Social Networks

How Instagram can create a powerful brand with a growing, captivated audience of listeners


Social networks online have now become a very powerful way to share information and to effortlessly connect with other people anywhere around the globe. Whether we like it or not, the digital world has transformed how we live our daily lives. In an increasingly busy world, social connectivity through mobile phones and social media has changed how this new generation of people see the world. They are bold, they are aware, and they have a voice. Like sheep who follow each other and stick with each other, the fabric of these online tribes and communities continue to grow exponentially and organically. Whether the realities of the online environment continue to weave itself into the real world remains to be seen. Instagram began as a photo sharing application which let people check in to their location on a smartphone. It quickly grew quickly to become much more than that. It is now a massive global community of  hundreds of thousands of people who are visually engaged within their local environments and are excited to tell people about how good it is living in it.


Instagram, social networks, social media, online communities, communities, photo sharing, business, followers, fans, information, control

Vast communities within social networks now have the power to push popular opinions towards any direction it chooses. Those, who control the information on social media has the ability to influence it. Instagram is now an integral part of how businesses and communities can market their brand to gain an audience that can be highly stimulated by a visual storyline, creating  a community of diligent followers that watch, listen and promote what they stand for. There is now no need for companies to just spend their advertising  budget on a specific product  anymore.  It is now presumed that people will already buy the product as long  they buy into the emotional connection of the company itself. For communities, the search for relevance can be done the same way, to promote a lifestyle or a way of living through emotionally connected images.

Social media and the transient world of the online voice represents a  powerful opportunity for people to have a say in many aspects of life in today’s culture. These connections are now part of a new level of consciousness that are potentially so powerful that it can  impact on news headlines, business entrepreneurship, social awareness and even political results on a global level. Visually, Instagram is able to convey a clear message with one picture or photo. It can be instant, and it  can quickly  capture the attention of the person who sees it. (Miles, 2014) This is the reason why the power of Instagram is increasingly being utilised by small and large brands to create marketing word of mouth campaigns to enhance its reach.(De Veirman, Cauberghe, & Hudders, 2017)

The face of business and advertising has been changed forever because of the digital world. People  now have an inherent need to be connected with brands that represent their personality or ideology.  The power of social media is now considered as a mainstream advertising strategy to connect with others who can feel a connection with the brand and what it stands for. This form of word of mouth advertising is ca create a very powerful voice of opinion. The ability for people to comment on or share their thoughts on it becomes a very important process for businesses to navigate through. (Aguiton & Cardon, 2007)

Online communities are able to reach the masses by connecting with just a handful of  networks. The general concept of communities can be defined as a group of people who are bound together by circumstance, social ideals, shared interests or even through connected networks of influence. (Armstrong & Hagel, 2000) This still holds true in this digital age via social media platforms. The internet has the ability to link people together, even though they may not even have  direct contact with each other. People are drawn together by many reasons through a similar narrative or principle which binds together the motives why people connect with each other. (Serafinelli, 2017) It is this ease of connecting with others that has the potential to build a powerful community of fans. (Brabazon, 2001)  In the past  people got together through a physical meeting. Now they can be of a virtual nature through connected technologies. (Katz, Rice, Acord, Dasgupta & David, 2004)  From a business perspective, through careful and timely posting, companies have the potential to enter new and specifically targeted markets to increase its brand awareness. (Miles, 2014)

For people who want to develop a start-up business, never before has it been so easy to start one from scratch and look for customers without having much of the overheads of a traditional bricks and mortar business. For the new business owner who is a Giraffe lover that sells coffee mugs with pictures of Giraffes on them, it is now just a matter of finding other Giraffe lovers around the world that might want his product. Once he has a supplier that can produce the item and can deliver directly to the customer, all he needs is to have a basic website, a free social media account and then search for animal lovers to connect with. From a marketing perspective, his story or brand just needs to connect with one person somewhere around the world that loves Giraffes. (Lindgren, 2017) The power of social networks will do the rest. This one person may already be connected with several social groups or be involved with online communities that have an interest with animals. By connecting with just one person, it  may inadvertently open the door to hundreds, if not thousands of prospective fans that may end up being customers, (Papacharissi, 2009) The visual nature of Instagram is able to quickly capture the attention of potential followers to  convey a message. The message is then able to be shared and liked through sharing and developing hashtag headlines which can appear on relevant search results. (Bergström & Bäckman, 2013)

The key to projecting the messaging of a photo posted on Instagram involves the use of hashtags. This was a way of categorising photos into groups. It is important to note that  the hashtags don’t necessarily connect with the visual image on its own. It is dependent on the user’s ability to be creative with the description of the messaging of the post itself. Instagram itself has functionality that puts similar photos together to capture the interest of potential new followers. There also has been research that suggests that hashtags help create the emotion behind the messaging of the photos. (Giannoulakis & Tsapatsoulis, 2016) The power of the use of hashtags and the sequence of hash tagging itself that enables posts to be very targeted and very specific for the intended audience. It is also the combination of the connected hashtag, the image content and the amount of data within the platform itself that has enormous potential for communities and business to get its message across.

The advent of the mobile phone ensured that people are able to react, stimulate and add images on the on the go. (Carah & Shaul, 2016)  It makes the most of the ambient awareness of people’s relationship with their mobile phones. Social media has created a phenomenon which some people call ‘ambient awareness.’ (Thompson, 2008) This describes the need of people to actively be connected with the internet and their networks. Whether it is an update feed from Facebook or a Twitter newsfeed, people are increasingly connected digitally. There is an inherent need to check in and find out what is happening around the world and what is happening in the lives of their friends. (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016)  The quick posting nature of Instagram’s feed and the  ability for people to quickly understand the back story of one photo hooks people’s attention to the messaging behind the post. In doing so people feel connected and invested in people’s daily lives. It is this connected feeling that entices people to continue to be involved. There is a sense of vulnerability involved when people open the doors to their world. With this comes a continued connection to be part of everyone’s journey. (Papacharissi, 2009)

Everyone that uses social media is in fact using it as a form of marketing in some way. There is a school of thought that Instagram is mostly used for this individual pursuit of showing of one’s identity. (Pavica & Bryant, 2015)  In contrast with other platforms like Facebook, where connections are more made through direct relationships, Instagram is all about self-promotion. The hashtag functionality within the platform enables people to find tagged photos which enhances the potential audience numbers. The editing and filters that can be applied to the image can also give it an individual touch to capture the uniqueness of the photo. (Giannoulakis & Tsapatsoulis, 2016)  With the pursuit of individual self-gratification in mind, the aim and the point of Instagram is to gain as many followers as possible.  By capturing the attention of the wider community of people who use Instagram, it increases the possibility that the images get heard and seen and liked which leads to more people following the story and the brand . (Pavica, Bryant, 2015)

The impact of Instagram and how it is used to create a fan base can be illustrated by examining how political parties have used it in the past few years. In the 2014 Swedish elections, the parties used Instagram solely to inform people of events or campaign policies rather than just to attract followers. (Munoz & Towner, 2017)  It was found that different images impacted on the levels of engagements and likes, and that the platform was an important tool to funnel followers towards other social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. (Munoz & Towner, 2017) It also linked people to the  relevant news portals that would benefit them.

In the 2016 US Presidential campaign  the political parties  started to  increase the use of social media as a marketing strategy, in particularly on Instagram. (Enli, 2017). They did this by  posting an image or a sequence of  images to rally a call to arms to their followers. It was also around this time that strategists and marketers began to experiment more on how to create increased engagement. As they did this, they started to find that engagement did differ depending on whether different filters were being used and also whether captions and text were added. (Ferra, Interdonato & Tagarelli, 2014) Debates and political rallies are now streamed live, and campaigns are able to be digitally driven on many platforms. (Enli, 2017) Images and videos continue to increasingly become an important channel to convey a message or to justify an event or ideology. (Gainous & Wagner, 2013)  With the advent of Instagram stories and longer format videos on IGTV, time will tell whether this will increase user engagement within growing digital communities. (“IGTV: How to Take Advantage of Instagram’s Bold New Format,” 2018)

Instagram is now being utilised in many other areas of society. Such is the power of online social networks, for the first-time indigenous communities around the world are now also connecting with each other from rural and remote geographical locations all over the world. (Dyson, 2011) In the US and Canada, websites, individuals and numerous communities exist which promote native language, heritage and culture. These social networks play an integral part  in the development of promoting the country’s indigenous heritage for future preservation in the digital world.

In Australia, the social conscience of Indigenous youths in remote locations is now being facilitated through online communities  and forums. Their isolation now is not a barrier for networks and communities to grow. An example of this is the Instagram account of two sisters based in Sydney who have created  an account to empower the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. (“IGTV: How to Take Advantage of Instagram’s Bold New Format,” 2018). Marlee and Keely Silva are encouraging young women on Instagram to share their stories and their lives so that young indigenous women can celebrate their achievements with their peers in the Aboriginal community.

Luke Pearson who is a Gamilaroi man also started Indigenousx in 2012 to encouraging like-minded young people from Indigenous communities to share their knowledge and experiences to create a large digital community that has a powerful voice to create conversations on a national scale. (“IndigenousX Showcasing & Celebrating Indigenous Diversity,” n.d.) There are many other examples of Indigenous Australians who use social media platforms to voice their opinion or just to promote individual achievements, being proud of their Aboriginality and their heritage, showing the world what they are capable of.

It can be argued that  Instagram accounts with the largest number of followings have the greatest impact on its audience.  In addition, those that are posting regularly and consistently  with current and  trending content will have the best chance of remaining relevant. (Carah & Shaul, 2016)  There is also some research that suggest that the more topical the subject matter that is posted, the more it impacts on the popularity of the user. (Ferrara, Interdonato & Tagarelli, 2014) The users who are bold and are extroverted and who post pictures with a creative a touch, have a better chance of increasing their follower base. (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016) The impact of having a large base means that it is possible to stream information that will beneficial to the brand, in turn increasing the probability for their organisation to continue to grow and be relevant to their supporters.

On Instagram, most people are part of a collection of groups, but for the most part, will never comment or like or share, any content at all. Most of these people are watchers or stalkers looking for things that may interest them. The attraction is to see what other people are doing with their lives and in some way feel that they are a part of it. The creativity of peoples messaging on Instagram is endless. These online connections make it easy for businesses and communities to share information and to effortlessly connect with other people. Whether we like it or not, the digital world has transformed how we live our daily lives and to a certain extent the information that we  want to receive.


Aguiton, C., & Cardon, D. (2007). The strength of weak cooperation: An attempt to understand the meaning of web 2.0. Available at SSRN 1009070.

Armstrong, A., & Hagel, J. (2000). The real value of online communities. Knowledge and communities74(3), 85-95.

Bergström, T., & Bäckman, L. (2013). Marketing and PR in Social Media: How the utilization of Instagram builds and maintains customer relationships.

Brabazon T. (2001). How imagined are virtual communities? Retrieved from

Carah, N., & Shaul, M. (2016). Brands and Instagram: Point, tap, swipe, glance. Mobile Media & Communication4(1), 69-84.

De Veirman, M., Cauberghe, V., & Hudders, L. (2017). Marketing through Instagram influencers: the impact of number of followers and product divergence on brand attitude. International Journal of Advertising36(5), 798-828.

Dijkmans, C., Kerkhof, P., & Beukeboom, C. J. (2015). A stage to engage: Social media use and corporate reputation. Tourism management47, 58-67.

Dyson, L. (2011) Indigenous Peoples on the Internet. In M. Consalvo & C. Ess The Handbook of Internet Studies. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. 11, 251.

Enli, G. (2017). Twitter as arena for the authentic outsider: exploring the social media campaigns of Trump and Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election. European journal of communication32(1), 50-61.

Ferrara, E., Interdonato, R., & Tagarelli, A. (2014, September). Online popularity and topical interests through the lens of instagram. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM conference on Hypertext and social media (pp. 24-34). ACM.

Gainous, J., & Wagner, K. M. (2013). Tweeting to power: The social media revolution in American politics. Oxford University Press.

Giannoulakis, S., & Tsapatsoulis, N. (2016). Evaluating the descriptive power of Instagram hashtags. Journal of Innovation in Digital Ecosystems3(2), 114-129.

IndigenousX Showcasing & Celebrating Indigenous Diversity. Retrieved from

IGTV: How to Take Advantage of Instagram’s Bold New Format. (2018, June 22). Retrieved from

Katz, J. E., Rice, R. E., Acord, S., Dasgupta, K., & David, K. (2004). Personal Mediated Communication and the Concept of Community in Theory and Practice. In P. Kalbfleisch (Ed.), Communication and Community: Communication Yearbook 28 (pp. 315-371). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Available:

Lindgren, S. (2017). Digital media and society. Sage.

Meet the sisters empowering Indigenous women through Instagram. (2019, March 7). Retrieved from

Miles, J. (2014). Instagram power: Build your brand and reach more customers with the power of pictures. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Muñoz, C. L., & Towner, T. L. (2017). The image is the message: Instagram marketing and the 2016 presidential primary season. Journal of political marketing16(3-4), 290-318

Papacharissi, Z. (2009). The virtual geographies of social networks: a comparative analysis of Facebook, LinkedIn and ASmallWorld. New media & society11(1-2), 199-220.

Sheldon, P., & Bryant, K. (2016). Instagram: Motives for its use and relationship to narcissism and contextual age. Computers in human Behavior58, 89-97.

Serafinelli, E. (2017). Analysis of photo sharing and visual social relationships: Instagram as a case study. Photographies10(1), 91-111.

Sheldon, P., & Bryant, K. (2016). Instagram: Motives for its use and relationship to narcissism and contextual age. Computers in human Behavior58, 89-9

Thompson, C. (2008). Brave New World of Digital Intimacy. The New York Times. 5September.

39 thoughts on “How Instagram can create a powerful brand with a growing, captivated audience of listeners

  1. Hi! I really resonated with this article in relation to businesses using Instagram to find a tribe/following. I have two businesses and one in particular relies heavily on Instagram to create an image and engage people. Without Insta I would never have received global interest in my business as fast as I did; that’s a fact. However, me just posting is not enough. influencers are now the key to get messages out and shared. Did you come across anything to do with their interaction with instagram in regards to building brands or creating communities?

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thanks for commenting on my article. It is a fascinating area and I am sure it will evolve further in the next few years. I believe the key is the story and continuously evolving the narrative every few months. Posts need to be instantly connected to the followers and need to have an evolving story behind it. Do you post stuff on the fly or have something consistent every few days? Its all about utilising the statistics behind current trending themes, hashtags and using Insta story. A lot of people now use their story feeds along with the quick survey functionality. You will also see InstaTV get bigger and bigger as well. Hope this will be useful for you. Happy to connect as well.

      1. I’ve just learned something Luki! You are totally right about stories and connecting them with followers, i probably don’t do this very well and need to learn how. I try to have a plan before i post even if it’s just a colour scheme or grid. I try to post at lunch time every day as i have found that time gets more likes and action. I use Preview and Planoly (both free) for 2 accounts and they help a lot in the planning process. I also use high rated hashtags but find they attract spam…so i’m at a bit of a loss there. Gosh, insta tv! i can’t keep up!

        1. Hi Lisa,
          I am sure you are already doing so much right already with a large following. So, what hashtag is unique that relates to just your brand? Stick with the same hashtags that are unique with you maybe? These relate to you and what you stand for and maybe attach a survey that will attract people to click and be involved. Well, thats what all the kids on the block are doing!

  2. Thanks for an insightful paper on the use of instagram to build community, Luki. I must admit, I’m very new to instagram and still not convinced that it’s the platform for me, but I do see the benefits it provides. The average user is accessing social media multiple times a day, and while this can often seem like the perfect recipe for businesses to get more and more messages out to their target audiences, Virtanen et. al. (2017) warn that rather than swamping the news feeds of their followers, businesses should instead aim for a balance that naturally integrates within their followers feeds. finding this balance is, I think, made harder by what you point out is a lack of actual engagement with posts – comments, likes, shares. While sharing posts on Facebook is routine, the setup of Instagram is such that this is quite difficult to do, reducing the potential for sneaking into the feeds of people who might not traditionally be following. Did you find that this lack of ‘click’ engagement impacted on the success of campaigns?

    Virtanen, H. Bjork, P. and Sjostrom, E. 2017. ‘Follow for follow: marketing of a start-up company on isntagram,’ Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 24(3), pp. 468-484. DOI: 10.1108/JSBED-12-2016-0202

    1. Hi Tracey,
      Like with all social platforms, they all need work and a targeted plan to entice people to take interest with your brand. The engagement in the posts depends on the image content and what message it is trying to convey which is part of a bigger storyline. Hashtags seem to be the biggest link in building opportunities and growing followers. It is also all about the content and the quality of the image that catches the eye of people scrolling through. Like any advertising or branding exercise, there needs to be a synergy behind the images and the timing of when to post these images. Using software which enables automatic posting you are able to have continuity through a certain timeline to try to achieve the desired exposure or outcome.

      1. It’s a shame instagram hasn’t implemented a “schedule post” feature like Facebook to help organisations manage their online profile better.

        The social media sphere changes so fast, it’s hard to catch up if you’re starting out behind the eight ball. I know that a lot in the Share the Dignity example from my paper, they have struggled to break through on Instagram and have more or less washed their hands with it, which is a real shame.

        1. Hi Tracey,
          There are many apps that can assist the posting out there, but I am sure you would have known about them already.
          Here is a couple of them:

          Like anything, that we know works, it is all about finding the right recipe that fits the audience. It’s not a one size fits all.
          At the end of the day, Social media is here to stay and the organisations that utilise best will forge ahead.
          Thanks Tracey,

  3. Luki, such a relatable and useful paper!

    Social media in particular instagram often has a large impact on the way I view companies or business and often how I encounter businesses! Most of the time the only way I discover new businesses is through their presence on Instagram. It’s quite interesting to think a platform that was created for individuals to just share personal photos for friends and family to see has now become such a large part of growing a business and having a higher chance at success. It is truly amazing to see how much the role of social media has changed!

    Do you think there is still a way around having to utilise social media in order to grow? Because not everyone is social media savvy and sometimes hiring someone can be costly.

    1. Hi Tafadzwa,
      Social media is now a vital component in marketing a brand and business now. It is a vital segment to connect with their customers and followers. People are also looking to see if companies are on social media. Previously people looked to see what the brand was all about through websites. I think that websites only give people part of the picture or essence of a company. The story and what they stand for is now more the domain of the social media platform. This is where people get the connection to what the company is about.
      Its all about learning about your audience and finding out what your target market is. Social media is cheap marketing and is cost effective and the best part of it, you can learn on the go. Social media is here to stay whether we like it or not. We either embrace it or get left behind.

  4. Hi Luki

    Thank you for your paper. I also enjoyed reading further into The image is the message: Instagram marketing and the 2016 presidential primary season. There was a finding “Yet the mass appeal dimension depicting large audiences was the most frequently used sub-dimension.” (Munoz & Towner, 2017), and all I could see in my mind’s eye was a sea of MAGA hats and also the misrepresentation of the size of Trump’s inauguration.

    I also really enjoyed the extension of Grabe and Bucy’s visual framing techniques and how they can be applied to social media. I think it is something I will certainly explore in more detail.


    Grabe, M., & Bucy, E. (2009). Image bite politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Muñoz, C. L., & Towner, T. L. (2017). The image is the message: Instagram marketing and the 2016 presidential primary season. Journal of political marketing, 16(3-4), 290-318

    1. Hi Mary,
      Thanks for commenting on my paper. Not only do the images need to convey a story but the filters used can also have an impact on peoples reaction to the post. It will be interesting to see the impact as InstaTV (IGTV) develops. Through this option, people can show a longer video message or clip to get people to engage further. Imagine a live stream that can be accessed on Instagram. I have only just realised that I look into the Story feeds of people I follow first before seeing the general image feeds. With over a billion people on Instagram, the opportunity is there to entertain people watching cat videos and the like.

  5. Hi Luki

    I really enjoyed your paper on Instagram I didn’t know it began as a “photo” sharing app to show locations on a smartphone. I am one of the users who purchase many different items from the advertising received online and never look at promotions that are shoved into my letter box on a weekly basis. Like your example of the Giraffe lover I am hooked on Kogan online shopping along with hundreds of others across Australia, and can understand the pull Instagram advertising would have on its community. I wasn’t aware of the power of Hashtags use in targeting audiences but it makes sense to reach out to large communities and business gaining more users to the Instagram. I actually watched the IGTV documentary with Marlee and Keely Silva and was amazed at their tenacity to encourage their young women to share stories. This is a huge benefit to the indigenous people’s culture. This paper is very enlightening well done.

    1. Hi Robin,
      Thanks for stopping to comment on my article. Can I ask what your platform of choice is? Do you use Instagram regularly? Did you know that there is a likely hood that Artificial Intelligence (AI) software is potentially now currently assessing what your next purchase from Kogan is? This might be why sponsored Instagram feeds are appearing everywhere for you. IA is evolving and learning the habits of people and may even try to predict what you may purchase and when you might purchase it. This is even before you even realise you need it or want it! Food for thought!

  6. Hi Luki,
    I have enjoyed reading your paper on all the many applications of Instagram. In particular, what resonated most with me was, where you describe the use of Instagram across the disparate groups of society, including indigenous cultures. The power of connection through the video medium is the most powerful tool on hand and is what differentiates Instagram, I think, from other platforms.
    The ability to overcome remoteness, even geographically is vital for human connection. The concept of remoteness that I am personally aware of exists in the deaf community. I have seen the video capabilities used to great effect by those in the deaf community to sign and communicate with all the nuance and expression required – alot of which is left out through writing. Instagram enables anyone, no matter their language to overcome any feelings of isolation and participate in community. It is indeed powerful.

    Thanks for your insights Luki,

    1. Hi Jacqui,
      Thanks for your comments. I appreciate the time you took to read my essay and then comment on it. I think this generation is very inquisitive about the world around them and how other people live their lives. It gives people the ability to be part of someone else’s life. The way I see Instagram is that it now fills the content hole which used to belong in glossy magazines. Instead of reading what celebrities are up to in magazines, people can just check Instagram to find out instantly. At the same time, people can also try to message them through a direct message. Regardless of whether they get an answer or not, people will still feel connected and part of their daily lives. Maybe this is the connection with indigenous youths who are building their brand through activism. It is to try and have people follow them on their journey to prove a point. Food for thought.
      Thanks again,

    2. Being able to connect with like minded people without the barrier of language is a huge benefit of instagram over other text-dominant social networks, definitely. It does present access constraints for the vision impaired though, and I’ve seen a few profiles popping up lately in the disability sector where they provide a written description of the image, which I think is fantastic!

      1. This is where Insta Story and Insta TV will make an impact and it will evolve as technology grows I am sure.

  7. Hi Luki,

    Thank you for your paper on Instagram, I have not been a user of Instagram but have started to notice that many companies are using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as nearly a default set of social media networks. I never took the time to get into Instagram other than it was a photo sharing site not a marketing site, but your paper has put a spin onto it that I will look into for my business and see how to use it as I do have an Instagram account but mainly for photo sharing when travelling, thanks again for the insight into this with a marketing perspective.

    1. Hi Graeme,
      Thanks for reading my essay. Images are a very powerful tool that can convey a powerful message. Sometimes we all forget that social media is all about marketing. I would encourage you to check it out further and look at how companies are using Instagram. In particular smaller brands. Its all about being relatable and relevant so that you forge a small band of merry followers which has the potential to grow exponentially. Just remember that with one connection comes a much larger opportunity to be connected to multiple networks of influence that can grow business exposure. Its fascinating stuff.

    2. I think all companies need a pipeline with various social media platforms and they realise that each one connects with different networks and potentially a different audience. Thanks for taking the time to read my essay.

  8. Hi Luki

    Your paper has been a captivating read!

    I personally use Instagram on an infrequent basis, largely to upload natural landscape and cultural photography from my travels. My goal is not to attract followers, but, to present an authentic part of who I am to a global audience with like-minded interests, and or appreciation of my photography. However, I am also mindful that my photos can be copied and reposted (‘regrammed’), and ultimately used without my permission. This includes promoting someone else’s business, as in the much-publicised case of Richard Prince, the infamous appropriation artist.

    In your paper, I particularly loved the example of the Sydney-based Indigenous women, Keely and Marlee Silva, who have taken to Instagram to empower young Indigenous women to showcase their heritage and celebrate their achievements. That is inspiring!

    Many thanks for a rich analysis of Instagram’s potential to connect people from around the world in such diverse ways, Luki!

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for the comments on my essay. If you post to Instagram to not get followers, can I ask why you do post? By the act of posting on Instagram, it markets who you are instantly. This in turns invites people to follow you by default.

      Can I ask what you have done to connect with other like-minded people?Do you use hashtags? How many followers do you have currently? Have you followed others?


      1. Hi Luki

        I agree that posting on Instagram is instantly marketing my amateur photography, but as mentioned this is not my intention. I used to share my photos in the past using Flickr, which started as part of a uni assessment, and continued with Instagram about two years ago. However, I am more concerned with seeking out what others are posting in landscape and cultural photography; to see what inspires them, where those photos were taken, as this, in turn, inspires me. Other people offer advice and provide tools and tips on how to achieve a particular effect for a photo etc, so this is quite helpful.

        Yes, I do use hashtags when posting with the dominant hashtag of each photo being either landscape or cultural, then the location etc. I follow 15 others with like-minded interests and have a following of 48.

        Whilst I may be unable to visit many of those beautiful and exotic places myself, I see the world through their eyes and that’s the beauty of photo sharing.

        Thanks, Luki.

        1. It’s a pretty amazing world where we can connect with like-minded people at the touch of our fingertips. Check out the story of CJ Hendry who found her calling through Instagram.
          She is now a full-time artist after starting life as a potential Olympic swimmer. I choose to embrace it (social media) and understand it so I can see the world that my kids are exposed to. Yes, there is a bad side of the internet but its all about seeing the good side of things whilst understanding that there are pitfalls. Thanks for your comments again.

        2. Hi,
          Just out of curiosity. Do you lock your Instagram account? How do you pick up and search for others that have the same passion as yourself?

      2. Hi Luki,

        I really enjoyed your paper and am fascinated with the conversation that is taking place here. I am in a similar position to KBips where I use Instagram to share musical discoveries, but I don’t do it for followers.

        After reading the poignant questions you posted here it got me thinking. Do I tell myself that I don’t do it for followers to make myself feel better? Am I using the right hashtags? I think in the back of my mind I realise that I want to be followed by countless people and I want to be known. I have marketed this online persona and I want people to see that.

        To answer the questions you asked above, I post to share new music with others and I get a buzz in doing so. I enjoy researching new bands and discovering the next big band. I follow a lot of bands on Instagram in order to build a like-minded community. Currently, I follow 1270 accounts and have 310 followers.

        Thanks so much for your insight and getting me to think about what Instagram really means to me. I may need to make some changes/decisions in the future.



        1. Hi Marcus,
          Thanks for the comments. No need to make changes as it seems like you enjoy sharing in general and are looking for like-minded people to form a community. That’s what it is all about I think. We are all just wanting to be part of something that makes sense and where people have shared interests. Keep up the good work and keep learning,

  9. Hi Luki,
    Great paper. In the context of this unit, this statement really resonates;

    “There is a sense of vulnerability involved when people open the doors to their world. With this comes a continued connection to be part of everyone’s journey. (Papacharissi, 2009).”

    Leading up to this conference, not so much, but since taking a step into each others papers, it has through Web 2.0 and this particular platform, “open(ed) the doors to their world” for me. It is great getting to know you all a little better through your papers, is it the stirrings of a community?

    As others have mentioned in the comments, an instagram account is extremely important in business today. Businesses need the public to connect with them on a personal level, when individuals feel part of a brand community they will be loyal customers. Not only businesses, but I am reminded of the wonderful PR job being “performed” everyday by Queensland Police on their instagram account @qldpolice. In one of my units and very likely yours, we discussed the importance of attracting followers for @qldpolice so that when an extreme event occurs, they can connect with the public immediately through social media. They are doing a great job by connecting in a humorous, friendly narrative which focuses on current events, popular culture and community.

    “Everyone that uses social media is in fact using it as a form of marketing in some way. ” This statement lead to some deep though on my part in relation to my children and their friend’s use of Instagram and the basic questions what, how and why. Ultimately though, I will only draw to your attention our use of social media to market our own papers in this very conference.

  10. Hi Luki,

    I agree with you on the digital world playing role in our day-to-day lives and transformed the way we use Instagram. However, I also feel users of Instagram transformed Instagram because similarly to what you’ve mentioned in your paper, users have just gone online and posted whatever content they have on their mobile phones.

    There are users only use Instagram to become ‘famous’ or be like every other make-up artist on Instagram. People need to stay real on Instagram and not allow the digital world to transform their lives, instead work around the technology platforms.

    1. I learnt yesterday (from watching ABC Behind the News with my 8yo of all places!) that in Canada instagram are banned from showing the number of likes a post has achieved to prevent the growing obsession with out-liking everyone else. I think this is an idea that needs to be rolled out across the globe, so that the focus goes back to the content itself, rather than the popularity of the poster.

      1. > I learnt yesterday (from watching ABC Behind the News…

        Wow, that show is still on?!? We were watching it in primary school in 1987.

        Edit: Looks like it started in 1968. Today I learned!

    2. Sometimes, people will be on Instagram just to be part of a community and that is the reason why they are on it. They like to see what their favourite celebrity is doing and maybe even try to interact with them. It used to be that we buy magazines to do just this. The digital world is instant and this is why those magazines are now becoming defunct. Many people have accounts that they don’t post anything on there but they can follow their idols.

      1. That’s absolutely correct, Luke and I am all for following celebrities to find out what they’ve been up to or what products they recommend.

        However, it should not influence or make you obliged to copy their character or we should not feel we need to copy their online activity.

        This comes down to self-esteem where we need to feel empowered rather than down when going online. I love that idea, Tracey and if this is implemented in Australia, the younger generation may not feel low, instead, it will make them feel empowered.

    3. Hi Amanda,
      How do you define real? Do you have an Instagram account? Has the change in Instagram evolved naturally or do you think it was guided by Instagram to be what it is? Just want to know your thoughts.

      1. Hi Luki ,
        Real means, authenticity and showcasing the person who you are online, not the person who you aspire to be. I do have an Instagram account, and I post photographs of my family and friends – on special occasions and follow brands and other fashion icons.

        Similarly to magazines, celebrities and models showcase products or their lifestyle and we follow but, nowadays we follow other people digitally. Also, like celebrities in magazines, we copy idols because we look up to them, however, we should not change the way we are or change our profession because our idols have more followers are getting paid.

        I think we (users) transformed Instagram, I don’t believe it was made to be this way?

  11. Sometimes, people will be on Instagram just to be part of a community and that is the reason why they are on it. They like to see what their favourite celebrity is doing and maybe even try to interact with them. It used to be that we buy magazines to do just this. The digital world is instant and this is why those magazines are now becoming defunct. Many people have accounts that they don’t post anything on there but they can follow their idols.

  12. Hi Luki,

    Excellent paper! Having studied the power of hashtags for my own paper, I’m glad to see others on board with my general train of thought.

    Just quickly, I recently saw an article stating that Instagram considering removing their “like count” in an attempt to create more authenticity on their platform, meaning people would now no longer be able to see how many likes each photo has. As the ‘like algorithm’ is currently one of the main ways businesses and influencers are able to market themselves and their content to a wide range of users, how do you think these changes will affect Instagram’s capacity as a platform for business promotion?

    See the article I have referenced below!

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