retrieved from

    1. Hi Kanishk,

      I am pleased to see that you agreed with my arguments. Indeed, the impact that Social media platforms brings to people depends highly on how they are actually utilizing it, and I totally agree with your point that social media platforms often take over the actual social lives of individuals.
      The journal article you have sent me was really interesting, thank you, and I can that I agreed with the arguments. Social media users often tends to remain just passive users, where they will only consume media without any interaction (such as commenting their views of things, liking or sharing), which sometimes counters the participatory culture theory of social media platforms.
      However, when it come to mental health, even though the individuals are only consuming media, they are more likely to consume inspiration contents from the pages or people they’ve decided to follow over their concern on their mental health, and apart of being passive social media, where the individuals will just scroll through their feeds, consuming contents, they now have the ability to participate amongst online communities, where they are more targeted and encouraged to express themselves and participate in order to get help and give help.

      I really appreciated your comment on my paper Kanishk, thank you very much !

  3. Hello Theshan, despite the common narrative of social media causing depression and low mental state, you have provided a nicely go against this common subject, by illustrating how social media proves to be a brave space, in other terms, to support and help their community. This seems like social media is aware of the bold consequences of depression and anxiety and your arguments proved that social media can be the solution of tomorrow.

    However, you pointed out about influencers’ creations on motivational and inspirational pages which especially targets those undergoing low mental states, which is true. Taking my case, as an online user, I often encountered pages or self branded people who talks about wellness/motivation, and these people do not actually hold a legit qualification on Psychology before creating content aiming to reduce the tension and stress of people. In line with this, ironically, they do seminars which they often call them as IGTV Live, or actual seminars (which you have to pay). Do you think it is fair to trust those un-‘qualified’ influencers, who are turning inspirational pages into E-inspirational businesses?

    Waiting for your views upon it.


    1. Hi Mageswari,

      I am glad to hear that you agree with my argument. Social media platforms and online communities has indeed become a versatile platform and well comprises features that helps people every day. With user generated contents are getting more prevalent, as you said, it has, yes, become very popular on social media platforms to see various people addressing to the issue of mental health, and amongst those people, many unqualified about the latter. However, I personally believe that a genuine helping hand do not necessarily needs to be qualified with certificates or degrees in order to help people. Many unqualified people actually do share their lives experiences, tips and methods they’ve used to overcome mental illnesses apart of the qualified one’s doing it somehow for business purpose.

      Also, with regards to your concern over if weather those unqualified influencers turning inspirational pages into E-businesses, I will not say that they’re problematic, they are surely less likely to provide sessions with people to address their mental issues since they are not qualified for that, but will most likely sell things like t-shirts with meaningful quotes or books and stuffs to people; which I think is nothing negative.

      Thanks for taking the time to read my paper. Glad you enjoyed reading it and found the content interesting.

  4. Hey TheshanDev,
    Great job on writing such an amazing paper. I really liked the way it was structured and the topic you have chosen is quite undermining and you did amazingly tackling the issue of mental health on social media platform. For me, mental health is pivotal to a human being and the fact that it is still considered as petty is exorbitant.
    However, do you think social media is the best place to raise awareness or even improve mental health? You mentioned about influencers promoting mental health and so on, don’t you think one of the main reasons why people have a bad mental health and face depression is through social media itself where prejudices and stereotypes are aimed at them?
    I would love to get your views on that.

    1. Hi Temul,
      Thanks for your comment! I won’t say its the BEST place to cure mental health issues, since users will always get encouraged to go out and work on themselves, since we are social beings, however, with almost half of the global population on social media platforms, I do believe that its the ideal place to raise awareness over mental issues, notably depression.
      I really appreciated your comment! Thank you!

  5. Hi Theshandev,

    A great paper and a very important topic!

    It has always amazed me how platforms like Facebook are now so intertwined with our everyday life and that we find it hard to switch off and spend time offline with the people around us.

    The use of social media (SM) for ending the stigmatism surrounding mental health allowing people to reach out as well and to promote positive messages is for a lot of people a great thing, however do you think that is completely healthy if someone suffering from depression and reaches out via SM for help and/or their daily positive messages suddenly finds that no-one has replied to them.

    I ask this due to following people like Jay Shetty a former monk, who promotes positivity and self love and have found in the past months due to Facebook constantly making changes to their algorithms that his page shows up very rarely in my timeline.

    Besides following more and more influencers and people trying to promote positivity what other ways could we use SM to reduce the negative outcomes and stigma attached to depression?



    1. Hi Jeremy,

      Yes the algorithms always keeps on updating and hanging on social media platforms along with big data, and it becomes quite of a challenge for people to spread contents to consumers and there is no exception. I totally agree with your point! Sometimes the contents found on people’s feeds can be somehow unrelatable and has no point at all. People who are willing to use online platforms as a tool to help them achieve a good mental health, should not only rely to what they’ll see within their feeds, but also to be part on groups and communities where the contents are focused towards people seeking for positivity in my opinion.
      I hope I’ve answered your query.

      And Thank you for having enjoyed my paper! Best!

  6. Thanks Theshandev,
    Do you think the flip side of a supportive community for those suffering from depression could be that there’s a down side to getting better from depression – and losing your community?
    regards, sonia

    1. Hi Sonia Fullerton,

      Actually there’s the stigma where we believe that when people suffering from depression are part in within a community among other depressive people, their states would only get worst. Actually research has proved that people part in online mental health communities tends to uses more positive words with time. Moreover, with the awareness over depression and social life, the experts on online spaces encourages people to go out and take their live in hand, so that their efforts will bring positive impacts to their lives.

      I really appreciate your comment! Thank you!

  7. Hi Theshandev,
    This was a very enjoyable read! I agree with your point that the sharing nature of social media fosters a highly competitive environment which can lower self-esteem of those who do not feel adequate. This is important to acknowledge because many people manipulate what they post on social media to showcase an idealised version of themself. For example, many Instagram users edit their photos to make themselves appear more beautiful than they really are, which can have negative consequences on the audience if they compare themselves to this. However, I think there has been a shift in recent years towards acknowledging this divide, with people posting “before and after” and “Instagram vs reality” photos (Grindell, 2020). What impact do you think this has had on mental health?

    I also liked how you mentioned the various ways that social media can improve mental health, like raising awareness for the negative effects of social media and establishing communities. However, how do online communities create a sense of safety and intimacy on social media platforms to encourage people with mental health issues to openly express their feelings with other users?

    Thanks again for the great read!

    I would really appreciate if you could take some time to read my paper on how Instagram celebrities encourage the formation of feminist identities. Here’s the link:

    Grindell, S. (2020, February 17). A woman’s side-by-side images show the reality behind the ‘perfect’ Instagram photo. Insider.

    1. Hi Rebekah,

      Totally ! Social media platforms do sets unattainable standards amongst users which as a result contributes to lowering the self-esteem of those that do not think they’re good enough. Since user-generated contents are getting more and more prevalent, it is becoming easier to manipulate the perceptions of the consumers. Many influential personalities often uses softwares to manipulate their looks and lays out “fake” or “unreal” beauty standards, also along with their materialistic lifestyle. I totally agree with your point! This shift has caused people, significantly influential personalities, to start sharing photos depicted from their real looks and lifestyles, and this shift considerably impacted the mindset of consumers.

      Regarding your concern over how social media sites and online communities provides a sense of privacy and intimacy to enable people with mental health problems to freely share their emotions with other users, firstly it’s the aspect of privacy and anonymity than these platforms provides, people can express themselves and look for help and advice while keeping their identity private. Secondly. I also believe that the fact that with groups what comprises so much members globally, they definitely give assurance to the individuals with mental health issues that they’re not alone and there’s nothing bad in participating to receive help and in return give help to others, which also creates a participatory culture.

      I really appreciated and well thought of your comment! Thank you!

  8. Hi Theshan,
    Great topic, describing how social media can be a way to help with depression. It shows that the virtual environment, social media, is taking a step to help its users in mental distress. The factors you mentioned, such as influencers promoting mental stress awareness, are ones which can help with the issue.

    What other ways do you think Social Media platforms can take to approach this sensitive matter? And do you think there are drawbacks for people facing depression to use social media such as isolation in the physical world?

    1. Hi Vegetaa!
      Indeed, the online environment addresses all sorts of issues including the mental distress of people since this mental health plays a significant role in peoples lives. With regard to your concern with people isolating themselves over social media, isolation at the very first part is something bad especially for people with depressive disorders. Isolation has also been implicated in the development other mental health issues, such as cognitive impairment, anxiety, and drug abuse and also increases the stage of depression. However, people can solace within social media via post propping positivity which may change the point of view of certain aspects of life od the individual. Moreover, an individual choosing isolation himself or herself physically (in most cases because of being overwhelmed with mental issues and the social stigmas on people with mental disorders) can find a safe place with social media and specially online health communities where they can seek help and reassurance with people facing or having overcome the same issues; where they will know they are not alone and be able to learn tips on how to amend changes to their lives to be more open and bring in more light.
      I really well thought of your comment! Thank you!

      1. Hi Theshan,
        Thank you for replying.
        As you mentioned, social media can be a remedy to be more open. There are indeed several ways already appointed that are helping users in such way such as the several communities on the platforms. How do you suggest social media can increase the awareness of mental health issues besides all it has already done?

        1. Hi Vejetaa,

          The pleasure is mine! Actually, the main cause of mental issues within social media in my opinion; is the aspect of social comparison and the unattainable standards that are being normalizes online. With almost 4.5 billion social media users, I think it can be quite difficult to monitor the contents and big data if it were based on age, since younger individuals tends to be influenced more easily. My suggestion would be to better educate young people over the use and what they consume on social media platforms, and to differentiate between what’s real or fake.

          Thanks for taking the time to read my paper. Glad you enjoyed reading it and found the content interesting.

          1. Hey Theshan,
            Your idea seems legit.
            Educating people, not only about this issue, but other issues as well. For instance, my paper talks about how social media is promoting unrealistic body image and facial appearance instead of promoting natural, authentic identities. Mental health is a sensitive issue and one which should be dealt in the same manner in my opinion.
            Along with educating people, though, on such a huge platform and users approximating to more than 60% of earth’s population, I think surveys should be made from time to time, asking about experience on social media platforms so as changes can be made. The surveys should not be too long but enough to gather information, for instance, on a regional or age basis, about how social media users feel on the virtual communities.
            Feel free to tell me what you think about this.

  9. Hi Theshan. The topic which you addressed in your paper was very interesting and informative. It demonstrated well how social media platforms and online communities are helping people to cope with depression in many different ways. Some people find it better to ‘spill the tea’ with a stranger rather than their friends or family so they would not be judged or not to bring another problem into the person’s life. As you mentionned in your paper many writers or influencers are raising this awareness and helping many people to fight depression, maybe you could have posted examples of how they are actually doing it. Lastly, do you think social media acts as an escape to those people who suffer from mental illness and depression? Do you think people can treat depression by going off the digital world of social media and start by taking care of themselves and making them happy? Overall, it was a very interesting paper. Thank You!

    1. Hello Vinanda!
      Yes, Social media platforms has provided a safe zone for people to “spill the tea” without being caught on the stigmas cladding mental issues and depressive disorders among individuals. Amending your inquiry about weather social media acts as an escape for individuals suffering from mental issues, I would rather say that social media is escapist. Escapism just like escaping, requires travelling to a more suitable place or circumstance, but unlike escaping, the concept of escapism often necessitates a return to the point of departure. People may have a temporary escape while being distracted and also inspired by the contents they consume online; while getting in touch with psychologist and therapist are getting easier via social media platforms, people are being encouraged to make the step out to consult and resolve the issue. And yes definitely; people can treat depression by going off the digital world and work on oneself, reports have shown positive results on people doing sports and other extracurricular activities.
      I really appreciate your comment! Thank you!

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