Identity in Communities and Networks

How Ownership and Participatory Culture constructs the identity of Journalism

PDF Version available below: Abstract Responding to the debate of autonomy versus ownership, this paper will explore politics of traditional journalism and principles of digital interaction with news, in attempt to deconstruct how the condition of autonomy, challenges standardised notions of truth associated with mainstream media. Informed by shifts in personalised frames of action accommodated… Continue reading How Ownership and Participatory Culture constructs the identity of Journalism

Identity in Communities and Networks

Influencers on Instagram: How online personas are creating unrealistic societal expectations

Abstract The modern society has adapted to social media in such a way that it wouldn’t be able to function as efficiently without it. Instagram is social media platform where participants express themselves with photos and is now one of the worlds’ most popular social networks. This networking phenomenon has led the way for a… Continue reading Influencers on Instagram: How online personas are creating unrealistic societal expectations

Identity in Communities and Networks


ABSTRACT Global communication which was, long ago difficult or even impossible, has now been made easy and possible with the advent of the internet.  The impact of the internet on LGBT life is significant on the sense that LGBT youth do not have to be physically mobile in order to meet others in the same… Continue reading THE IMPORTANCE OF ONLINE TECHNOLOGY ACTING AS SOCIAL FACILITATOR FOR THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY

Identity in Communities and Networks

Online identity: a must for business survival in the digital era

Abstract: This conference paper illustrates the importance of a business’s corporate online identity for a survival in the digital era. In 2019, people uses the internet on a daily basis and day by day the number of active online users are increasing. Businesses that doesn’t have an online presence are often considered to be absent… Continue reading Online identity: a must for business survival in the digital era

Social Networks

How “friendship” on Facebook between unfamiliar persons raises issues of privacy. 

How “friendship” on Facebook between unfamiliar persons raises issues of privacy.  Abstract:  Online social networks have become an extremely large part of contemporary society which individuals are consumed by in their every day lives. Due to the large influence social networking sites have on individuals, many issues can arise from particular networking sites. This conference… Continue reading How “friendship” on Facebook between unfamiliar persons raises issues of privacy. 

Identity in Communities and Networks · Social Networks

Social Media and its Negative Impact on The Female Identity.

Abstract The purpose of the following paper is to showcase social media as a deterrent to authentic online identities for female. The link between social media and identity has been studied and its negative influences on women have been highlighted. The focus will be mostly on Facebook and Instagram for this study. Research undergone for… Continue reading Social Media and its Negative Impact on The Female Identity.

Communities and Online Gaming

The Impact of Online Gaming Society to Individuals’ Interaction and Offline Relationship Development

Abstract: In the modern era, technology has become so advanced that it lets people interact with others around the world without having to physically be there with them. Communities are no longer limited to nearby neighborhoods and physical interactions. This paper will explore the community that is formed through the online gaming community. When it… Continue reading The Impact of Online Gaming Society to Individuals’ Interaction and Offline Relationship Development

Identity in Communities and Networks

Teenage girls feel pressure to project an online identity that conforms to societies standards, affecting their identity development.

Key words:Identity, Social Media, Self Presentation, Impression Management, Self-Disclosure, Self comparison Abstract: Teenagers have constant access to social media through technological devices and so, communication and connectivity is now done a lot through social networking sites. But whilst the younger generation is growing up digitally, it has had an impact on the identity development of… Continue reading Teenage girls feel pressure to project an online identity that conforms to societies standards, affecting their identity development.

Identity in Communities and Networks

The rise of anonymity and pseudonyms in online communities: How the women of Roller Derby have created an identity concealing online community

Abstract: Identity has changed with the emergence of social networking websites. Previously it was understood identity was singular like the body but that assumption has since changed over time with the development of social networking websites and online communities which have penetrated people’s lives in significant ways. Although Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has been vocal… Continue reading The rise of anonymity and pseudonyms in online communities: How the women of Roller Derby have created an identity concealing online community