Social Networks

What role did social media play in the Christchurch massacre?

The Internet once represented an advancement in global democracy where the opportunity to share knowledge was no longer bound by limitations of personal experience. Instead, we have been siloed into our preconceived biases and ideology while social network algorithms create echo chambers that can result in extremist behaviours. A consideration of social medias role and responsibility in the Christchurch massacre.

Communities and Web 2.0

Impacts of disinformation and ‘fake news’ related to the immigration debate, disseminated through social media platforms by the leave side in the 2016 European Union referendum in the United Kingdom.

The intentional and widespread distribution of disinformation on social media networks is undermining democratic processes. Jurisdictions around the world are playing catch-up with this emerging and evolving form of targeted mass communication. The 2016 United Kingdom (UK) Referendum on membership of the European Union (EU) was no exception. The outcome of the advisory referendum was… Continue reading Impacts of disinformation and ‘fake news’ related to the immigration debate, disseminated through social media platforms by the leave side in the 2016 European Union referendum in the United Kingdom.