Communities and Web 2.0

Strengthening Online Music Communities with Web 2.0 and Social Media

Regan McVeigh Abstract This paper identifies that Web 2.0 affordances and social media sites are useful tools for musicians and fans to build and maintain thriving music communities. It explores seven articles which provide evidence that online communities can exist, and that musicians are using them successfully to benefit their careers and their fan base.… Continue reading Strengthening Online Music Communities with Web 2.0 and Social Media

Social Networks

What role did social media play in the Christchurch massacre?

The Internet once represented an advancement in global democracy where the opportunity to share knowledge was no longer bound by limitations of personal experience. Instead, we have been siloed into our preconceived biases and ideology while social network algorithms create echo chambers that can result in extremist behaviours. A consideration of social medias role and responsibility in the Christchurch massacre.

Social Networks

The impacts of Tinder and Bumble on dating and relationships.

Abstract: The dating world has been shifted with the introductions and growth of social networking and dating applications such as Tinder and Bumble. This growth of dating platforms has also had a growing impact on the ways in which relationships are formed and grow. This paper will explore the impacts that Tinder and Bumble continue… Continue reading The impacts of Tinder and Bumble on dating and relationships.

Communities and Web 2.0

The emergency of YouTube as a Web 2.0 platform has cultivated a community

The emergence of YouTube as a Web 2.0 platform has cultivated a community of ordinary people becoming celebrities call YouTubers. These YouTubers are often referred to as micro-celebrities (Martinez & Olsson, 2019, p.3). Web 2.0 refers to a movement where websites no longer just publish static content for people to consume. It represents a host… Continue reading The emergency of YouTube as a Web 2.0 platform has cultivated a community

Communities and Web 2.0

Australian farming communities use social media to connect with each other.

Since the introduction of the internet we have seen a shift in the way which farming communities connect, particularly through the use of social media. This paper will discuss the importance of social media in creating a sense of community for those that may be spatially isolated from other people and present some case studies about how farming communities are using social media to create their own communities. It will also shed light on how being physically isolated does not make people immune to typical digital issues such as cyber bullying, but how these virtual communities can band together in to protect and support each other during times of despair. Despite farming communities facing some challenges relating to digital technologies such as access to reliable internet, there is no doubt that social media has become important for rural communities to remaining connected.

Identity in Communities and Networks

Life is a Performance: Facebook, Self-Representation and Self-Esteem

Abstract This paper argues that idealistic self-presentations on Social Networking Sites (SNS) such as Facebook risk damaging other users’ self-esteem by portraying and disseminating unrealistic personas, ideals and lifestyles and thereby triggering upward social comparisons. Using the concept of identity as a performance, as coined by Goffman (1959), this paper explores the opportunities for identity… Continue reading Life is a Performance: Facebook, Self-Representation and Self-Esteem

Communities and Web 2.0

AFL Players: Adjusting to life as a professional footballer and how inappropriate behaviour spreads via Web 2.0

Abstract Web 2.0 technologies such as social media platforms have allowed AFL players to interact, communicate and impact upon the daily lives of fans. This will be discussed by exploring what Web 2.0 is and how it used by AFL players today. It was found that the high pressure of playing AFL and the lack… Continue reading AFL Players: Adjusting to life as a professional footballer and how inappropriate behaviour spreads via Web 2.0

Social Networks

Online communities, echo chambers and the anti-vaccine movement.

Keywords DCNC_2019, DCNC, Social media, Facebook, Instagram, Pintrest, Twitter, Anti-Vaccine, Anti-Vax, Echo Chambers, Confirmation bias, Elective exposure theory, Bias assimilation, Targeted advertising, Online freedom, World Health Organisation, WHO, Social networks, Online communities. Abstract In the first few months of 2019 a large amount of attention has been drawn to the roles that social media giants… Continue reading Online communities, echo chambers and the anti-vaccine movement.