Identity in Communities and Networks

Online identities: the real, the fake, and the inbetween.

Abstract The world wide web is rife with communities serving basically every topic imaginable. In over 20 years the web has grown so much that there is a place online for any interest a person may have, from the common interests of the average person to the perverse, the weird and sometimes illegal. In this… Continue reading Online identities: the real, the fake, and the inbetween.

Identity in Communities and Networks

Communities, Networks and People: Shaping our identity to fit the environment

Abstract: Everybody is connected to at least one type of community or network.  This could be family, work associates, social networks, and online communities.  None of us behave in exactly the same way in each of those communities because what is acceptable in one may not be acceptable in other for a number of reasons.… Continue reading Communities, Networks and People: Shaping our identity to fit the environment