Identity in Communities and Networks

How Ownership and Participatory Culture constructs the identity of Journalism

PDF Version available below: Abstract Responding to the debate of autonomy versus ownership, this paper will explore politics of traditional journalism and principles of digital interaction with news, in attempt to deconstruct how the condition of autonomy, challenges standardised notions of truth associated with mainstream media. Informed by shifts in personalised frames of action accommodated… Continue reading How Ownership and Participatory Culture constructs the identity of Journalism

Identity in Communities and Networks

Influencers on Instagram: How online personas are creating unrealistic societal expectations

Abstract The modern society has adapted to social media in such a way that it wouldn’t be able to function as efficiently without it. Instagram is social media platform where participants express themselves with photos and is now one of the worlds’ most popular social networks. This networking phenomenon has led the way for a… Continue reading Influencers on Instagram: How online personas are creating unrealistic societal expectations

Communities and Web 2.0

Web Accessibility Issues for People With Disability

PDF Version Abstract This paper argues that the accessibility difficulties people with disability (PWD) experience when participating in virtual communities are predominantly caused by societal attitudes, commercial interests and accessibility standardisation implementation at play on the web and/or offline. This paper will first outline what the original intention of Web 2.0 for web accessibility was… Continue reading Web Accessibility Issues for People With Disability

Communities and Online Gaming

The Impact of Online Gaming Society to Individuals’ Interaction and Offline Relationship Development

Abstract: In the modern era, technology has become so advanced that it lets people interact with others around the world without having to physically be there with them. Communities are no longer limited to nearby neighborhoods and physical interactions. This paper will explore the community that is formed through the online gaming community. When it… Continue reading The Impact of Online Gaming Society to Individuals’ Interaction and Offline Relationship Development