Identity in Communities and Networks

Instagram is a platform where people deliberately choose to put forth an identity not reflecting their real self .

Abstract Instagram has swiftly become one of the most used social media applications with more than 300 million daily users. This paper investigates how the online portrayal of the self on Instagram often does not mirror the real offline identity of an individual. It explores how users make use of the different features of Instagram… Continue reading Instagram is a platform where people deliberately choose to put forth an identity not reflecting their real self .

Social Networks

Social media: A complete toolkit for the success of visual artists.

Abstract: For this conference paper, I have chosen the stream of social media to analyze how artists can succeed digitally. I will discuss about the three tools that artists can use to have an impact on social media: knowledge, community and promotion. Social media can help in the learning process of the artist through engagement,… Continue reading Social media: A complete toolkit for the success of visual artists.

Communities and Online Gaming

Online gaming communities have created platforms where cyber bullies can thrive with seemingly little to no consequences.

Abstract This paper will revolve around the attitude and negative behaviour that is present in the digital world of gaming. Games in themselves have evolved beyond traditional single player games and adopted an interactive online form where players can communicate while playing with or against each other. However, can we actually claim that these platforms… Continue reading Online gaming communities have created platforms where cyber bullies can thrive with seemingly little to no consequences.

Identity in Communities and Networks

The rise of anonymity and pseudonyms in online communities: How the women of Roller Derby have created an identity concealing online community

Abstract: Identity has changed with the emergence of social networking websites. Previously it was understood identity was singular like the body but that assumption has since changed over time with the development of social networking websites and online communities which have penetrated people’s lives in significant ways. Although Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has been vocal… Continue reading The rise of anonymity and pseudonyms in online communities: How the women of Roller Derby have created an identity concealing online community

Identity in Communities and Networks

LinkedIn for Recruitment? No, Thanks

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the ineffectiveness of utilizing LinkedIn as a recruiting tool for screening and subsequently selecting job candidates due to the ease of which inauthentic presentations of self are delivered. Using the works of Chiang & Suen, (2015); Davison, Bing, Kluemper, & Roth, (2016); Donath, (1999); Guillory &… Continue reading LinkedIn for Recruitment? No, Thanks