
Perceptions of Communities and Web 2.0 Across Time and Space, Community and Place

Hi Vivian I was impressed with your paper and agree that different circumstances bring communities together for many different reasons through Web 2.0, prior to the web becoming available for public participation we relied on face-to-face meetings.  The bonus of Web2.0 is as you indicate no longer do we need to be in close proximity… Continue reading Perceptions of Communities and Web 2.0 Across Time and Space, Community and Place

Social Networks

Children and Adolescents Addiction to Social Media – Mental Health Issues

Abstract This paper investigates the differences between online social media communities in children and adolescents when compared to the traditional face-to-face communities. Both avenues of communications are similar but different in many ways of enhancing the way children and adolescents relate to other people. Introduction The phenomena of Social Media erupted in the Internet late… Continue reading Children and Adolescents Addiction to Social Media – Mental Health Issues