Social Networks

What role did social media play in the Christchurch massacre?

Stream – Social Networks

Abstract:  The Internet once represented an advancement in global democracy where the opportunity to share knowledge was no longer bound by limitations of personal experience. Instead, we have been siloed into our preconceived biases and ideology while social network algorithms create echo chambers that can result in extremist behaviours. A consideration of social medias role and responsibility in the Christchurch massacre.

The advances of Web 2.0 and subsequent development of Social Network Sites (SNS’s) such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram had potential to be an active tool in the advancement of global democracy and an opportunity for international unification. The new medium could play host to diverse ideas and access would not be bound by the constraints of time, social status or geographic location. Politics has embraced SNSs, primarily social media as a communication tool, where everyday citizens are now able to locate information, receive and disseminate news, and mobilise citizens quickly for a cause (Hyun and Kim, 2015). Despite SNS’s inclusive format, paradoxically they do not lend themselves to democracy and instead reinforce partisan politics and are a breeding ground for extremism. In this conference paper, I argue that SNS platforms foster an environment of echo chambers that promote political and ideological polarisation, undermine democracy and facilitate extremism.

News Consumption and Dissemination

“Social Media do not show you the world out there, they construct a world to your liking, and as such, they are a breeding ground for echo chambers, and constructions of filter bubbles where all like-minded people get together and reinforce their perception of the realities and priorities rather than engaging with other views. And, everybody assumes this is the world out there!”  Dr Majid Khosravinik

Unlike other web-based platforms such as email and message boards, social media sites bring together the personal and the political (Yu, 2016). Interactions happen in real time, simulating face to face conversation within established relationships and networks. While most direct political discourse is initiated by individuals that are active participants in the political sphere, passive news consumption and purposeful dissemination of information is the more prominent political based activity of most users participating with SNSs (Hyun and Kim, 2015). Political action is rarely an individual’s primary reason for using social media, but instead a by-product of interacting with current affairs and incidental opinions on the platforms. No longer limited to the role of consumer, users of SNS’s are now able to create news and share and link news items within their networks. This new form of mass media has usurped the role of gate-keeper from the traditional mainstream media and utilises its networking capabilities through established trust between participants (Hyun and Kim, 2015).

Passive news consumption is initiated within social media feeds once a user consciously begins a relationship with a preferred news outlet or journalist by liking or following their page or profile, creating a continuous newsfeed and updates, similar to the act of purchasing or consuming news from traditional outlets of personal choice. Purposeful dissemination of this news is akin to sharing something that you read in the paper or viewed on the nightly news bulletin  (Hyun and Kim, 2015), however rather than the limitations of sharing news face to face with individuals, sharing on an SNS grants exposure to a much larger audience with the potential for viral publicity. This virality has previously worked for democracy in the case of Arab Spring, fundraising for KONY 2012, education in #blacklivesmatter and awareness in #metoo movements. However, on March 15, 2019, this virality was utilised to disseminate extreme right wing propaganda via a live stream video of a massacre in Christchurch New Zealand, accompanied by a manifesto of extremist ideology by an individual that was possibly radicalised by the very same platforms.

Algorithms, Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles

Particularly evidenced within Facebook and YouTube, an individual’s consumption and dissemination of news contributes data to their personal algorithm which in turn anticipates what the user would like to see next. This algorithm continues to dictate what information is made available to the user to create the optimal experience each time they log in. Based on the data supplied, SNS algorithms not only curate pleasing content for the user but also regulate exposure to opposing views in newsfeeds to create a custom experience for the user free of differing ideology. This action mimics human behaviour where individuals will also tend to consume media that supports their preconceived belief system. Known as selective exposure or confirmation bias, studies into this phenomenon when displayed on social media have shown that “compared with algorithmic ranking, individuals’ choices played a stronger role in limiting exposure to cross-cutting content” (Bakshy, Messing & Adamic, 2015) and that moderates were more likely to be susceptible to this type of behaviour (Spohr, 2017). One issue with selective exposure is that the individual is quite often unaware that this thought process is taking place as it is a subconscious mechanism employed by humans to meet our need for consistency and as such cannot be easily altered. This trend is not limited to social media platforms; ideological selectivity also occurs with mainstream television, newspaper and blogs (Kim, 2011) where “liberals and conservatives inhabit different worlds. There is little overlap in the news sources they turn to and trust” (Mitchell, Matsa, Gottfried & Kiley, 2014). Media availability is determined by economic viability ‘Competition forces newspapers to cater to the prejudices of their readers, and greater competition typically results in more aggressive catering to such prejudices as competitors strive to divide the market” (Mullainathan & Shleifer, 2005). Further studies into selective exposure have shown that humans will also recall information that fits their preconceived beliefs and hypothesis with more accuracy and are often overconfident in their personal political understanding.

When these predispositions and self-surety are combined with the filtering capacity of SNSs and the algorithms employed to personalise the user’s experience, it can create a potentially dangerous silo of polarisation that can undermine democracy (Spohr, 2017). Curation of the online experience has raised concerns that individuals now exist in an echo chamber or “filter bubbles” (Pariser, 2012), where users are only exposed to likeminded content that reinforces their existing position on political matters. These users are then able to form groups of like-minded individuals that collectively will not engage with opposing ideas, reinforcing preconceived beliefs en masse and creating political polarisation (Spohr, 2017). “Echo chambers are not about new ideas or (critical) perspectives, they are about how well or effectively the group members reiterate the same idea/belief” (Khosravinik, 2017). The establishment of polarisation results in individuals no longer participating in the democratic process of informed voting but instead using their vote to affirm allegiance to a party or group. Then can create an environment of othering where individuals place more worth towards their own group and regard people on the opposing side in an overly negative light. Research has shown that individuals within these homogenous groups may also adopt a more extreme stance within the group to advance their position (Spohr, 2017). If the individual’s views support notions associated with racism, nationalism or discriminatory ideals, this could also create an environment that nurtures violence, radicalism and extremism. The algorithms themselves do not necessarily point towards left or right ideology, however in some cases, such as YouTube will direct the user to more extreme content.

Extreme Algorithms

Zeynep Tufekci, Associate Professor at the UNC School of Information and Library Science and contributor to the New York Times, wrote about this phenomenon after recognising changes in her feed while researching the 2016 Presidential election. YouTube coverage of Donald Trump rallies would eventually lead to “white supremacist rants, Holocaust denials and other disturbing content” (Tufekci, 2018). Equally, creating another account that focused on Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders shaped an algorithm of left-wing extremism focusing on conspiracy theories. While Tufekci had started in moderate ground, the algorithm employed by the Google giant to keep people online for longer for monetary profit could push a slight leaning of preferences right into a rabbit hole of radicalism.

“It seems as if you are never “hard core” enough for YouTube’s recommendation algorithm. It promotes, recommends and disseminates videos in a manner that appears to constantly up the stakes. Given its billion or so users, YouTube may be one of the most powerful radicalising instruments of the 21st century.” Zeynep Tufekci

Fake News and News Finds Me

Consumption of curated news has little effect outside of the individual’s personal “filter bubble”, however, the dissemination of siloed material that is not subject to fact-checking can result in viral misinformation, or as it is more commonly known as “fake news”.  The term “fake news” has been overused in modern political discourse since the 2016 US presidential election. Its original use was as a descriptor for American late night television shows such as The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and Saturday Night Live which blur the lines between politics and comedy. Now the term is used habitually to oppose or silence differing political principles. Despite the term being popularised by President Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election when describing mainstream media outlets, research after the election indicated that fake news stories stemming from Facebook consistently received more engagement than top stories from mainstream media outlets. These “fake news” articles were ironically also more favourable towards Donald Trump with “115 pro-Trump fake articles being shared 30 million times compared to 41 pro-Clinton fake articles shared 7.6 million times” (Spohr, 2017). Who should take responsibility for fake news is a point of contention with some accountability being placed upon those that control the technology (Howard, 2016), while those that own the technology, for instance, Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook, are requesting tighter government regulation of the internet in order to stem the flow of fake news (Wattles & O’Sullivan, 2019). While this to and fro debate continued around statistics and election results, no one could anticipate what was going to unfold in Christchurch and what role social networks may have played.

Google, Facebook and Twitter were put on notice in 2018 by the European Commission who have requested the tech giants remove extremist content within one hour or face fines, however, what is determined to count as extremism seemed to be a point of contention. While terrorist groups such as ISIS have been all but removed from the platforms in a joint blocking effort, a rise in right-wing extremism has been slowly growing while discussions as to whether white supremacy and white nationalism are the same while executives and policymakers sit on their hands. Facebook, in particular, has now changed its stance stating in a blog post “white nationalism and white separatism cannot be meaningfully separated from white supremacy and organized hate groups” (“Standing Against Hate | Facebook Newsroom”, 2019) and since Christchurch, has banned related content from the platform delivering a strong message to hate groups (Ingram & Collins, 2019). While this decision has been met with outrage and branded as hindering free speech, it is important to remember that Facebook is a private entity that can set its own policies and user agreements. However, at the same time, Facebook Inc (including Instagram) is unique in that it has to a degree a monopoly of the market and with that comes a responsibility to the public. As a publicly listed company their primary responsibility is to their shareholders, and to keep making money for their advertisers. Zuckerberg previously held the stance (as do most directors of SNS platforms) that social media sites are not responsible for user content as they are tech companies, not media companies. He has since backtracked on that position during a joint committee hearing of the United States Senate, conceding that Facebook Inc is responsible for the content, changing the dialogue around what the role SNSs play in today’s political landscape. Despite these good intentions Facebook still, a month later is hosting the content of the Christchurch video as Facebook’s artificial intelligence struggles to keep up with individuals that modify and splice the content to avoid detection (Cox, 2019).

Who is in charge?

This month Sri Lanka was the victim of series of terrorist attacks, claimed by ISIS and rumoured as retaliation for the Christchurch massacre, the Sri Lankan government swiftly decided to block all social media to avoid the spread of misinformation because it had no faith in social networks ability to control content on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram YouTube, Snapchat, WhatsApp and Viber (Hutchinson, 2019). New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Adern who has stated that Facebook shares some responsibility in the video, has announced “Christchurch Calling” an event scheduled for  May where global leaders have invited social media executives to plan how to “eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content on social media” (“Christchurch terror attack video a type not seen before, says Facebook”, 2019). Australia automatically passed the Criminal Code Amendment (Sharing of Abhorrent Violent Material) Bill 2019 in response the events in Christchurch which will see tech executives serve jail time, while the UK has introduced the Online Harms White Paper which aims to keep users in the UK safe from online extremism. A parliamentary hearing in the UK into hate crime last week observed Stephen Doughty MP admonish directors of Facebook, Twitter and Google who stated “Your systems are simply not working and quite frankly it’s a cesspit. It feels like your companies don’t give a damn. You give a lot of rhetoric, but you don’t take action” (Lanxon, 2019).

Where to next?

While government bodies can instigate change and those that control SNSs should take greater responsibility for the accuracy of what is published on their platform, individuals need to take responsibility for their own agency and be proactive about their choice in news consumption and distribution. Fact checking, accessing more diverse content and being open to differing opinion rather than relying on the “algorithms of their newsfeed and the ideological diversity, or the lack of such, of their social media network” (Spohr, 2017) is a start on reopening the lines of communication and raise the standard of what they are consuming. Studies also indicate that when an individual lowers their standard of what news they engage with, they are more susceptible to fake news shared by connections on social media (Spohr, 2017). Social media has created a state of apathy searching for news as the accessibility in news feeds gives the illusion of being well-informed and up to date as the news to come to them. Unfortunately, fake news and lack of diverse opinion are not only limited to social media platforms as mainstream media outlets have become more partisan in their approach to political reporting, motivated by the ratings that accompany adverse polarisation.

To lessen incidences of radicalisation and future acts of extremism accessibility to  a diversification of voices and exposure to cross-cutting political ideals are urgently required within social media, and needs to be facilitated by the platform by altering the curated algorithm to include partisan information. The current SNS business model that promotes popularity over fact requires action from the organisations and governing institutions and which is slowly being acknowledged. However, in the meantime this responsibility rests with the individual. It is no longer enough to believe you are being kept informed without proactively seeking news, and importantly different viewpoints to participate in a Web 2.0 democracy.


Bakshy, E., Messing, S., & Adamic, L. (2015). Exposure to ideologically diverse news and opinion on Facebook. Science348(6239), 1130-1132. doi: 10.1126/science.aaa1160

Cox, J. (2019). 36 Days After Christchurch, Terrorist Attack Videos Are Still on Facebook. Retrieved from

Howard, P. (2016). Is Social Media Killing Democracy? — Oxford Internet Institute. Retrieved from

Hutchinson, A. (2019). Sri Lanka’s Decision to Block Social Media Highlights Rising Concerns from Governments. Retrieved from

Hyun, K. and Kim, J. (2015). Differential and interactive influences on political participation by different types of news activities and political conversation through social media. Computers in Human Behavior, 45, pp.328-334.

Ingram, D., & Collins, B. (2019). Facebook bans white nationalism from platform after pressure from civil rights groups. Retrieved from

Khosravinik, M. (2017). Right Wing Populism in the West: Social Media Discourse and Echo Chambers. Insight Turkey19(3), 53-68. doi: 10.25253/99.2017193.04

Kim, Y. (2011). The contribution of social network sites to exposure to political difference: The relationships among SNSs, online political messaging, and exposure to cross-cutting perspectives. Computers In Human Behavior27(2), 971-977. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2010.12.001

Lanxon, N. (2019). Facebook Says First-Person Christchurch Video Foiled AI System. Retrieved from

Mitchell, A., Matsa, K., Gottfried, J., & Kiley, J. (2014). Political Polarization & Media Habits. Retrieved from

Mullainathan, S., & Shleifer, A. (2005). The Market for News. The American Economic Review, 95(4), 1031-1053. Retrieved from

Nelson, J. L., & Taneja, H. (2018). The small, disloyal fake news audience: The role of audience availability in fake news consumption. New Media & Society, 20(10), 3720–3737.

Pariser, E. (2012). The filter bubble. London: Viking.

Spohr, D. (2017). Fake news and ideological polarization: Filter bubbles and selective exposure on social media. Business Information Review34(3), 150-160. doi: 10.1177/0266382117722446

Standing Against Hate | Facebook Newsroom. (2019). Retrieved from

Tufekci, Z. (2018). Opinion | YouTube, the Great Radicalizer. Retrieved from

Wattles, J., & O’Sullivan, D. (2019). Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg calls for more regulation of the internet. Retrieved from

Yu, R. (2016). The relationship between passive and active non-political social media use and political expression on Facebook and Twitter. Computers In Human Behavior58, 413-420. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.01.019

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

29 thoughts on “What role did social media play in the Christchurch massacre?

  1. I really enjoyed your paper and saw many parallels with my own paper on how ‘fake news’ and misinformation was used to motivate people to vote a leave in the UK Brexit Referendum.

    I note in your conclusion that you believe personal responsibility is required by users to ensure that they fact check news. As you point out algorithms seem to place us in echo chambers of news subject to preferences and prejudices. I love the thinking around self regulation and education and in an ideal world that would be wonderful. However, I am sceptical and don’t believe that is possible. This change in consumption and engagement of media and news has been swift and radical.

    As Hyun and Kim point out “….social media provide users with more active engagement with news than simply receiving and following it. Instead of being limited to a recipient role, users of social media can participate in dissemination of news and political information.” (Hyun and Kim, 2015)

    Human beings are essentially subjective creatures. I believe social media feeds will always be a place where objectivity is hard to find unless there is regulation. I believe we need fundamental change in education models to equip people with the necessary skills to analyse the information they are consuming. However, for this to be effective across a voting population it will take decades. I only have to look at my own friends and acquaintances to see how easy it is for ‘fake news’ to spread.

    As Howard states in Is Social Media Killing Democracy “….these technologies permit too much fake news, encourage our herding instincts…” (Howard, 2016)

    Even with a focus on educating the population at large, I still think there will be a significant cohort of people who will not be open to counter arguments. This cohort has the means to influence democratic outcomes through elections, referenda and political manifestos. I think governments and regulators must act decisively against misinformation on SNSs or we will see the end of liberal democracy as we know it. That is why I believe strong legislation is required by national parliaments to curb the spread of clickbait, propaganda, bogus news and other forms of misinformation. A Laissez-faire approach or self regulation is not going to work. What do you think?

    1. Hi David,
      Thanks for your feedback!

      I live in hope that people would make the right choice, but I do agree with your scepticism. Christchurch did see a swift change in some aspects of social media – but I fear that as long as huge tech companies are making money, that is what will come first. I think an aspect of agency is also calling out fake news or inflammatory posts when people we know post things that simply not true. A quick Snopes cut and paste will often do the trick. However I do get despondent when I see the same old untruths being peddled to suit any agenda of othering. As an example the “The Australian National Anthem will be banned in schools, repost of you’re a proud Aussie to stop this!” They are on repeat and have been for years.

      Of everything that I researched, the YouTube algorithm that would push the envelope further is what bothered me the most. Incidentally that wasn’t restricted to political views. This is an further excerpt from Zeynep Tufekcis article in the New York Times
      “Intrigued, I experimented with non-political topics. The same basic pattern emerged. Videos about vegetarianism led to videos about veganism. Videos about jogging led to videos about running ultramarathons.”
      It’s all about those clicks. Those clicks, in my opinion, are all about capitalism, and that’s where the struggle is. If I had another 5000 words I might look into that a bit more! There is so much responsibility that lies with the people who make money from social media. How do we make them responsible? I am very eager to see the results “Christchurch Call” in France next month.

  2. * “And, everybody assumes this is the world out there!” Dr Majid Khosravinik” – if you don’t get the real world from SNS’s, or other mainstream media, then I would assume the only way you get it is to go to the locations themselves. However, as David points out in his comment, we are subjective creatures, and so I believe that all information that is given to us should be called into question. Not for creating arguments necessarily, but simply for trying to see the whole picture, if indeed it can be argued that such a thing is possible. Do you think it is possible to see the ‘real world’?

    To reply directly to your argument that SNS’s foster extremism, I think I would agree that they make it easier to spread and highlight negative aspects of our world and people. I am glad you came to the conclusion that SNS’s are just a reflection of human behaviour – “individuals need to take responsibility for their own agency and be proactive about their choice in news consumption and distribution.” I’m not sure I believe an algorithm can be made to regulate SNS’s effectively though. Would we want ‘one algorithm’ to control us?
    Thanks for sharing this article.

    1. Hi Ineke

      Thanks for the feedback!

      Maybe the introduction of a “real news” algorithm could be of assistance. Where items that are known to be false or foster extremism direct users to a more balanced/centrist item similar to The Redirect Method?


      1. Hi MJ, that Redirect Method is interesting, but I’m going to stand by my belief that if people want the information that suits them, they’ll find it.
        If the algorithm spat out better choices at the top of the list, but still included everything else below that, then I think that would be a fairer system. Then people can still make their own choices. Perhaps that’s something Google could work with in their search systems now!

  3. Thank you Mary for a great paper, I haven’t yet sourced any citations to respond however a couple of things came to mind for me when I first read through. I’m certainly more leaning to Ineke’s comments, my feeling on extremism and how people find these echo chambers is that if they want to find it they will whether there are SNS’s to help them or not.
    We have seen this since humans have walked the earth, it may well have been more isolated before people could so easily communicate across the world however extremism has been prevalent for many years.
    While reading the paper on the echo-chambers of anti-vaxx supporters, I started to wonder if there was a way rather than through algorithms or simply preventing freedom of speech, to try and almost force a way into these chambers or groups to present other viewpoints. Yes this might seem a bit naive but I am also concerned as to what the line is between allowing connection and shutting it down.
    I’d be interested on your thoughts as well David and Mary on how that could be managed.
    I’m certainly an advocate for the eliminating of fake news, on the other hand I really cannot believe people genuinely would go to Facebook for their news! I find some of the numbers staggering and when you mention apathy in human beings then are we able to help ourselves? If we are at that point where we don’t question anything we read and just accept the sources that are pushed to us we are in a world of trouble! I like where you are going about educating people David to understand the way they are being manipulated, it should start from schools now so all our kids are aware of this and it might start to drive it out from within.

    Just as an aside, there was an article over the weekend about Russian bots being behind much of the anti-vaccination chatter on social media, there way of destabilising Western nations similar to the US election issues. This is an extremely dangerous and insidious way to start the spread a dangerous disease, in itself not far off the levels of extremism if the outcomes prove to be catastrophic.

    1. That’s a really hard question Stephanie!

      As I noted in my paper on the role of ‘Fake news’ in the Brexit referendum, democracy is in real trouble from those who have the means to use SNSs to influence opinions and spread their ideologies and narratives.

      The Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz or Network Enforcement Act (also known as NetzDG) law came into force in Germany in January 2018. SNS’s have 24 hours to remove potentially damaging material from their platforms (including fake news) or they can be fined up to €20 million. As a result of this step 1/6 Facebook moderators are now based in Germany. This is perhaps practical evidence that the rule is being taken seriously by companies like Facebook. (Collins, 2019, p. 13)

      I think it offers a good base but this will be a movable feast. Regulators are always painfully slow to react and we can’t afford to wait much longer. I agree with MJ and await to see the results “Christchurch Call” in France next month.

      We’re in a real quandary. Do we trust the state to legislate – look at Putin and Xi! Or do we trust private corporations to do what’s right when they have shareholders to answer for?

      Collins, D. (2019). Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Final Report published. Retrieved from

      1. Hi Stephanie and David
        I don’t think that people go to Facebook to get their news, however, they feel so informed via their newsfeeds that they don’t feel a responsibility to look elsewhere. Because their content is curated it doesn’t offer a balanced viewpoint. Interestingly this morning I came across a TED Talk about how AI reconfirms human bias. If you have the time you can watch it here

        Transcript of “How to keep human bias out of AI”
        “But I feel incredibly positive about this technology. This is our chance to remake the world into a much more equal place. But to do that, we need to build it the right way from the get go” (Sharma, 2019).

        I do try to feel this way as well however as I pointed out to David above, while social media is mostly about making money, there is no obligation to do so. Introducing fines (which has been done) might just be the motivation tech executives need to change.

        Sharma, K. (2019). Transcript of “How to keep human bias out of AI.” Retrieved from
        Cheers, MJ

        1. So interesting that you brought that up MJ, a few months ago I read a few articles on bias within AI, based on the way that they are building the AI technology is on data that is intrinsically biased. It is not a great start at all, although now it has been highlighted I believe they will do something about it one can only hope.

          One other thing that came up in a conversation I was having with one of my media colleagues the other day was that as young people don’t read papers (printed versions) they were indeed getting their news from FB, Insta and Twitter and therefore this was feeding them their own bias of news. I did mention that should they be inclined to actually want to read a paper online that today most were behind pay walls so are now not that easily accessible either. This again makes it hard to access news that we might want to read beyond our one liners on our social feeds.

          I’ll check out the TED Talk as I am quite fascinated by AI and the effects it will have on society, I started to get all apocalyptic about it recently as it felt there would be a real parting of the have’s and the have not’s once it started to become part of all our lives.

          1. Hi Stephanie

            It is interesting you mention that because online reputable newspapers are now behind paywalls they are less accessible. Do you think this could be the reason people are happy to receive news through social media newsfeeds – because it is free. Have we become so used to not paying for access to many online services we’ve forgotten that not too long ago everyone paid for newspapers, and therefore (mostly but not always) received news derived from earnest journalistic endeavours. Perhaps we need to alter our way of thinking again and realise that if we want in depth and serious news based on facts and research, we may have to begin paying for it. After all, journalists also need and deserve to earn a wage. And of course we must remember that if we are not paying for product then we are the product.


  4. Thank you for the read, Mary.

    I like your part on fake news. I started to think a while ago that Trump was utilising that term to muddy the waters because there was so much controversy around him and the things he has done in the past. So essentially he was calling everything fake news in the hope that the real news about him would be dismissed by his followers and potential new voters and it would be hard to tell what was real so now they don’t believe any of it unless it come out of his mouth (or more commonly, Twitter feed).

    > “While this decision has been met with outrage and branded as hindering free speech, it is important to remember that Facebook is a private entity that can set its own policies and user agreements.”

    Yes! A point that a lot of people seem to forget. Websites where you submit your own data and opinion are a privilege, not a right.

    1. Thank you!

      It looks like the ban of extremists is still causing some furore over whether Facebook is indeed a platform of a publisher.

      One thing that I do find interesting is that Donald Trump has claimed that Facebooks decision to remove extremists from its platform is a hindrance of America’s right to free speech. As a global platform, its content reaches countries such as Australia that doesn’t recognise free speech as a right. That could be a fun topic to explore!


      1. > That could be a fun topic to explore!

        It is, and I have in the past 🙂

        There has been no shortage of people in Australia who must watch too much TV and claim their right to free speech. You’re right that technically the Australian Constitution doesn’t recognise freedom of speech, however we do have laws about hate speech. So basically, you can call the Prime Minister a dickhead in public however hate speech against people of other race or religions is going to get someone convicted of an offence.

        It’s unfortunate that the majority of people I come across who claim their right to freedom of speech are unaware of any of this but as they say in law enforcement circles, ‘They mostly don’t catch the smart ones.’

  5. Hi Mary,

    I enjoyed reading your paper – you brought up some important arguments.

    As you point out, as a publicly-listed company, Facebook faces an ongoing dilemma of making their shareholders and advertisers happy vs. what’s in the public’s (their customers’) best interests to retain their massive following.

    When I was writing an essay for a previous unit, I read about how SNS like Facebook moderate and filter content based on what they perceive to be the public’s best interests and how problematic this is for a number of reasons.

    Pornography, hate speech, harassment of other users, graphic violence and self-harm are predominately the types of content that the major SNS block or limit (Gillespie, 2017, p. 263-264). Most of these SNS do utilise human content moderators (as well as AI technology) to censor content, but these humans use confidential guidelines set out by the platform in deciding what content to filter (Gerrard, 2018, p. 2). This means that even though these SNS claim to be acting on behalf of the public’s best interests, the public isn’t actually able to provide feedback on or scrutinise these guidelines around what constitutes as offensive content. Additionally, human content moderators are given “only a few seconds” (Roberts, as cited in Gerrard, 2018, p. 9) to decide which content to censor.

    I think you make a great point in your conclusion – “While government bodies can instigate change and those that control SNSs should take greater responsibility for the accuracy of what is published on their platform, individuals need to take responsibility for their own agency”. I think governments, SNS platforms and users all have a responsibility in making the online space a healthy environment that supports genuine free speech and mutual respect and avoids content that invokes hatred or harm to others.

    (References: Gerrard, Y. (2018). Beyond the hashtag: Circumventing content moderation on social media. New Media & Society, 1-20.

    Gillespie, T. (2017). Regulation of and by platforms. In J. Burgess, A. E. Marwick, & T. Poell (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of social media (pp. 254–275). London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Retrieved from

    1. Thank you for your feedback Lana!

      Further to your comment about the human moderators, it would seem in the case of Facebook they aren’t even looking after their moderators best interests. You might be interested in this read from the Verge,
      It also confirms your point about what guidelines are set and how this can differ from what a moderators opinion might be on the same issue. As an example “Autistic people should be sterilized” seems offensive to him, but it stays up as well. Autism is not a “protected characteristic” the way race and gender are, and so it doesn’t violate the policy. (“Men should be sterilized” would be taken down.)” (Newton, 2019). There needs to be more transparency as to what these guidelines are for sure.


      Newton, C. (2019). The secret lives of Facebook moderators in America. [online] The Verge. Available at: [Accessed 9 May 2019].

      1. Wow – that Verge article was such a great read MJ! Thanks so much for sharing! What an eye-opener! I love how the writer describes Facebook’s outsourcing of content moderation towards the end: “it also entrusts essential questions of speech and safety to people who are paid as if they were handling customer service calls for Best Buy.” Not to mention the fact that these people are getting paid slightly above minimum wage to sift through and make moderation decisions on around 400 pieces of disturbing content a day, often suffering PTSD and other mental health issues as a result. “When they leave, an NDA ensures that they retreat even further into the shadows” – not only putting Facebook’s moderation guidelines under a shroud of secrecy, but also their moderators’ mental health issues. This article has made me very curious to try out a job as a Facebook moderator for a day!

  6. Your explanation of algorithms is veryiuseful. I am of course aware of them as an abstract concept, but never actually understood what they did exactly. I especially didn’t know that they were used to ‘hide’ content that doesn’t agree with our personal viewing habits. This bothers me, as it makes it almost impossible to educate oneself on a topic I your not seeing both sides of the argument. It’s therefore very easy to see how this could lead to radicalisation, as you’ve discussed so well in your paper. The legislative changes that are being implemented to protect us from the spread of ‘fake news’ and extremism are, I believe, a good step, but I wonder how it’s determined what fits within these parameters, and who gets to make that call. Using the US example, Donald Trump would certainly be vetoing very different content to Hillary Clinton. Do we need to consider electing additional officials in the future to represent us in the online sphere perhaps? A minister for fake news?

    1. Hi Tracey

      Minister of Fake News reminded me of Harry Potter, like a Minister for the Dark Arts and I would like that role! Vote for me if you see me on a sign in a few years!

      I had been hoping that the Christchurch Call event would address some of these issues, but it seems that a report released yesterday is showing it is a little off the mark. I haven’t been able to access the report as yet but an article on Newhub regarding the report has outlined the following recommendations:
      1. Restore a genuine, multi-stakeholder approach to internet governance, including meaningful mechanisms for collective engagement by citizens/users
      2. Refresh antitrust and competition regulation, taxation regimes and related enforcement mechanisms to align them across like-minded liberal democracies and restore competitive fairness
      3. Recommit to publicly funded democratic infrastructure including public interest media and the online platforms that afford citizen participation and deliberation
      4. Regulate for greater transparency and accountability from the platforms including algorithmic transparency and accountability for verifying the sources of political advertising;
      5. Revisit regulation of privacy and data protection to better protect indigenous rights to data sovereignty and redress the failures of a consent-based approach to data management
      6. Recalibrate policies and protections to address not only individual rights and privacy but also collective impact and wellbeing.
      (Ensor, 2019)
      I am a firm believer that social media is eroding democracy and we need to act quickly. These recommendations look like a good start!


      Ensor, J. (2019). Jacinda Ardern’s Christchurch Call social media response falls short – report. Retrieved from

    2. > “I especially didn’t know that they were used to ‘hide’ content that doesn’t agree with our personal viewing habits. This bothers me, as it makes it almost impossible to educate oneself on a topic I your not seeing both sides of the argument.”

      It’s not that the whole Internet is hiding things that don’t align with your values or beliefs though. It’s up to the user to choose to look for information, unfortunately though too many people like to live in their own belief bubble and choose not to do any research outside of their beliefs.

      1. we’re a lazy species though. If we have information presented to us the looks like news, where is the motivation to question it? When we have ‘journalists’ and ‘world leaders’ (both terms used very lightly here!) spreading misinformation for their own gain, it becomes very hard for the average disinterested person to work out what’s what.

        1. “it becomes very hard for the average disinterested person to work out what’s what.”
          Here here, and as a member of the lazy species I have to agree. Classic example would be the upcoming election. I just didn’t have interest in spending time digging through the internet for accurate information showing both sides of the story in order to figure out who to vote for. I would like to vote as an informed person, but at this time in my life right now it does not feel like an achievable goal.

          1. Oddly my Twitter usage defined who I will be voting for as MSM has failed to cover some of the largest corruption issues I have encountered, yet independent journalists online are doing the hard lifting. @MsVeruca and @MichaelWestBiz are two to consider.

  7. Hi Mary
    You have hit the mark with this paper, I found the information very interesting especially talking about the algorism used to suck users into filters and echo chambers of news. The Christchurch shooting being one of the most horrendous showings. It seems to me in same way we have no choices as whatever you read or view on SNSs has already been through the algorithm predicting your next move. There is far too much “Fake New” in cyberspace which contributes to the cause of radicalisation, this issue we have is to stop this verbal garbage from being published. I agree with Ineke, that Google could work on their search systems to include the redirect method that included the better choices first and the crap on the bottom. In London’s Hyde Park in the 1960-1970’s you did have freedom of speech for all and sundry on the weekends by standing up and verbalising your grievance about almost anything. But that has been taken away today, in Australia in this era it was mainly protests by university students with a police escort and arrests. We have all read about Julian Assange who stood up with free speech on social media and it has cost him dearly with more to come. Did he publish the truth or was that fake new, we will never know.

  8. Hi Mary

    This is a really interesting paper and the subsequent discussion is fascinating. There are couple of points from your paper I would like to comment on.

    “Google, Facebook and Twitter were put on notice in 2018 by the European Commission who have requested the tech giants remove extremist content within one hour or face fines”

    According to the German Law Archive which contains a copy of the Network Enforcement Act enacted in 2018, following a complaint a social media company has a minimum of 24 hours to remove the offensive material but this can be extended up to a period of seven days or beyond in certain circumstances. One has to wonder how effective this can be when the spread of fake news or extremist posts can expand globally in a matter of minutes – the dissemination of the Christchurch massacre live stream is a case in point. People were still reporting seeing the video after it had been taken down by the social media companies. What I find more despicable is that not only did this spread through the internet it was also picked up and shown by traditional media outlets around the world. So one has to wonder whether it is seriously possible to legislate against and thereby stop the spread of extremist views or hate speech.

    “no one could anticipate what was going to unfold in Christchurch and what role social networks may have played”

    In answer to this statement I must defer to Waleed Aly’s response to the Christchurch massacre in which he states “the most dishonest thing would be to say that I am shocked. I’m simply not. There is nothing about what happened in Christchurch today that shocks me.” I might be cynical but when I heard about the massacre I too was appalled and saddened but unfortunately not surprised or shocked. Perhaps this is because of the amount of research I have done into the destructive influence of algorithms which, as you say, allow echo chambers of hate and violence to flourish. However, I believe it’s more than this. It is the reinforcing of these views by people in positions of power, here in the parliament of Australia and in governments around the world. Can social media companies be held solely responsible when the mainstream news gives a voice to those who spread division and hate within our own parliament?

    “The establishment of polarisation results in individuals no longer participating in the democratic process of informed voting but instead using their vote to affirm allegiance to a party or group.”

    Although I believe the social media echo chamber to be a challenge to democratic processes, I question whether such challenges have only existed since the advent of social media. I wish to use a personal example here. My mother has always voted exactly the same way, despite the fact that the policies of the party she votes for do not actually align with her requirements in life or the way she thinks. When I have questioned her on this, she simply states that’s the way she has always voted because that’s the way her parents voted. She’s 76 and has never seen a social media newsfeed. Polarisation fostered by echo chambers is merely one reason people don’t participate in democracy. I believe apathy also plays a huge role. Participating in the democratic process requires just that – participation – which means taking the time to educate yourself and conduct research in order to fully understand who and what you are voting for.

    German Law Archive. (2017). Network Enforcement Act. Retrieved from
    Latino Rebels. 2019, March 15) Waleed Aly’s Powerful and Real Reaction to Christchurch Terrorist Attack. [Video file.]. Retrieved from

    1. Hi J

      Thank you for such a thoughtful response to my paper.

      The issues with adhering to the Network Enforcement Act in terms of the Christchurch massacre was due to a couple of problems. Firstly Facebook AI hadn’t considered the POV type of video image (I personally believe this is a significant oversight on their behalf). The other issue being that once the video was slightly modified, they were unable to trace it – on any platform. It is still in existence today which is just awful to contemplate. That anyone would want to post or host that kind of content. This would point to a need for more human moderation where AI falls down however during my research for the paper I found some harrowing articles on what life is like for those employed by Facebook in this role. If you have time THE TRAUMA FLOOR – The secret lives of Facebook moderators in America by Casey Newton is quite the read. Not only are they grossly underpaid as contractors via Cognizant they have incredibly high rates of PTSD. There seems to be human cost everywhere.

      I also agree with your comment regarding Waleed Alys statement. I probably was not as aware regarding social medias role before looking into it for my assignment (I changed my thesis statement that week), but I do feel what is happening in our society in a whole and the role that our populist politics is now playing. After reading David Newberry’s paper “Impacts of disinformation and ‘fake news’ related to the immigration debate, disseminated through social media platforms by the leave side in the 2016 European Union referendum in the United Kingdom.” I came across the TED Talk “Facebook’s role in Brexit – and the threat to democracy” by Carole Cadwalladr. It was such an eye-opener if you haven’t seen it before (I am going to assume you might have with your interest and knowledge), it is equally fascinating and disappointing.
      Lastly, I agree with your final statement that echo chambers existing before social media. It’s a combination, I believe of confirmation bias and where you fit into society. I am firmly working class, raised by union leaders and had never met a Liberal supporter until I was sent to boarding school. What a shock that was! However, I still meet people on the daily that vote how their parents did and how their partners do. I think social media widens that existing bubble.

      In that spirit, thank you again for your thoughts and enjoy your democracy sausage on Saturday!


      Cadwalladr, C. (2019). Facebook’s role in Brexit — and the threat to democracy. Retrieved from

      Cox, J. (2019). 36 Days After Christchurch, Terrorist Attack Videos Are Still on Facebook. Retrieved from

      Newton, C. (2019). The secret lives of Facebook moderators in America. Retrieved from

    2. “Although I believe the social media echo chamber to be a challenge to democratic processes, I question whether such challenges have only existed since the advent of social media.”
      Couldn’t agree more. And I fully agree with Aly also, although I was a touch surprised that it happened in Christchurch. This is what I found with most of my studies in social media so far – there is nothing new with our beliefs and attitudes, they’ve just been projected online. But because they are online, we need more emphatic ways of dealing with issues arising due to the synchronous/instantaneous nature of information shared.

  9. Hi Mary, great paper! I liked the comparisons you drew between the envisaged direction for Web 2.0 including individuals in collaborative publication and how power structures limit that intended outcome.

    “Despite SNS’s inclusive format, paradoxically they do not lend themselves to democracy and instead reinforce partisan politics and are a breeding ground for extremism. In this conference paper, I argue that SNS platforms foster an environment of echo chambers that promote political and ideological polarisation, undermine democracy and facilitate extremism.”

    It’s quite startling how targeted advertising can be on SNSs, especially when linking your preferences. Do you think democracy could be better served by impartially serving content regardless of what they like or subscribe to, or are people always entitled to their safe spaces as they see fit? How do you think that affects freedom (or access) of speech?

    “The establishment of polarisation results in individuals no longer participating in the democratic process of informed voting but instead using their vote to affirm allegiance to a party or group”

    It’s amazing how segmented advertisers can be in promoting an echo chamber to polarise potential votes, e.g. by tools with Facebook and a healthy dose of anonymity to dodge responsibility until it’s too late:

    “It seems as if you are never “hard core” enough for YouTube’s
    recommendation algorithm. It promotes, recommends and disseminates videos in a manner that appears to constantly up the stakes.”

    It’s quite concerning now that politicians have accesses to huge databases on voters that they can leverage by household to promote a message, e.g. by targeting people by IP location to push a message based on the temperament of people in the area and their past voting habits.

    “Google, Facebook and Twitter were put on notice in 2018 by the European Commission who have requested the tech giants remove extremist content within one hour or face fines, however, what is determined to count as extremism seemed to be a point of contention”

    Interesting that governments are starting to take notice of these issues, with measures such as the NetzDG law achieving a measure of success in tackling fake news, echo chambers and extremist behaviours.

    “Despite these good intentions Facebook still, a
    month later is hosting the content of the Christchurch video as Facebooks artificial intelligence struggles to keep up with individuals that modify and splice the content to avoid detection (Cox, 2019)”

    This is a really good point, something that is affecting copyright with media such as music on YouTube, where people mix music to dodge being detected.

    87% of Germans Approve of Social Media Regulation Law. (2018, May 23). Retrieved May 15, 2019, from

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